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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Migrant Smuggler Reveals How Cartel Trafficking Works, WARNS Of Conditions At The Border

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

This week we bring you a completely exclusive interview with a migrant smuggler who has asked to remain anonymous. 

He spoke with us at the El Paso/Juarez border. He goes into detail about how he got involved in helping migrants cross the border, the organizations and cartels that run the operation, how and why migrants are coming over, as well as insight into the treatment of these on both sides of the border and the direction he believes this is all headed. 

It’s a one of a kind, fascinating conversation with a perspective you won’t get anywhere else!

The Connect: with Johnny Mitchell


  1. So Mex cannot control the border, but simple mex criminals can?

  2. Americans are lazy? Mexicans, Canadians, Salvadoreans, Nicaraguans, Guatemalans, Panamenians, Costa Ricans, Colombians, Brazilians, etc... THEY ARE ALL AMERICANS..

    People in the United States are lazy and that's a fact.

    1. Thank you Lazy police 🚔

    2. Not all US citizens are lazy. I grew up on a dairy farm until I was 14 years old, and busted my ass every day of the week. I didn’t have a choice. We had a wood stove, so if I wanted to be warm during the winter, I’d have to cut trees and chop wood. The cows would sometimes get out, and we’d be woken up at 2:30-3:00AM by the sheriff telling us that our cows were out, and I’d have to help round them up and fix the fences before school started. I’d have to wake up at 4:00 to help milk the cows, and summers consisted of cutting hay, bailing and stacking it into the trailer, then the barn. Not to mention the corn fields that had to be tended to. Not many people had to grow up like me, and never had to work for their school clothes, or anything else for that matter. The younger generations were raised in a different time, where they were coddled by their parents, and given everything, so they don’t appreciate anything because they always had things handed to them.

    3. @2:36pm I know farmers are some of the hard workers in the United States, but I was talking about the ones that live in big cities. I've know quite a few from big cities and they're lazy as fuck, but now living in North Dakota and the farmers I've got to know are hard working folks.

    4. Plenty of lazy Mexicans too quit being delusional. And of course, we all know what conscientious workers drug dealers are. The drug dealers with their hard work ethic make the boys in building construction or or the work crews out in the oilfields look pathetic

  3. This nigga said some of them do look like they have Down syndrome 😂😂

    1. Hahahahhaa objetivo en su percepción

    2. Latinos are now called nigga?🤔

  4. Shi- imma buy like 4 or 5 inner tubes and move by the rio grande and float people across for $500 each ... Sundays is $300 each ... And if border control stops us we can say we are looking for catfish

  5. Those Mario Peralta days are over he use too cross 100 people at a time allá en Tijuana need a article of him

    1. Mario peralta the one Chalino composed a corrido for ?

    2. Yeah he was from a rancho(if you listen to the corrido you would know the name) in salvatierra Guanajuato Mexico.

  6. We know our House and Senate do not try to solve this problem. They blame the other side and use it to collect political donations and votes. Reps and Dems refuse to sit and negotiate. This being said, how do you address this.
    The problems are is South America and Mexico and the primary source is poverty and violence. In Mexico, fractured cartels are left without major drug sources. The new small cartels start Zeta style crimes. Targeting street dealers, innocent businesses, and simple workers, farmers and such. They rule with fear and death. They recruit their children, or use their daughters in sex trafficking.
    In South America, the gangs do the same but are extremely violent and dangerous.
    The huge amounts of US dollars made by large cartels, corrupt cops, politicians and wealthy elites has fractured the peso. The poor make nothing now and have no choice but relocate their family or starve or die. These are good people running to save their families.
    What can the US do that could change the home environment to reduce the source of the migration?

    1. I hear you.I worked at a factory from4 till 10 and saturday after school. made 1.65 hour min. Iwas 16 at 18left home with clothes on back.and joined the navy. then went to greatlakes ships.

  7. That’s the 2nd video (after the eme gangster got hung video) where I had to tolerate a guy who talks at 5 words per minute. Had to cut them short it was dragging on so slow.

    1. Speed up the video, you can adjust it to 2x speed and also turn on the captions and increase or decrease the picture quality.

  8. They want the North American Union


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