Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Navy Goes After 'El Primito', Regional Head Of CJNG; Seizes Weapons, Jaguar, Monkeys And Rockets

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The eight properties searched were located in the town of 'Las Naranjas'; more operations are expected in the next few days.

These actions are part of the maritime, air and land surveillance operations carried out by the Secretariat of the Navy. 

The Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) informed about an important seizure of military cargo found in eight properties in the town of Las Naranjas, municipality of Pihuamo, between the borders of the states of Jalisco and Michoacán.

According to the Semar, the properties allegedly belong to a "leader of a criminal organization" and were searched on December 2 through field and cabinet work.

The Marines managed to secure more than 30 high-end vehicles; approximately ten long arms; 16 rockets; rounds and magazines of various calibers; as well as tactical equipment, bulk ammunition and telescopic sights.

Elements of the Sedena and the FGR also participated in these operations.

Semar explained in a press release that they were also able to secure exotic species during these raids: a jaguar, three monkeys, five macaws, four horses and approximately 900 roosters.

Elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) and the Special Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO) of the Attorney General's Office (FGR), as well as the Federal Ministerial Police also participated in these raids.

The Mexican Navy explained that the investigation is in process, in the next few days it could confirm the seizure of more properties.

The armed forces were also able to secure exotic species during these raids.

The Semar and the FGR have not mentioned the name of the criminal leader to whom these properties belong; however, the newspaper El Universal, citing sources from the security cabinet, assured that the homes belong to César Morfín, alias El Primito, regional head of the CJNG.

El Primito has been accused by the Grupo Escorpión and Metros factions of the Gulf Cartel of betraying the criminal organization.

"For the society of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, and its surroundings. The war that has been unleashed in recent days is aimed at overthrowing the gang of rats of Primito and Sanchez, plus they are henchmen, as they have been dedicated to diverting the income of our company to the state of Jalisco, benefiting the CJNG, so that they can take over more states with the money from our lands," reads a narco message that was released in early July this year.

The operations in Jalisco by the armed forces continue after the arrest on November 25 in the municipality of Tapalpa of Juan Carlos Pizano Ornelas, alias CR, head of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) in the municipalities of San Gabriel, Zapotitlan and Tapalpa.

CR's arrest triggered a reaction from the CJNG's hitmen, who attacked the military, who used a helicopter gunship to shoot at the vehicles where armed men opened fire with long-barrelled weapons.

The properties allegedly belong to a "leader of a criminal organization".

This confrontation was recorded by residents of the municipality who captured the moment from different points, in which the military aircraft can be seen firing its machine gun.

According to journalist Jorge Fernández Menéndez, El CR was linked to the kidnapping of Colonel José Isidro Grimaldo Muñoz and operated under the direct orders of Juan Carlos Valencia González, alias El 03, regional head of the CJNG, who is also said to be the unacknowledged son of El Mencho, leader of the "four letters" cartel.

The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office detailed that this person was seized, among other things, two long arms and a short one, rounds of different calibers, five grenades and fentanyl pills, for which he was placed at his disposal for the aforementioned crimes.

On December 1, the FGR reported that a District Judge Specializing in the Accusatory Criminal System assigned to the Federal Criminal Justice Center in the State of Mexico, with residence in Toluca, sent Juan Carlos "P" to trial.

Arrest of 'El CR' sparks shootout between GN and CJNG

The Mexican authorities are charging him for his probable responsibility in the crimes of organized crime, possession of firearms, possession of rounds and magazines, all for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces; against health in the form of commerce and attempted homicide.

The judicial authority imposed as a precautionary measure an official pre-trial detention, which he must serve in CEFERESO 1, better known as El Altiplano, and granted six months for the complementary investigation.

Las Naranjas, Jalisco

Infobae  El Universal

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  1. Goddayummm there actually going after everyone

    They posted one of Primitos houses on Reddit few meeks maybe 1-2 months ago...
    I wanna say it looked like 2nd pic from top

    This is amazing that there actually rounding people up

    1. Elections are come up next year June, expect more raids and captures

    2. It’s political theatre. Elections are coming

    3. How can u say it's political theater when the round ups and captures have been consistently occurring since the beginning of AMLO's term. A lot of the commenters want drastic change ASAP and that's not how it works. This shit takes time and persistence. The solution will take 6 years just get it started and another 6 terms to see the difference. You need to keep in mind that AMLO inherited 40 years of corruption.

