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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

La Tuna, The Last Resting Place of Doña Consuelo Loera

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RÍODOCE 


Chapo Guzmán's mother was watched only by friends and family

In a private event, and protected by dozens of gunmen who had arrived from Culiacán, Santiago de los Caballeros, La Majada, Tameapa, and other towns in Sinaloa, as confirmed by people who were at the funeral, Mrs. Consuelo Loera Pérez was finally taken to her last resting place: a discreet tomb in the pantheon of La Tuna, where the remains of other relatives rest, including her husband, Don Emilio Guzmán Bustillos.

“We were on guard and we were asked for support, but not because there were very important people, but as a care for the family,” said a young gunman, who asked that his identity not be revealed, and preferred not to mention the faction for which he works.

The area of La Tuna, in the mountain area of the municipality of Badiraguato, had been sealed off since Sunday afternoon, December 10, the date on which Doña Consuelo died, since people close to the Guzmán Loera family requested respect to say goodbye to the Chapo's mother, since it was expected that there would be "very important people", as the sources referred to characters such as Aureliano Guzmán Loera, Guano, and high-level people who are part of the cartel's leadership, including friends and acquaintances of the family.

“El Guano was around here, but he came and went. Because, although he was very attached to Doña Consuelo, he almost didn't stop by the town because he knew that they were looking for him and he didn't want to trust himself, even though the people who were at the funeral were family, friends, and people he trusted," he said. one of the attendees.

“But, even so, that man never takes good care of himself,” said another person consulted by Ríodoce.

“We were not aware that Aureliano Guzmán Loera was at that funeral,” said Sedena sources, although without specifying whether they had mounted an operation during Doña Consuelo's wake.

In one of the videos circulating on social networks, a crown of approximately 200 red roses could be seen, where a ribbon with the printed name of Joaquín Guzmán Loera could be seen, and later another even larger crown with pink and white roses, in the one whose legend can barely be read: “from his son Aureliano.”

According to several local media outlets that tried to cover the funeral, no one was even allowed to reach La Tuna, since 10 kilometers before, near the La Lagunita ranch, there was a checkpoint of three young gunmen who stopped any vehicle that appeared. approached the area, and if the occupants were not known or if they discovered that they were journalists, they would return them, but not before intimidating them so that they would not take photos or publish anything.

“We didn't find out that journalists came,” commented a resident of La Tuna, when questioned about the privacy with which the funeral and burial were handled. “And well, there have always been armed people throughout the mountains, but no one knew that journalists were not allowed to arrive.”

Finally, Doña Consuelo's remains were deposited in the same tomb as her parents: Don Ovidio Loera Cobret and Doña Pomposa Pérez Uriarte. Without greater tributes than silence, tears, and memories.

The mother of a 'legend'

Doña María Consuelo Loera Pérez was 94 years old when reporting to the creator. According to the Navy, “she was the mother of a legend,” because her son Joaquín, Chapo Guzmán, had put the governments of Mexico and the United States in check on several occasions, because not only could they not catch him for almost 15 years of relentless search, according to the DEA and the Mexican army between 2001 and 2014, but they escaped twice from maximum security prisons, in January 2001, and in July 2015.

“Whenever we arrived for him, he had escaped within minutes, even the sheets where he was sleeping were still warm,” said a brigadier general of the presidential General Staff who tried to capture Guzmán Loera between 2007 and 2011.

The person who would have raised Guzmán Loera, not to give up and be organized, would be Doña Consuelo, as everyone referred to the lady.

Walking slowly due to the same weight of years, Doña Consuelo was born and raised on the La Lagunita ranch, in Badiraguato, until she met Don Emilio Guzmán Bustillos, almost 80 years ago, whom she married and later moved to La Tuna, where both resided until the rest of their days.

From that union Joaquín, Aureliano, Miguel Ángel, Arturo, Armida and Bernarda Guzmán Loera were born. In an area where there is no social or economic development, the Guzmán Loera family survived time and lack, and as Doña Consuelo confessed during an interview given to this weekly newspaper at the end of 2015, they were difficult times, and all her children had to cooperate. in daily tasks to be able to get ahead.

“We sold toast and golden tacos outside the house, and everyone helped me cut the vegetables and serve the customers, and Chapo brought soft drinks or fruits to make flavored water,” Doña Consuelo recalled during that interview.

When asked specifically about how she was referring to her son, Doña Consuelo seemed surprised by the question, and very naturally responded: Well… “Chapo.”

The nickname would have been given after a brother of Doña Consuelo went to visit the family after months of absence, and after seeing the infant again when he was 3 years old, he was surprised to see how much he had grown, but also because how broad-shouldered and strong he looked: “There's Chapito the kid,” the uncle exclaimed. Since then, the entire family and the entire town referred to Joaquín Guzmán Loera as “El Chapo.”

