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Monday, December 11, 2023

Four Men Killed And Four Others Injured In El Salto: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

The incident occurred during an armed attack. 

Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental

A violent shooting attack left four men dead and four more injured in the Paraiso neighborhood in the municipality of El Salto.

The Jalisco Public Prosecutor's Office reported on Sunday morning that a report was received at the emergency number at approximately 3:00 a.m., mentioning an aggression.

Police and paramedics went to the intersection of San José and San Onofre streets, where they confirmed the gunshot attack, so they reported it to the Public Prosecutor's Office, who arrived at the scene, as well as agents of the Investigation Police.

At the crime scene a blue Chevy type vehicle was found with a dead man on one side; 30 meters away another gray Ford Fiesta type vehicle, with license plates from the state of Durango, with a second dead man inside.

A third man was dead next to this vehicle. All of them had apparent gunshot wounds.

In addition, the first responders provided medical attention to five more men, who were injured by the projectiles. A few moments later another man, 39 years of age, was reported dead.

Forensic experts from the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences carried out the identification and collection of evidence, as well as the removal of the bodies.




  1. For fucking up half of mexico is nice to see jalisco state get fucked up by their own cartel.

    1. They will say it was sinalocas but they really have no interest sending armed sicarios there when its clear the government is on cjng side, just cjng raising hell smoking their own guys over bs

    2. Lets not forget chaputo and the good old Mayo 🇨🇺 with the help from FECAL and 🌛 started all this little war, so its kinda their fault mexico went to shits

    3. 9:04 ya andas por aca otra vez Nena .ya te levantaron el castigo

    4. Not a cds fanboy but el chapo as much of a piece of shit as he is he is not in the same level of someone like mencho or el zetilla 40. Chapo never dinamited a child with his dad and posted on social media or killed senior citizens to take their property. Everything bad that happens to jalisco is fucking nice to see

    5. 9:21 yea chapo and mayo only took advantage of underage girls, so tgey are better than those other guys for sure

    6. 10:10 im sure the rest of the narco bosses are saints, F them all but it seems you only care to call out a certain group and not so much the other trash

    7. 9:20 nunca me he ido mi 😭, encambio ati cuando te regaño Sol por andar de lloron si dejaste de comentar un rato😂

    8. @9:21 Chapo is the reason Juárez and Tijuana became a Warzone.

    9. 10:48 no im just including the ones you guys forget to mention, no need to say Mencho and the rest capos are trash you guys take care of that, again i just include the ones YOU forget to include like the good old rapist Chapo and 🇨🇺 cuban boy Mayo

    10. 12:33 I don’t show favoritism to any side contrary to you i call a spade a spade

  2. Add 4 more criminals and chapos mom to the 35k deaths this year under ALMO's watch.

    1. Your way low on that number

    2. You are correct. 35k is way too low. You are not counting all of the disappeared people buried in clandestine Graves. Actual number is closer to double that my friend.

    3. Well in all fairness there was about 1 thousand less deaths in 2022 than 2021 and it was lower than the count left by AMLO's predecessor Enrique Peña Nieto. A thousand may not seem like a lot but in comparison to let's say 60 killed in the 2017 las Vegas mass shooting, one thousand is a lot of people saved. As far as 2023 goes, the year is not over but I'm morbidly optimistic that the homicide rate will stagnate at around 35k. 🤞🏼

    4. 8:54 So you slate Chapo’s mom dieing as a homicide even though she died of cancer? And you’re adding it to Mexico’s death toll?…You’re pathetic! Straight hater. @9:14 And you think the death toll so far this year is double 35,000 huh? Damn! So you’re counting the disappeared and what else to get to that number because you’re still a few thousand short of your number if that’s all you’re adding

    5. 944 as long as we have a narco related death we're gonna add it to the 35k under AMLO's watch. It does not matter if they were guilty or innocent, it makes for great numbers... Consuelo Loera was related to chapo so by default it will be a narco related death. I don't make the rules, I just play by them playboy.

  3. La chapiza les metio una vergizza a gente del apa

    1. 9:34 como donde y cuando? Si vas a dar el chisme dalo completo

  4. Damn ya se les meterion asta la cocina

  5. Ase ratillo en michoacan capturaron al chano peña de las fuerzas especiales Limones gente del mencho en mugíca .. duro golpe a los jaliscos en michoacan donde se estan aggarando a vergzos maziZOS contra el migueladas y el talacho

    1. Falsa alarma mis contacts en michoacan confirmaron que no lo capturaron pero que su celula se estan aggarando a vergazos con gente del talacho el chanda y el migueladas vestida de guachos

    2. saludos @Connor si ya iba a publicar la informacion pero parece que solo fue una celula de los Limones

    3. Gracias por el informe de cualquier manera.

  6. Necesitamos ayuda en pejamillo Michoacán el cuate de tirimacuaro Michoacán está haciendo un desorden ayuda por favor

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