Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Grupo Escorpiónes Takes Out A Variety Of Opponents

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

8 captives find themselves sitting on the ground outside in the middle of the night surrounded by gunmen from the Grupo Escorpiones. The assassins are the armed wing of the Cartel del Golfo.

Every enslaved male has the letter Z painted across their chests. The symbol is a reference to the Zetas Vieja Escuela aka Old School Zetas. 

A hodgepodge of captured gangsters will reveal on film the different criminal groups that they belonged to. As well as every location that they were dispatched from. 

The fate of the captives will end with gunfire to the back of their heads.

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: Which armed criminal cell do you belong to?

Captive #1: Grupo Metros out of Reynosa. 

Sicario: Where did you come from?

Captive #1: Reynosa, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: What were you sent to the state of Tamaulipas for?

Captive #1: To support Commander Chuy and fight for the drug corridor on behalf of the Old School Zetas. 

Sicario: Which group of gunmen do you belong to?

Captive #2: I belong to the Mayos (Mayo Zambada) mob. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #2: From the state of Durango sir. 

Sicario: What were you sent to the state of Tamaulipas for?

Captive #2: To give Chuy some support. 

Sicario: Which group of gunmen do you belong to?

Captive #3: I belong to the Mayo Cartel. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #3: Metates (Canelas, Durango). 

Sicario: What were you sent to Tamaulipas for?

Captive #3: To give Commander Alex support. 

Sicario: Which armed group do you belong to?

Captive #4: I belong to the MZ enterprise. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #4: I am from Durango, Durango. 

Sicario: What were you sent to the state of Tamaulipas for?

Captive #4: To give Commander Chuy from the Old School Zetas some support here in Tamaulipas.

Sicario: Which mob do you belong to?

Captive #5: I am a part of the Mayo Zambada mob. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #5: I’m from Durango. 

Sicario: What were you sent to Tamaulipas for ?

Captive #5: To give Commander Chuy some support. 

Sicario: Which armed group do you belong to?

Captive #6: I belong to the Jalisco group, the 4 letters cartel.  

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #6: I’m from Guatemala. I ran out of funds to cross the border and get to Houston, Texas. So, they kept me here working away. 

Sicario: What were you sent to the state of Tamaulipas for?

Captive #6: To give Commander Chuy some support sirs. 

Sicario: Which armed group do you belong to?

Captive #7: I belong to the Mayo Zambada mob. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #7: I am from Cosalá, Sinaloa. 

Sicario: What were you sent to the state of Tamaulipas for?

Captive #7: To support Alex. 

Sicario: Which armed group do you belong to?

Captive #8: I am a part of the Mayos mob. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #8: I am from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua sir. 

Sicario: What were you sent to the state of Tamaulipas for?

Captive #8: To do security work and things of that nature. 

Sicario: Is there a message that you guys would like to give out to your counterparts?

* A mixture of the following is being said from everyone simultaneously: Don’t bother coming to Tamaulipas, you guys need to make sure who all you’re involving yourselves with, don’t believe a word that people are claiming, don’t trust anyone here, the people who sent us here just ain’t worth a fuck, don’t trust shit they say, we were sold out, don’t bother coming to Tamaulipas for anything. 

Sicario: Gentlemen, we are the Scorpion Group.

Hitmen somewhat in unison say: We are the Grupo Escorpión!

Narco message reads as follows:

This message goes out to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and Mayo Zambada gunmen. You guys are not welcomed in the state of Tamaulipas. Don’t allow yourselves to be fooled by that dumb ass, Chuy, who can’t even take care of his own men. Much less will he take care of you guys. 

Tamaulipas, Mexico

Reynosa Código Rojo

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  1. Whos the guy asking questions? Kena? At least they got a bullet instead of torture

    1. Kena isnt in wartorn San Fernando on the front lines he is kicking it in Metamoros or Valle Hermoso somewhere

    2. Yes that’s him

    3. Go listen to the video of kena speaking with police director it’s kena speaking in this video

    4. 547 In that phone call the cop tell kena how he knows kena got sent a group of hitmen from Sinaloa so it doesn't make sense or unless the group that got sent to him . He used them for a propaganda video

  2. Puros que querían cruzar la frontera puro pedo esos escorpiones ya están paniquiados. Ya cualquiera lo confunden con sicario.