    4. Ya it actually is pretty impressive amlo is going after everyone it seems

  2. Ahora si putos. Ahi nomas para que miren quien en verdad manda .

  3. first time government actually goes after Primito.. but do not forget his bother R8 his equally as important and is the one leading operations in Reynosa

    1. Can you tell us more of this R8?
      Noe Morfín Morfín

      Never heard of him

    2. Los Morfín salieron corriendo de Reynosa cuando empezó el desmadre .. del R8 ni sus luzes y si se asoma lo quiebran por lacra y corriente igual que toda la bola de hediondos que no son del norte … Puro Tamaulipas!

    3. Hey isnt primito like the stepson of Chico Jaramillo. Thus how him/r8 are able to expand so much...
      Cuz they have plentu of family help
      Think chico was 1 of menchos people too

      Maybe Marina will raid Arriba pihuamo next
      There might be a few Primito mansions there, I think :)

    4. Si yo fuera la sedena y el fgr

      Me concentraria en ayando al hermano menor de los primitos/r8
      El rayo que les trabaja pa los dos

      De alli si lo observarian tal vez unos meses ayarian los dos hermanos

      Ray es el secre pa los dos
      Pero primito/r8 se mantienen distancia pa que no los ganchen los dos

      La clave es en ayar y vigilar al chavo del Rayo

    5. saludos! mejor que vayan directo por el primito que no pierda tiempo el gobierno

    6. 1011 por eso los train a vergazos a los escorpiones por todos lados.. los metros y zve damdole hasta pa llevar 🤣🤣

    7. Alla por la Huerta Jalisco , Ciudad Guzman Jalisco y la Sierra que comparte con Colima ahi se fueron a esconder los culitos pesados del CJNG cuando los 🦇🦇🦇 hicieron correr

    8. Pihuama is where you can get them... Thanks. Where my reward

    9. Typed fast and tab'd out. Pihuamo

    10. 11:47 por eso la Semar trai culiados a todos los altos mandos del CJNG en su propio estado. No que muy belicos y que muy bravos y listos pal topon. Que puro Delta y Elite . Lo.unico bueno para lo que son es para correr.

    11. Feliz Navidad a los sedenos para que se miren que estan chambeando. No puede la contra con la Primiza. Hay estan unas oficinas y ranchos para que revienten y se miren derechos jajajajaja. Cuantos camiones creen ustedes que se cruzan por mcallen y pharr ??? Tssssss mientras pelean y se matan los indios los camiones van pa dentro. Agaucates limones tapando los cuadros doble riatazo jajajajaja. Hay les encargamos que nos llenen los clavos de parque ,juguetes del academy y de billetes .
      Y patricio pa terreno .

    12. 10 11 . Los jefes no pelean ellos mandan de lejos como debe de ser o cuando viste al george bush hechando bala en Iraq??? Babosadas que dices. Hablas como el chalan que eres. Bañate mijo para que se te caigan unas pulgas de perdida jajajaj

    13. @1:55 me baño pa Que te trages la agua haver si haci te haces un poco de hombrecito .. has de ser de un pinche estado hediondo del sur (michocan jalisoc guerrero) que son más bien centroamericanos que mexicanos pinche muerto de hambre .. vete alv .. y aunque te duela el fundió
      PURO TAMPS !!

    14. Ahi su muy jefe segun tu 1:55 . Pinche alucin mas del monton. Perro faldero de los jaliscos

    15. 12:46 don't worry I feel your safe as long as BB keeps the comments anonymous. So keep the info coming. You might be consider a bot by the CJNG fans but if you from the area I know what you saying is exactly true . Con cuidado y saludos. Arriba 🇲🇽

    16. Like 12:46 said how safe is it to put the location of a certain "someone" on here ? Any way it could be tracked back ? Could an administrator answer . Thanks in advance

    17. 10:57 If you want true anonymity, get a Proton account. Its free and encrypted and there is no advertising.

    18. So if I was to put so so is here . Would someone be able to trace my comment? Even though I don't have a proton account? 2;44?

