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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Is He Already Gone? Death of El Mencho Announced In Narco Ballad

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A narco ballad about the death of "El Mencho" is released on Youtube, in social networks, parts of the song have already gone viral. The song "Ya se fue" is performed by singer Ricardo Lobo, on the channel known as Doble RR Records, announcing the death of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) also known as "El Cartel Cuatro Letras (The Four Letters Cartel)".

The Youtube channel also states that the song was written by Jesús Manuel Rodríguez, so far it has achieved 3.2 thousand reproductions, just a few hours after its release.

The death of "El Mencho", Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, has been speculated for several years. In addition, it has been said that El Mencho suffers from a terminal illness that could end his life at any moment.

We leave you the lyrics of the song "Ya se fue" that talks about the death of "El Mencho".

He has left the world,
after so many battles,
of ups and downs,
he had to lose one,
always faithful.

Four letters in control,
at the head of his criminal organization,
with high-powered weapons,
today he looks strong,
his absence is noticeable,
at last the head of the organization fell,
death came for him.

While he lived, they could never touch him,
dead, he can no longer be.

When they walked through the mountains,
in armored vehicles with plate carriers,
they could not do it.

With their patrolling team,
of the operative in command,
the head of the cartel.

Today his roosters no longer crow,
they are sad.
Mr. Mencho is gone.

He died as he always wanted,
quietly, without making noise,
he was always a reserved individual.
Feared, also loved,
respected by his people,
his word was law.

His criminal organization is no longer heard
on the frequencies of his radios,
his voice was to be feared,
regardless if they were police forces or soldiers,
they obeyed the call,
he would only warn them once.

To fall as a prisoner was not in his plans,
he died alive and free.


  1. We know how accurate these corridos are. There's no evidence of Mencho's demise. Perhaps he is trying to set up a narrative that he is deceased as he sees the increasing number of narcos being sent to the U.S. Unfortunately for him the U.S. will not stop looking for him until they have definitive evidence of his death.

    1. It would be a smart move..

    2. Rumor es gente de nayarit entro a un hogar matando a tres individios 2 hombres 1 mujer mayors de edad, una bolsa de saline 2500mg aun lado de un Lazyboy circa 2007. Ya tenian mas de dos messes plantados en esa communidad, limpia virdios vendedor solar. Llego el mencho a un cafecito Todo bien cuando tropas un culiadon. Los matones no alcanzaron ni la calle cuando valieron sheet igual. Gracias forgezen otro gallo
      el e1

    3. Mencho se aculo cuando salio el papa de 03 y se hecho a perder le tuvo que dejar el trono a un verdadero Valencia la samgre llama

    4. Increase of narcos being sent to the U.S? But AMLO isn't doing chet, he's incompetent remember?

    5. 11:34 AMLO is a U.S puppet, gringos say jump AMLO says how high? Lol
      He's still a NARCOPRESIDENT but the gringos are the ones that call the shots 💯

  2. Va estar cañón la mala influencia que le dejó al mundo este cabron si es que en verdad ya se nos fue

    1. Igual que tus papis los CDS

    2. 2:06 Los meros reyes del cartel como don Mayo

    3. 11:04 *RATAS*
      Fixed that for you.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Part of the scheme to perpetuate his fake death?

    1. lol this would be the only way I would believe it..

  4. I think he is still alive and is going to try to push this narrative

  5. Mencho really trying to fake his death

  6. there's a corrido on YouTube that says el 090 is in charge now and that mencho can kiss his ass ,its about a year old..when we all know el 090 is indeed still a capo within the organization an hasn't gone rogue.. so more misinformation id say

    1. How can you trust any information from a cartel?

  7. Where is the like button for comments? This site can be bigger than Facebook.

    1. Dont know if you are new or have been following since its infancy, but it has been our eyes to the crazy shit going on in the underworld. Z started it all . And yes i hope it blows up worldwide.

    2. Should also add a translation button so we can read the Spanish comments as well.

  8. I believe a war would happen within the cartel if he was dead, but then again a corrido has to be approved especially if it's saying he's dead.

    1. 1110 People like Mencho and Mayo are not dumb power has already been past. CJNG is here to stay just like CDS.

    2. Two of the most powerful cartels in Mexico for sure

  9. It can backfire! People will start selling that Mencho is dead and no one in control. Places like Tecate, Zacatecas, Chipas will be first place where rivals are going to make people switch sides.

    1. All plzas owned by Sinaloa lmao

    2. Chiapas is in the process of being taken over by Jalisco. Especially in the Sierra Madres. I know. I was just there. Sinaloa is letting it happen

    3. Maybe that’s what they want… more chaos..

    4. Good way to suss out those who are loyal… and not

  10. Jaliscofan boys 😲

    1. If your a cds fan just say that.

    2. 1:47 You’re projecting yourself, to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way.