Doña Consuelo continued to work hard, but when her son reached adolescence, he began to do the only thing that the young people of the town and the region knew how to do to earn a little money: he worked in the poppy field and marijuana planting.

Life led him to form an empire, and Doña Consuelo found out through the media how she was gaining notoriety. At that point, Doña Consuelo only had one way out: to pray for her son: to ask for her well-being.

“I am his mother, and whether good or bad, I am still his mother, and I only ask God to take care of him, and I ask him to get closer to God because that is the only way out,” Doña Consuelo said then.

Loera Pérez died on December 10 in a private clinic in Culiacán.

Article published on December 17, 2023 in edition 1090 of the weekly Ríodoce.


  1. The old lady seems nice enough, but I wouldn't exactly call JGL a "legend", just on account of the people he tortured to death himself, or that corrections officer lady, which when he was imprisoned was brought to him by force to be raped, no sir, not a legend, a monster.

    1. Say what you want , but Chapo is a legend. That’s like saying Tom Brady isn’t a leagend because you’re a Steelers fan.

    2. Even his enemies would call him "señor " and "patron" while being on the same corridor as him while locked up .

    3. Legends are looked upon, this dude murdered innocent people. Murdered a Cardinal, Kills for money! And floods the streets with drugs. LEGEND? Maybe in your eyes

    4. Canelo isn’t a legend either since he didn’t beat mayweather

    5. 6:46 You need to let go of the drugs kid. Comparing chapo to Tom Brady? Lmao Tom Brady didn’t kill thousands of people. You CDS nutthuggers crazy

    6. 9:56 there is "bad legends" and 701 is up there .

  2. What do you think was meant by the Guano

    "That man never takes care of himself" lol that one got me, sounded like some old lady who has known him for 50 years

    is that translation or as it's written

    1. His own safety wasn't a top priority

      That's the answer

    2. @J

      on spanish it said the same thing I was confused and tempted to change that but I did not write that article.

      journalist Miguel Angel Vega is close to the Guzman family as in has been invited to dinner, personally knows guano guzman and company, also knows personally Ivan and Alfredo.

      here is the line on spanish “Pero, aun así, ese señor nunca se cuida mucho”, dijo otra persona consultada por Ríodoce.

      “But, even so, that man never takes good care of himself,” said another person consulted by Ríodoce.

    3. Probably that he never gets a haircut or a pedicure

  3. Even whenever chapo was locked up the second time he was surrounded by heavy bosses from rival organization and everyone from the exception of Viceroy would refer to JGL as señor and patron

    1. Exception of Viceroy and Hector Beltran Leyva two people who knew him personally and weren’t fooled by all the hype . They knew he was a traitor all along who would turn in whoever to save himself .

    2. Yeah...for sure he wasnt call him Don Joaqin or Senor Joaqin....Hola Senor Chapo gracias por mataron mio hermanito Ek Nino de Oro.....why should General call him like that...juareez Was always big and Sinaloa was axtually.paying piso to CDJ and there is tens of reasons why Viceroy should not and wasnt resoect Chapito

    3. Exactly if you hadnt a personal vendetta against shorty you admired him . Shit they even say that sicko Z40 and JGL got along whenever they meet up while locked up . But even his enemies acknowledged him by his first name and not any derogatory nickname so must be some sort of respect there

    4. 355 no one has a personal vendetta we all just think Chapo is a piece of shit

    5. At the end they are all pussys

    6. 6:26 lol tough girl behind a computer screen

    7. 10:34 no he's just speaking the truth

  4. Guano left before the convoy and his brother Miguel left with him

  5. Legends my ballsack ….. ask Chivis

  6. A tunnel with high speed rail was discovered running from Chapo's cell in Colorado, to within a kilometer of his mothers' funeral. Not this time, Chapo...

  7. Legend para puro pendejo

  8. Good riddance. This evil woman lived off drug money and her family is responsible for thousands of horrific murders. Pity she died peacefully

  9. The only thing Charito dis, was to start a war due to the fact that he never got along with Tia Juana’s cartel….back to n the 90s for those of you youngsters that never kicked it in Tijuas, was safe fools were free to travel and party within the state as long as you were
    Cool and not fucking around… Arellanos and southsides from Dago County had the línea on lock….Also for those that can’t put 1 and 1 together, Chapo had a línea verde from the carnales, complements of
    Popeye David Barron…..

  10. Why do y’all think CDS is stronger in AZ….?lol…….

  11. Also for those of you that are not aware who the real jefe the jefes is….. Carlos Salina’s de…………G


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