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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Luisa María Alcalde, Head of Segob, Informed That "El Z40" Was Reported Missing Since 2020 Despite Being Held In A Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The leader of the Zetas, Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, El Z40, was reported as a missing person in the National Search Commission's missing persons registry, despite being held in the maximum security prison of Almoloya de Juárez, according to the Secretary of the Interior Luisa María Alcalde.

After reporting on the federal government's achievements in the identification of people reported missing, the official said that 197 people were located inside the country's prisons, among them Treviño Morales.

"Here’s the case of a famous character such as Z40. He was listed in the databases as missing, but we all know that this person is being held in one of the country’s highest security prisons," he said.

Luisa María Alcalde explained that the drug trafficker was entered into the database since 2020. However, the federal government doesn’t know who made the registration, since these procedures can be done anonymously.

"On the one hand, it can be reports from people who enter the page and can upload these reports or they can also come from the state search commissions or from the prosecutors' offices themselves, but this is a case, let's say for example, because it allows us to note how it is public that this person is detained and yet when we cross the databases we find him with the missing persons report," he explained.

It should be recalled that Z40 was arrested in the early morning hours of July 16, 2013 by members of the Secretary of the Navy in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

At the time of his apprehension, federal authorities identified him as the person responsible for the deaths of at least 265 migrants in Tamaulipas. The US government offered a $5 million reward for information leading to his arrest.

The National Search Commission database which has helped to physically and digitally locate 35,000 people, has had technical problems such as duplicate records or people who were only identified by a pseudonym.

México Código Rojo


  1. They should just lock him up somewhere and forget about him. Let him starve to death

  2. "wise men never sit and wait their loss, but cherrily seek how to redress their harms"

  3. He prob escaped and moves in silence like lasagna! Giving order to CDN in the shadows

    1. He's not actually missing but only mistakenly reported he was when in reality he's in prison.

    2. Shi- they are so corrupt they prob let him out for a couple mil with an escort and he is back before anybody knows he was gone

    3. Lasagna makes noise when it bubbles in the oven.

  4. Or. The usa should force mexico to extradite him so they can pay for his food and medical care so that some asshole playing golf with his dad's political buddies can make a headline .. while he wears khaki shorts and a 3 button shirt. And says " you know how many business deals close on a golf course... we get it pal

  5. He probably got wasted without anyone knowing about it.
    Zetas did after all want to form a parallel narco government to the Mexican government.
    Shit if the Mexican government can eliminate 43 anti government students protesting with witnesses present they can definitely eliminate Z40 while imprisoned and no witnesses to speak about.
    At least this way the cartel doesn't retaliate against the government.
    Sad that the student protesters had nobody to retaliate for them which is why they were disappeared aka lost much more openly.

    1. Was this z3 that wanted to do a "golpe del estado" and practically over throw mx government...
      Thus why he was gunned down ending that

    2. 11:58 that is exactly what Zetas wanted to do.

  6. When are they going to extradite him and his brother to the US without any Amparos.?

  7. Why hasn't this trash been extradited?

    1. Because Uncle Sam isn't offering him a deal and he will be in prison until the day he dies if he is extradited. He has nothing to lose spending millions on attorneys.

    2. Cause he made a lot wealthy people in coahuila and Texas Wealthier guy was protected on both sides of the fence

    3. As said above, he has nothing to offer. There's no deal to be made. He was the "hitter". He was no genius business man. The original Z's at 1st liked his sadistic and brutal methods. But, his love of notoriety made him vulnerable. He was given up. IMO, the way he was travelling so light, and with that kind of money, suggests he was very comfortable, and probably on his way to pay off someone who in turn had him arrested. Guys like him don't just lay down. Although I'm sure most of the guys he killed were unarmed and posed no threat. Even Chapo, Rey Z, and Arturo had epic shootouts before their capture or death. This guy really thought he was going to buy his way out. Someone close to him gave him up. Someone made a deal, so he couldn't.

    4. Never say never me maybe next year on lopez obrador s last year.

  8. He has to kill in order to sleep. The prison doctor was worried about his insomnia, so he wrote a prescription for him to get out and kill to help him get some shut eye.

  9. Replies
    1. La.mera.what? Go visit him in Chiapas so you can sleep with him .

  10. This mass rapist mass kidnapper mass killer hasn’t been executed yet? Oh I forgot, no death penalty in Mexico. You lousy liberal criminal living fucks! Don’t even try to lie and say innocent people have been freed from death row in USA. The % is tiny and fractional. Kill this pig now!!!!

    1. You're on the wrong site, this ain't no looney alex Jones website.

  11. No new thing z40 has connections with old heads in the Mexican military. As you all know, he has been getting zetas from out prison to do dirty jobs, but also he has tons of connects in the northeast, MX.

  12. I wonder if this guy hears the screams of the people he tortured while he sleeps or is he the Mexican version of silence of the lambs?

  13. He probably turned into an informant

  14. His Markitos toys grampa


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