    19. My side of the woods and we know whats going on, but theres a guy who still asks for links 😂

    20. las palabras de uno de los mayores alucines que ahi aqui en BB el 426

    21. 3:47 if that actor can hack bb yes

    22. 5:00 😭😭😭😭 sigue chillando 😂

  4. They need to go to san luis potosi. Thats a Base of cjng for tamaulipas and nuevo leon. Rioverde, valles, cerriitos , la huastsca has been taken over by cjng. Even in the years when zetas ran that area it was way safer than it is now. They extort everything from stores to the musc groups.gone are the days of nice fairs ect .

    1. 11:13 but but the cjng doesn't extort. Lord mencho forbids it 😂😂

    2. That’s what they all say 😂

    3. 904 aka "the guy who went to Menchos funeral and cried by his casket all night"

    4. There all trash! They need to go to San Luis Potosit! Chop em with from above shoot first then ask questions!

    5. Rio verde, Valles and la hausteca is not CJNG jajaja. Zetas, CDG and Grupo Sombra still roam those lands and CJNG are only in the parts of SLP bordering Guanajuato and Queretaro and the middle interior of the state

    6. 10:53
      You talking about Connor, how did you know he cried all night at the funeral?
      Did you send out a drone to be Metichi?
      Leave Connor alone, he is doing better every day.

  5. Where is the money 👀

    1. Ahora si muy vergeros sel fueron con todo

    2. En la academia militar de harlingen hay mucho hijos de los mandos de CJ. Tambien ennla TMI de san antonio. Para que miren el estilo. Y los de matamoros y laredo andan de no quema cuz jajajaj

    3. Personally confiscated

  6. Lol @ primito being regional leader of CJNG ... 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

    1. Is that not what he is? He’s plaza boss of Reynosa under the CJNG flag. Traitor.

    2. 12:09 calm down CJNG groupie. Notice the cjng groupies use alot of emojis lol

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. 838
      No he's CDG/METROS regional leader. With ties to CJNG.

      CJNG doesn't have armed presence in Tamaulipas to begin with you FUCKEN IDIOT, secondly Zacatecas is border with Jalisco CJNG would entered it regardless of their ties with Zac/CDG factions. Lastly, CJNG isn't in CHIAPAS because of CDG🤨😐???? Estas bien PENDEJO! If anything CJNG started having a much larger presence after el señor de los caballos switch to CJNG and "el Jr gil(cds)" was killed.

      Getting killed left and right on all three states? WHAT!?!? You can't be lying like that man. The only state CJNG seems to be losing is Zacatecas.


      @Sol, you gonna allow this chump to lie?

    5. 1021 and those 🦂 that showed of all their might when the war broke out where are they now????? Mothafuckas getting popped left to right 😂😂😂😂
      That matamoros rap page is full of dead scorpiones🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

    6. 10:21 if it hadn't been for you lying your ass in here...🤣

    7. Righteous sol strikes again! 🫡☀😂

    8. 1:06 pobre alucin pendejo ponte a estudiar mejor . Haz patria y mata a un narco traficante.

    9. Calm down kid BB ain't going no where . 106 109 and 115 down below. I think you broke a new record 3 comments in less than 10 mins wow . You sure have alot of time in your hands . Sounds like CJNG pays you by the minute lol . You should try to space out your comments at least don't let the desperation show.

    10. Calling others kids while making up make believe scenarios in your head? @313

      The irony.

    11. All the cds nutthuggers out in force! 😂

    12. Those damn CJNG bots working overtime this month

    13. 3:13 Your right he typed so fast, he thought BB, was going out to lunch.
      Definitely a paid influencer for the cartel.

  7. Mencho is giving this guy primito up for full control of his piece of Tamaulipas. This is chess not checkers and primito thought he had a friend lol 😆

  8. When CJNG used rocket projectiles last month on Mex. military, created this heat...

    1. Uh the mexican government has been on these guys far longer than a month. Remember when la jefa was captured? How about menchos brother? Menchitos extradition? The operation to find and capture Laisha and her boyfriend? How about the time they almost captured el RR and the other guy? Didn't the government take some restaurants and hotels from Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta that were serving as money laundering fronts?... last month, 🙄 LoL. Ok.

    2. 1058 you're a dumbass if you truly believe the Mexican and American government don't know where the big bosses are at . If Mexico really wanted too they could capture Nemesio Ismael and Ivan before AMLO leaves presidency . Pero del dicho al echo es otra cosa

    3. 1228. How do you know they know? What Intel do you have that you can share with the BB community.