  11. I'd say he is feeling the heat in jalisco with all the operations going lately and they might be close to him so he wants to push the issue of his death.. even though the guy is sick y tarde o temprano se lo va a cargar la huesuda a reunirse con el mon CAF barbas BLO tormenta CDG lazcano Zs chino anthrax nacho coronel CDS todos en el infierno

  12. Mencho is alive and running shit. There’s no way these mfs are that united with no warring factions in one mob. Just shows he rules with an iron fist while he still around. Everyone falling in line while he still here

    1. Not bases on this song! Mencho is dead

  13. From a musical point of view, and disregarding the vocal track, this is a very catchy way to announce the death of a criminal.
    You could use this backing track to sell ice cream at the county fair.
    Shouldn't it be more sombre and funereal, something adagio (60-75 beats per minute) or lento (40-45 bpm)?

    1. Hell, it could be the new anthem for the national soccer team!

    2. Well if the song says so then it must be true.............

  14. Although I have 0 knowledge of the inner workings of cartels not do I claim to but I think if we take a step back and think about if he’s really dead or not we will all come to the same conclusion. In this world we live in today practically nobody can keep a secret these days even if their lives depended on it. So the idea that more than likely multiple ppl would know if he was actually dead and not one of them at any point told someone else or spilled the beans is almost ridiculous to believe with how much ppl gossip and rat on things these day. Just my thought at least

  15. You’ll know his gone when they do a huge public funeral for him at least lol.

    Who wouldn’t fake being dead / let rumours circulate about being ill health etc

    If you were one of the most wanted men by governments.

    Show boating and making appearances gets you nowhere but jail in the US

    1. When have you ever seen a huge public funeral for a cartel boss?

  16. The violence in ZMG and Jalisco area sierras will be intense and instant, or near instant, and noticeable if Mencho goes. I don't even believe he's sick.

    how often does Mencho even coordinate or commission corridos?

    1. Yeah, I think you are right that things would blow up right away. Just the way CJNG does the narcobloqueos whenever somebody gets arrested and there are intense maneuvers it would be evident.

  17. Smart move by a El Mencho. Pushing the narrative to get the heat off.

    1. It has nothing to do with Mencho trying to take the heat off. The authorities tracking his movements but being unable to move in without fucking up delicate alliances aren't going to believe a Narcocorrido, and Mencho is fully aware of that.

  18. Tired of these stupid speculations every six months, just wait until the government or the DEA officially announces this, and until then it remains rumors.

    1. Not speculations Mijo, he died during the Covid Crisis, in February 2022, complications to the lungs and Covid. I am sure all in that Cartel want to keep you all belieaving he is alive. His Lt's are running the show. My intel was from neighbors that live near the hospital, he died at. And don't bite me with a 100 questions.

    2. Obviously his best buddy. Telling us the truth while saying a friend of a friend of my neighbor knows

    3. @3.28. Your neighbours live near the hospital he died in?. Bodyguards in the carpark and no visitors allowed cos of armed men in trucks, so it must have been Mencho?
      I heard that from so many people who live near private hospitals in Jalisco. Then he was ''taken off the Most Wanted List'' (but wasn't really). I'm not going to bite you with 100 questions, just one. Where do your neighbours live? Not next door obsv, or I'd be asking you where you live.

    4. I have been telling you all believers that Mencho is dead, but were in Denial, that he is alive. He died for sure, if you looked at the last photo of him, he was frail, lot body weight, had two health issues, going against him. I am no going to force the non believers, to believe me. Think what you want to think. Like many of you say DEA is going grave to grave to check his DNA keep dreaming. They don't do that in Mexico.

    5. He prob lost weight from stress of running eventually it would weigh on anybody .... Prob doesn't sleep well ... Plus the rivals ... The battles .... It'll age u .... Maybe it was just the lighting in the pic

    6. LOL, his last photo, he looked ''frail''? You don't mean the last DEA released photo do you? There is only one photo I can think of, which is the one where he is droopy eyed, and I guarantee that was one of 5.

  19. La Vaca said it best. Mencho is dead and he isn’t taking orders from anyone else.

    1. That was years ago, and it was based on a change in Menchos location and the offer of a better deal. He also said he had balls so big they practically drag on the ground, but when caught he had bottle glasses and a scarlet satin bomber jacket looking fat and grumpy, so I wouldn't take cow man seriously.

    2. Vacas people still fighting in Colima. That’s still going

    3. 5:36 i would of went to the doctor to check my balls of they were dragging on the ground

    4. @536 — don’t forget the different handwriting and signature..

