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Sunday, December 24, 2023

In Guanajuato, 45 Police Officers Have Been Murdered So For In 2023

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

So far in 2023 and 9 days before the end of this very year 45 police officers have been murdered in the state of Guanajuato. 

21 deaths have been registered in the city of Celaya, positioning it as the most violent municipality for security forces. 

In addition, 11 of these 46 municipalities make up the list of police officers killed in the state where 42 municipal policemen have been murdered, two elements from the national guard, and also an element from the State police force.

According to the list generated by Milenio through news notes and journalistic accounts the 45 elements killed are distributed as follows: 

Celaya with 21; Tarimoro 5; Irapuato, San Francisco del Rincón and Valle de Santiago, 3 each; Cortazar, Guanajuato, Salamanca and Silao 2 each; León and Juventino Rosas 1 each.

In the tally of 45 elements murdered so far in 2023, 31 are men and 14 are women.



  1. Cártel de Sinaloa & CDG Los Escorpión are saving LOS Marros from elimination …..CJNG is their common enemy

    1. This is like allies vs axis
      Cjng - metros - quinteros - linea
      Cds - escorpiones - marros - C.U

    2. 9:35 government is saving cjng from being kicked out of GTO

    3. I when to GTO over at the beginning of 2023:and in a post here on BB talking about the war in GTO between Marros and CJNG . I commented how CDS was starting to send sicarios to GTO and how small ranches where starting to go from CJNG back to Marros and how it was eventually going to make it's way to the cities. Got called a groupie and CDS nuthanger by the CJNG internet army. And yet supposedly those Internet kids know more than us people that actually go to Mexico yearly lol

    4. Marros just stay killing people at events & parties. The fiscalía protects the marros. You got CJNG fight ex CJNG & marros and marros fighting ex marros & CJNG. A lot of ppl dying are independent drug sellers. A person I knew killed 2 CJNG before they went inside and killed his son and cut him in pieces and then same thing happened to him. A lot of young Gto are coming to LA cuz CJNG are looking for them

  2. CJNG are getting slaughtered in Guanajuato and Zacatecas.

  3. El Señor Flaquito is all well and recovered. He is being protected 24-7 by El Commandante Cebollas leader of the the Flaquito Special Forces unit.
    Word on the streets is that Sicario #006 was given the green light to take him out. He entered Tijuanna via Halo jump from a CIA specially modified Cesna and currently performing reconnisance.

    Special Collection Service Think Tank.

    1. Flaquito does not command CIA attention, what are you smoking, Chapitos, Mencho, Mayo, on top of food chain.

    2. Flaquito the grasshopper

    3. 1136 doesn’t get the joke.

  4. And yet USA think Mexico is not doing enough to fight crime and that US citizens are the ones dying.

    1. Would be easier for US to send some help to fight off crime but they prefer to send help to other foreign countries instead of their neighbors lol. And then they complain about drugs coming in.

    2. 12:32 if only you knew...USA sends millions yearly in Aid to fight the war on drugs.

    3. 857 i doubt that. They do send help but millions ? Lol don’t believe it.

  5. My family in my hometown penjamo GTO tell me that the cops there are asholes. They treat people like trash, they talk down to them and they stop you without any motive. I don’t know if they are real cops or just narcos in police uniform.

    1. Of course you 🐴 horse it's Mexico. In the US they need probable cause.

    2. Nah , even in the states some cops are like that.

  6. Are you sure they are real cops being killed ? Lol , in some parts of Guanajuato is well known that after dark , cops leave their police trucks to the narcos so they can patrol the city without anyone noticing.

  7. You misspelled “Far” , EINSTEIN 🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. Only 45? Tickle me Elmo can do better. Make it 200 cops next year. Sad reality I Mexico, 200 cops being mirdered next year might not be far fetch.

  9. So far in 2023, 42 police officers have been killed in the line of duty in the U.S. The murder rate of police in Guanajuato is more than 60 times that of the U.S. Of course some of those police were on the narco payroll, but many were also honest and hardworking. For the dishonest police, burn in hell. For all of the honest police, D.E.P.

    1. And the USA has 200 million more people living there.

  10. Flaquito runs the plaza for caf go look at his arsenal of guns if you think I’m lieing he made a deal with the cops to hand over those guns for freedom

  11. @Team BB — I got a hot one for you!

    A high-ranking Mexican Mafia member from California, who’s been on the run for over two decades, has recently been found dead in Mexico… I don’t see any news outlets having this info yet, so maybe you can beat them to it ;)

    According to the video, he was the boss of Piedras Negras but I can’t say for sure which cartel… sounds like it was CDS possibly Chapitos. Either way he was found under a bridge and I imagine local outlets reporting soon.

    Paz — 🦉


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