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Monday, December 11, 2023

Navy Personnel Rams And Crushes A Motorcyclist Against A Wall In Guasave: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS

It is presumed that the pursuit originated on the Mexico 15 International Highway and upon entering a community, the officers rammed the young man.

A unit of the Mexican Navy was involved in an accident that left two men injured at the entrance to the community of El Ranchito de Castro, on the highway that leads to the Estación Bamoa syndicate at around 1:30 p.m. in Guasave. 

So far the driver of the motorcycle has not been identified, he was wearing blue jeans and a yellow and black long-sleeve shirt at the time of the accident.

The event
According to initial information, the accident was the result of a chase that started meters behind and culminated with the Navy patrol car colliding with a young man traveling on a motorcycle.

The impact left the motorcyclist seriously injured and he was later rescued by the Guasave Fire Department from the twisted iron and debris.

In addition, the owner of a grocery store located on the side of the road was injured when he was suddenly struck by debris and the motorcycle inside his property.

At the scene, Red Cross paramedics provided first aid to those affected, while elements of the Guasave Department of Sustainable Mobility were also present to carry out the corresponding procedures.



  1. This story got my attention for several reasons the first highly likely the navy was chasing an halcon or hawk who usually have a radio on them and report military movements and usually drive around in motorcycles. Second, Bamoa is where Chapo isidro is from the incident occur in Estacion Bamoa so the navy having presence in the devils hideout is for sure important.

    1. @Char. That is possible, but hundreds are killed every year in every state because of reckless pursuits of ''criminals'' by undertrained drivers. When they run over a crowd of people chasing a couple of men who run (they all run), the victims become criminals by definition. Why would they run down a Halcone? It doesn't work like that. The army and the Halcones are friendly, they share jokes, and laugh at each other.

  2. Esta historia me llamo la atencion por varias razones la primera muy probablemente la marina estaba persiguiendo un halcon o halcon que usualmente tienen un radio en ellos y reportan movimientos militares y usualmente manejan en motocicletas. Segundo, Bamoa es de donde es el Chapo isidro el incidente ocurrio en Estacion Bamoa asi que la marina teniendo presencia en el escondite del demonio es importante.

  3. From what I heard, the person they crashed into was a 22 year old man named Jorge Iván, who had been working as a halcón for a cartel and had been following the Marines around the city, reporting their movement to whatever cartel he was working for. When the marines signaled him to pull over, he drove off and tried to escape on his motorcycle so the marines chased after him. They eventually caught up to him and ended up ramming him into a nearby store. Hope he learned his lesson.

  4. That’s one way to take care of a problem. Definitely sends a message to the bad guys.

    1. It’s always been like that with the arm forces , they know once they have you they are as shitty as cartel members , I don’t feel bad for dude but it is what it is .

    2. @7.46. The message this panicked leak sends is that the army are so clueless that they will destroy a truck worth hundreds of thousands just to injure a child. The ''Bad Guys'' must be terrified..

    3. But its just a silverado lol my maybach wheels alone are more then the whole truck

  5. Well we know what Cartel runs shit there
    Chapo Isidros Transnational drug importer cause at this point he has his own cartel we just don’t know the name yet.He might be on the BLO council but he has his own shit at this point and it’s not the BLO flag

  6. Ivan's list already at work el musico and sagitario are so pissed because either el mayo o el Ivan gave those pictures to the gueros is going to get interesting the three links are going to battle navy,marines and federal forces while Ivan y el mayo keep on killing borrachos,drug addicts and women to heat up plazas

    1. Callate el osicooooo ah raza no avlen con el culo

    2. Musico got more money than all the brothers put together his ranch in chihuahua is Atleast 10$ million usd

  7. Affirmative, musico got schooled by arturo beltran he kept himself irrelevant until now but he's been working in chiwas for a long time he made a lot money through juarez


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