  20. Mencho son daughter under surveillance in U.S. custody. The word would of been out.

    1. Si verifican el ADN de hijo y lo comparan al muerto y si da pues esta muerto pero si verifican ADN con su hija y el muerto que aparece pues es su papa pero hece no es mencho y las pruebas me remito

  21. This song was written since last year. It was played on a YouTubers channel around the middle of the year. La Vaca certainly thought it was true. Los Pájaros Sierra F up with the massacre not go rogue. Karl Mori said he was still after RNOC. Who knows.
    Maybe he's following the path of JJEM.
    "Delta 1,
    Eyy quién habla,
    Mira bien hdtpm,
    Soy Mencho buey..."

  22. Just like Juan Jose esparragoza el.azul does anyone even know for sure whether he is alive or dead ?

    1. Connor like the other guy a few days ago told you , he been dead. And you told him you saw Mencho In Redwood City California.
      You think his sickness was going to keep him alive forever?

    2. Does Mencho possibly visit the Chavez supermercado?!

    3. 319 no no no yo nunca dije que lo mire yo dije que por esos rumbos tiene mucho familiares y en los antros Aya en bay area se ven .. don't put too much sauce on the taco now chief

    4. Well I remember da Connor saying too that he was in Redwood City, now that this has come up, you changing your story like grasshoppers change to another Cartel.

    5. Yeah Mencho flew half his cartel gunman to Redwood City to go visit his old slanging grounds para demostrarles los huevos que se carga al USA.🤦‍♂️

    6. Este Connor esta Marijuano, no sabi lo que dice.

    7. I want Emma what a smokeshow

  23. Algo si le digo varias veses le toko ir al frente apeliar no como otros jefes

    1. Si por que en ese tiempo era Gato y fiel perro

    2. 5:56 la veces que lo han intentado capturar a tirado plomo

    3. 622 que tal de la vez que si lo capturaron y negocio

    4. 9:43 Seguramente lo solto SEMAR por buena onda jajaja.

    5. 7:36 nomas para que mires que ningun narco mugroso puede con el ejercito

  24. Por mi que sea verdad. Y que sea igual se deceso como le ha hecho a policías y militares.

  25. It’s been actually 3 year’s ago there was cell’s already started to seperate cause they even thought he was was dead and yes here in Tijuana there was said he had diabetes and kidney disease also haf cirrhosis,me personally I think he’s dead even the way power was passed on when rumors circulated and DEA and CIA lost his track and if thosr guy’s loose you’re track there something there

  26. I dunno if dude is dead or alive, but roosters don't just stop crowing for no reason at all..

    1. ..and they never leave their coup..

    2. roosters stoped crowing? no way!! just like the chapo stops the world corrido guy jajajajaja

  27. Pinchi corrido sarra

  28. It's in a corrido it must be true. Every dip shit in Sinaloa says this is 110% real sense its in a corrido. We must never ever question them. Corridos don't lie Corrido lives matter.

    1. Little secret to you in Mexico you can’t write a corrido without first being approve by the boss if not it could be a dead sentence , you cannot write a corrido about el Mencho being dead 😵 if it wasn’t approved first

    2. 4:00 so you are saying mencho gave the t👍 to say he was dead?

    3. Maybe whoever was left in charge or maybe his family or even him if he’s faking he’s dead

    4. 9:30 but in Mexico you can’t just write a corrido of some made up story without authorization of someone

    5. 3:05 you believe the corridos . Always bringing them up . There is corridos which are true and there is corridos that are starting up fantasy made belief. Music is music kid. look at rap for example. You got songs where you know the singer lying is straight up then you got OGs saying their real shit in music. Don't take it so serious

    6. 1101 we are not dumb we know Menchos alive. He just authorized the song. But all you CDS fans better hope he's not dead or CJNG successfully passed on power.

    7. 1006 calm down buddy trying to start arguments trying to defend your favorite cartel.

    8. 9:48 even if the corrido sounds like a fantasy and fake but it has to have permission to be recorded in Mexico I’m talking about or arguing if what’s in the corrido fake or real the point is that you can’t just write it because you want to

    9. 1:23 oh yeah for sure but do you see the name of the record company the artist belongs too? In my humble opinion it's just propaganda a false narrative. He is still alive

    10. corridos lie and corridos tell the truth, all depends.

  29. The very last lyrics pretty much say he's still alive 😆

  30. Can you guys hurry and post the story of la famila vs the the civilians that led to el comandate payasos death

    1. comandate payasos,ironic that motherfucker was burned,commandant?Its great to see the sicarios running like chickens and townspeople chopping at their necks,one LFM sicario his sister called townspeople dogs they didnt even have time to run away,actually he did run but he got caught

  31. Puta madre, if I'm feeling this sad right now, I can only imagine how his roosters feel.

  32. Meanwhile, the USA alphabet soup agencies are like yeah right.

  33. To all the fools saying he faked his death, why would he pick some low level artist to push this narrative? He’s probably dead, if y’all really knew about corridos you would know you can’t even say these things as a joke much less a song

  34. If anyone could pull off a fake death and disappear it’s Mencho but the DEA isn’t gonna ever believe it he just has to find a deep cave.