  3. 👆👉👇👈😵!! Quién chingaos entiende esta madre??

  4. What is Sinaloa doing in Tamaulipas?

    1. Getting slaughtered like back in them days

  5. Idk man something seems off .

  6. This shit looks setup with fake killings.

  7. TERRIBLE! KILLING/TORTURING YOUR OWN PEOPLE. Any cartel if Mexican should be ashamed killing there own country men..smdh..

    1. Yeah it’s ignorant , you might not understand but Mexicans are so proud that they not only consider themselves Mexican but they go by State . So my state is better type of thing it’s pretty ignorant oh I’m from Sinaloa so we’re better or I’m from Tamaulipas so we’re better or I’m from Michoacán so we’re better it’s a pride thing. An ignorant thing.

    2. They killed innocent people there's no way all these cartels from different parts of the country would be caught together they would have killed each other first

    3. 9:29 thats a human thing, here in the USA, Californians think they are better than Texans and texans think they are the USA and lets not forget about those New yorkers 🤣

    4. Yep Sonora thinks they’re better than Sinaloa

    5. El Mayo supporting Los Zetas together with CJNG? Something doesn't add up. The Mayos and the CJNG are fighting a cruel war in Zacatecas and not only there.

    6. It's all about the money. Colima and michoacan have the most important ports in Mexico where synthetic drugs (meth, fentanyl) are received. I used to go to Colima where my dad is from always peaceful there's a reason Colima and michoacan the most violent. Mayo has no choice but to cooperate with his former enemies to keep his cash flow.

  8. And not even the professional courtesy of ear plugs, wth?

  9. How tf did this Chuy fella get both MZ and CJNG to support him?

  10. CDG matamoros is coo with Los Chapos

  11. Looks like they captured random migrants and passed them off as sicarios.

  12. Pinche cochinero que hay en tamaulipas con todos los grupos y alianzas pinche desverge

  13. 😂😂 pinches 🧜‍♀️ estan igual de alucines que la 🧜‍♀️ que publicaba pendejadas aqui, imajinen agarrar gueyes del CJNG y CDS del mismo grupo? 😂 este video es mas falso que los corridos del CDS diciendo que son hombres de palabra

    1. Y donde o quien dijo que eran del mismo grupo. En el audio que grabaron con la Kena hablando con rl commandante de la policia se menciona que los jaliscos se andan retirando y que sinaloa anda mandando gente. Ese guey que dice que es cuatro letras como que lo agarraron antes que cruzara la frontera. El no dijo que lo mandaron en apoyo de nadir.

  14. Dudes from different organizations to help out comandante chuy ? How’s does that work ?

    1. Cartels always make some kind of deal/alliance with one another. This isn't nothing new.

    2. chuy 7 es independiente. tiene conexiones con diversos cárteles.

  15. Lol they act like they can take on cjng and mz at the same time 😂

    1. They are doing it in their own state and others.

    2. "Lol they act like they can take on cjng and mz"
      You actually think any cartel can waltz into Tamaulipas and take over ? Bro are you new to this ?

  16. Durango people are crash dummies for the sinaloas
    Suicide mission going to tamaulipas, looks like mayo wants a part of that plaza
    He knows cjng will be there strong eventually so he wants to make alies there

  17. This makes 0000 sense. The CJNG and people from the MZ are fighting in Zacatecas, border with Durango... and do you want to tell me that they are both together, supporting a random low level crook Z in Tamaulipas? What? Lmao.. that makes 0 sense.

    1. No way that MZ is in Tamaulipas. These killings where set up. Most likely innocent people.

    2. Who said they're together??? Or that they're part of the same group, or were apprehended together???

    3. If theyre innocent why their bodies appear suddenly in reynosa? Why the metros felt like they shld pick up the dead bring them to reynosa for a funeral. They are exactly what the cdg matamoros says they are.

    4. @3.11. Because they were being used as propaganda, obviously. Dead bodies being shown on social media get picked up even MORE quickly if they are innocent, killed by contras, than if they were guilty.

    5. These bodies were left in SF.

  18. The Z spray-painted on their chests reminds me of the 2010/2011 CDG beheading of 4 Zetas. Maybe a reference to that old video to claim some of the legitimacy of the “old” CDG?

