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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Fresnillo, Zacatecas: Alejandro Acosta Pozos Is Appointed As New Security Director

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In an extraordinary council session, Alejandro Acosta Pozos was appointed as the new head of the Municipal Public Security Directorate (DSPM).

The above after his predecessor, Antonio Soledad Pérez, died after being ambushed by a group of armed civilians on Paseo del Mineral Avenue, on November 30.

In an interview, Acosta Pozos declared that he will prioritize teamwork, from the analysis of the reactions of the Municipal Police that have been achieved “in a timely manner” and what the population requires.

“There are crimes that are considered to be the responsibility of the police and for which the preventive police do not act,” he explained.

The new command pointed out that the elements had to be focused on high-impact crimes, but attention was also required to administrative offenses.

“We are going to generate mechanisms in a very effective manner for those types of situations that affect the municipal part,” he assured.

For the appointment, a shortlist made up of Alejandro Acosta Pozos, Abraham Valtierra Marín and Eduardo Uriel Solís Delgado was presented to the council.

Thirteen councilors voted in favor of Acosta Pozos, while Gilberto Eduardo Dévora Hernández, councilor of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), voted for the second proposal: Abraham Valtierra Marín.

Trustee Argelia Aragón Galván highlighted the profile of the new police chief: he has experience as commander of the defunct Federal Preventive Police (PFP), he has courses from the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (DEA and FBI, respectively, both by their acronym in English).

Afterwards, the Secretary of the Government, Martín Álvarez Casio, was in charge of taking the legal oath to the new head of the DSPM.

At the end of the session, Óscar Alberto Aparicio Avendaño, Undersecretary of Public Security, stated that pacification is a priority for the state government and a profile was appointed with great seriousness for Fresnillo. He endorsed that coordination between the three levels of government will be strengthened to continue providing comprehensive support to this municipality.

He highlighted that El Mineral dropped from position five to 33 on the list of priority municipalities in the National Public Security System (SNSP), as part of the work of combating organized crime on a daily basis.

In this sense, Aparicio Avendaño reiterated that "we will continue under the same line of work that Soledad Pérez carried out and the Municipal Public Security Directorate will be reinforced with the arrival of elements of the State Police."

Prior to the vote, Juan Cristóbal Félix Pichardo, councilor of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), asked that the Municipal Police be in charge of once again providing social proximity jobs in communities and neighborhoods on the outskirts, since one of the demands is that They stopped responding to the calls of the population.

Fresnillo, Zacatecas

NTR Noticias


  1. He is probably in MZ pocket . Lately the police has been going after cjng stash houses in some of the last few towns they have presence in

    1. They go after both groups, cjng just sends more guys to the capitol area where the government hits them the hardest, in the city area. Mz constantly get camp grounds in the mountains busted.

    2. I havent seen the Zacatecas gvmt go after MZ in a minute, top comment is right CJNG has been getting busted hard recently

  2. Next headline: new appointment gun down by assassins riding in motorcycle.

  3. He’s el pariente older cousin

    1. If you have evidence that he's El Pariente's cousin, please post it here.

    2. I went to school wit el pariente he lives in Puebla right now his family has always been in the business political and narco

  4. MZ has full control of Zacatecas, CJNG is done there. The last of CJNG In Zacatecas haven’t received the memo that they’re getting slaughtered.

    1. You have more old Golfos than CJNG in Northern and Central Zacatecas. South Zacatrcas is still a battle zone with CJNG. All 3 highway that lead to Jalisco are still batter grounds. HWY 23, 54 and 80

  5. Who runs Fresnillo?

    1. MZ and CDN also have large presence in fresnillo

  6. Sad whenever you hear of a new official in MX, you ask yourself who they’re working for.😅

    1. Who cares now all everyone wants is everything to go back to normal

  7. Que Dios lo bendiga y proteja a Alex. Buen corazón


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