    4. 2:03 even mayo admitted it himself in some interview he did with Proceso a few years back . He admitted the government knows where all of them are at and that any day they could go for him and that's his biggest fear. There is alot of money between narco and government but once the narcos start getting out of line the government shows them who truly boss.


      403, here's the article you're talking about. I read where Zambada says he was almost caught 4 times and where he states that he fears being arrested but I couldn't find where you claim he says they know where all of the narcos are.

  9. Wow. Seriously ? Los Metros themselves accusing Primito to be a traitor for CJNG. I thought Primito was their leader

    1. He is, he is the leader of the Los Metros - CDG faction. But he has an agreement with the CJNG, that is the reason Tamaulipas is a war zone because of fighting between the CDG factions. Escorpiones vs Metros. Escorpiones did not like that Metros where letting another cartel move in to Tamaulipas, like how they are doing with Jalisco.

  10. CJNG was believing their own propaganda thinking they had a legitimate chance of going toe to toe with the Mexican armed forces and now they are running out of places to hide . There is levels to this and no cartel is above the Mexican government.

  11. I guarantee you that jaguar is full of human meat. Lol

  12. ***Primito CJNG regional leader***

    Seems to be one of those lies that after repeating it 1000s time becomes true in the minds of those that lack critical thinking skills or a larger division tactic implemented by local(matamoros) media corps. Being that the rumor was initially spread by the weak Grupo ESCORPIONES.

    What's next? Zetas Vieja Escuela are also CJNG leaders? 🤨🫣😂

    1. While the title may not be accurate, everyone knows his ties…

    2. @3:09 don't listen to the kid . Look up in a thread above he is also 106 and 109 . He basically wrote 3 different comments in less than ten minutes. Kid is so desperate for attention.

    3. @309 No one's denying his ties. Allegedly his dad is a CJNG leader, but who knows?

      Ok mom @315 😂

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Righteous sol strikes again! @627 ☀️🤣

  13. lol who thinks that someone out there actually has a fucking elephant?

  14. Can't belive people buy this shit. All this shit is for the papers.

  15. What I have heard El Primito hardy ever goes to Pihuamo for these same reasons. Them mountains up there are also large enough to get lost but against the helicopters its pretty hard to get away. There so big I doubt if they catch him anything will change. Unless Mencho or El Mayo gey caught that's when shit gets ugly from all sides.

    1. 657 is trying to make me lose credibility since he does have properties in Pihuamo. As do many heavy people in the past. You mention the town name often in comments trying to discredit the facts.

  16. Primito is out all the way in Jalisco, while he’s got the CDG in war among themselves in Tamaulipas over aligning himself with CJNG and letting another cartel into Tamaulipas!?!? Lmfao…

    Embarrassing to even say that you’re fighting for his side (Los Metros), when he ain’t even near the fight. Because make no mistake about it, allowing a big cartel like the Jaliscos into Tamaulipas is a very big mistake for CDG. They will eventually try to take over the state, once they settled in. It will 100% happen. Grupo Escorpión was correct.

    1. 11:21 no real capo is ever in the battle field, or is Mayo in Zacatecas right now? Of curse not, he is back in his home land, Cuba 🇨🇺

    2. @1121
      Grupo scorpion was correct about what? Getting smashed by ZVE and METROS?? Is la kena 19 heading the convoys? Doubt it.
      make no mistake, CJNG’S money is in Tamaulipas but not their troops. Last physical incursion CJNG had was TULA TAMAULIPAS when they killed El canelo(CDG/SPARTANO)

      La frontera chica is very profitable. Not even el Chapo Guzman in his prime had access to it, also at the time los Z's were probably the strongest cartel force in all of Northern Mexico.

    3. 6:12 jst chilling, how bout you homes?

    4. 8:09 chillen too smoking a Cuban cigar.
      Fidel Castro is alive just like Mencho is still alive, just like Panch Villa is alive.

    5. 9:25 you forgot Jenny Rivera, she is chilling in cuba with good old Mayo, mayo practically is retired and back home where he cant get extradited

    6. debe ser agradable serlo
      ¿Dónde está el almacén de la marina?
      para el jaguar


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