    1. 7:55 do u have a link to the video u mentioned?

    2. That period 2010-2013 cdg war was brutal man soo many of those videos have stuck with me. That war was between two full on powerful cartels in the same state of tamps

    3. 10:20 r1 used to do this many videos with z painted on their chests

    4. "r1 used to do this alot"
      R1 is in a few videos asking the questions,the ones where they answer "si comandante" Its well known its supposed R1

  19. 7:55 supposedly Matamoros and MZ had a truce

  20. Bien lo dijo Lazcano . "En Tamaulipas los 600's maman "

    1. Tu que as de saber de Lazcano alucin.

    2. 2:29 mucho mas que tu . Ni as de saber quien son los 600s

    3. Lazcano no era Tamaulipeco.

    4. 4:13 era de Hidalgo pero su se hiso de la maña en Tamaulipas

  21. Don’t make sense JNG and MZ working together? But in Zacatecas killing each other make that make sense?

    1. Who said Cjng and Mayos are working together??? Just because they appeare in one of these bideos together doesn't mean they got apprehended together, let alone work together.

    2. @2:25 el mexa youtube channel

  22. Makes sense mz/4 letters have a truce in Tamaulipas more bodies were in SF

    1. In the audio with la Kena and the police chief it mentions that the jaliscos are leaving. It also mentions that they're starting to send people from sinaloa.

  23. There is about to be a power grab in that area.
    A 50 truck cjng convoy was in slp for about a week. There are headed north they just left a few days ago, tamaulipas is about to get hot

    1. I have a feeling your a Halcon🤔.
      Guardia Nacional don't like lookouts.

    2. Cjng is King kid, sorry a few died, for trying to take another town.

    3. Then there is about to be a 50 truck cjng convoy torn up if they go into tamaulipas.

  24. Sea lo que sea a estos les fue bien.
    Es mejor terminar rapido que lentamente ser decapitado o algo haci.
    Me imajino que cuando estan decapitando a un pendejo ese mismo quiere gritar pero pues no le sale el grito. Y luego esta viendo que termine su trabajo el asesino.
    Estos cuates solo sienten un madrazo en la cabeza y luego pierden el conocimiento al instante. Tal ves sus corazones no dejen de palpitar al instante y todavia esten vivos hasta que si dejen de hacer esto pero ya no sienten nada mas.

    1. Gracias por la información eres un buen médico

    2. I always wondered how it felt, it's nice to hear it from someone who has lived through those experiences and knows firsthand. You are one tough cookie.

    3. Nobody knows exactly how they felt. It's a fuckin theory.
      If you've ever been hit in the head or neck accidentally you know the difference of how those two things feel.
      You don't have to be a doctor to have an idea of what is what smart asses!

  25. Release them and let them hack each other then kill them after wards. You have mayos, zs and cuatro letras. I thought they they are enemies.

  26. They were at a nice looking house by the look of the grass and background white fence

  27. Durango and Sinaloa wow that’s a long drive

  28. Bolo de Mierdas ! Estos culeros son meten Los Estados UNIDOs Los Mandas a la Verga ! Orale Metros O Escorpiones! Chingen a Su Madre! Bola de Panochas!

  29. They practiced their lines and said what had to be said in exchange for a swift shot to the head, as opposed to torture.


  30. When are durango people going to understand that sinalolas aren't their freinds only their crash dummies?

    1. Juarez an Golfo Cartels have totally regained their Plazas. The southern cartels are warring therefore the are scrambling to keep supply lines live. Always trying to sneak around the plaza tax and send small fish to protect product.

    2. Most of the sinaloa scum reside in Durango, thats how all ways had been, chapo, guamo, even mayo (rumored) live in Durango side. They live in the Sierra de Durango, cause the sinaloa side is shit. Don't wonder why mostly all people from the "sinaloa" cartel are from Durango. I rather call the Durango cartel.

  31. Being in that situation is as serious as cancer,some desperate gente

  32. Is it possible that this video is fake? A setup of sorts by the Jalisco youtubers knowing well they are getting slaughtered in el ZACATE. Seems unlikely Mayiza would ally itself with CJNG after the carniceria left in Zacatecas.


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