    1. @5.39. That whole ''fake your death'' bullshit is a fantasy, and always has been. If there was one person on the planet who would be incapable of faking their death it would be Mencho. He is wanted by dozens of agencies that are in competition with each other. He'll be hiding till he dies.

  35. Shouldn't it be Ya Se Chingo not Ya se fue

  36. Mencho fake his own death so he can go to Disneyland in Florida to campaign with desantis or trump.

  37. We should all hope the rat bastard is dead,dont think he is tho.

  38. Who was more secretive than Lazcano,and when he was lying on a slab the fangirls just couldn't believe it.
    CDG cmdts have played this game

    1. Eight out of ten people I met who said Lazcano was handsome were men. I'm not kidding. Girls prefer chapitos bcs of their white looks

  39. Si mire ,es un cantante de Chicago creo ,y en los comentarios afirmaba que el corrido estaba autorizado,puede ser para distraer al público como lo hizo el azul Juan José

    1. Eso que iva desir esta igual de muerto que el azul

  40. Busted a señor de los cielos huh

  41. You guys its stated in a narco corrido so it has to be true.......

  42. The corrido says he's still alive at the end
    Doesn't it?

  43. I wish I had four hands , so I could this lame song four thumbs down 👎🏼 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

    1. Only need two hands for four thumbs mang

    2. I wish I was an Octopus, so I can beat up every one in here.🤣

    3. What kind of hands do you have with 4 thumbs. Bet your mijo loves you.

    4. 2:56 obviously failed human anatomy

  44. Markitos toys taking out 4 letters

  45. This corrido old. El chimuelo started putting it out there tryna make it popular for some reason

  46. Why are CDS fans so excited? To die an ordinary death without being caught or killed is a dream for every drug lord, including their idols. I think they should pray that it's fake.

  47. Hes not dead! Hes on that show undercover boss, cartel edition!

  48. When he will die next time?

  49. He’s dead for sure . People in Jalisco /Michoacán already knew this.

  50. Me personally I’ve posted in the past I’m born and raised in Tijuana I love my plaza if mencho is dead the way that relationship between Tijuana and cjng was born was a family relationship between Mencho and El Chencho from El CAF at that time Tijuana plaza was Pissed 😡 when El Senor Francisco was Murdered in cabos san lucas , by El Mayo for personal reasons El Inge started killing all zambada people in Tijuana, Tecate,Ensenada,Rosarito cause at that time they allowed CDS to operate in Eastern part of plaza but when that happened to Francisco the deal was off Ofcourse cds responded not with much success but effective that’s were came in CAF opened the door 🚪 to Cjng to enter the eastern part of the city they pushed them out and CAF got there revenge of course the deal didn’t last cause cjng starting with El gross he started betraying the pact he started wanting to take over the plaza that we’re flaquito started recruiting and killing of cjng that’s it with that recruitment CAF got stronger

    1. You love your plaza what a clown cheerleader just because you from Tijuana you think you one of them go get a hobby

    2. CAF is nowhere at the level of cjng, even in Tijuana

  51. The last frase says , dead, alive and free like saying a free living dead, i think this song was more of a sarcasm to the guys who think he is dead, saying in all the song that he is dead but at the end saying he is alive and free, it does not say he died alive and free

  52. Do you Joe has been suffering from diabetes, one and renal failure for several years. Based on my information, he has been undergoing dialysis for years as well and they’ll just say this is another red flag that he passed away and not recently either. Imagine the amount of efforts, the CJNG would bring upon the singer and writer of this corrido would be unimaginable and brutal and deadly. I would say rest in peace, Mencho but there is no peace or rest in hell

  53. Saddam hussien and osama bin laden tried the same approach as el mencho. Pretending to die. The American CIA/DEA are the only ones to tell you your dead. They will eventually find whichever hole he’s hiding in and make him that way.

  54. José Torres el rey del alto mando, le va componer uno mejor.

    1. Ese si lo boy a comprar en iTunes

  55. Mencho or no mencho, cjng will still be a dominant cartel. The structure is solid until they start snitching on each other like chinolas

    1. Is it? Do you think grown ass men will want to take orders from his stepson? If mencho was dead el cuini wld be the top boss. And el cuini is way less violent that mencho is.

    2. @832…cuini is in prison and probably extradited in January! He doesn’t wanna be boss right now especially with his problems!

    3. Cuinis are the financial side of the cartel that's it

  56. Mencho sounds like a name for a for a Muppet! Mencho y los muppets de Jalisco!


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