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Monday, December 25, 2023

New Video Of Lefty SM Murder Revealed In Zapopan, Jalisco

"Char" for Borderland Beat 
This video was reposted from EL UNIVERSAL

Video Translation: 

The YouTuber influencer Fabian Pasos brought to light a video that shows the moment two armed male subjects forcefully take out the rapper Lefty SM from his bedroom before assassinating him this past November 2, 2023. In the video clip, you can observe when one assailant forcibly opens the bedroom door, also is carrying a gun, and as this is happening  Lefty's SM wife starts screaming. Also, another man goes upstairs and forces the whole family to go downstairs to the living room. 

Presumably another two gunmen are downstairs because once Lefty SM went downstairs, Lefty started fighting with the two assailants, and while fighting them, one of the assailants pointed the gun at Lefty's daughters and wife. The rapper Juan Carlos Sauceda better known as Lefty SM died the night of November 2, 2023, when he defended his wife and two daughters from a presumed armed robbery in his home located in Zapopan, Jalisco. The music artist was shot in the torso and head. 

Mafian TV on X, " The Attorney General of Jalisco knows that #Lefty's killer is Luis Mario Placencia Novoa #LuisMarioPlacenciaNovoa and they do nothing to stop him. #JusticeForLefty #LeftyMurderer."



  1. Se rumora que los mugrosos del CJNG estan detras de esto ..

    1. Se rumora que los mata inocentes del CDS estan detras de esto para calentar la plaza...

    2. Se rumora que uno está en lo correcto y el otro es un cheerleader jajaj

    3. Se rumora que lo mataron por no pagar plaza en SLRC

    4. It was a robbery.. rumors this rumors that y'all worst than la vecina chismosa😅

    5. Aqui ay puros cheerleaders!

    6. Suenan como chayoteros que perdieron su puesto de conserje 😂

  2. Hot news!! MAYO'S & CJNG alliance for carfuge happing to clear a route to gulf to help sr Carlos & primito!!

  3. puro mugrosos del CJNG muertos de hambre

    1. Talves si era CJNG, porque si fueran los CDS violarian a los niños, la mama, y despues matarlos tambien. Tienes razon

    2. Y Lefty conocio el nombre d ese fulano Luis. Por k y de donde?

  4. There is a meeting happening right now and not all of the factions still know about this supposed alliance! This is gonna change dynamics of the game for sure. Also not all of cjng will make a treaty just a portion of a region

    1. No. Whole coalition will be in alliance. Those who do not agree will ve left behind.

    2. If thats true it means Mencho and MZ will take all of Mexico

    3. Al Gobierno Mexicano le convendria que el CDS y CJNG se quedaria con todo Mexico

  5. Lefty noooooooo tu un gran héroe nacional

  6. @10:14 you talking about Omar Hamid García Harfuch right? rumors still not confirmed Alliance yet

  7. Char how true is that CJNG ask Sinaloa for alliance? No que en los corridos decian los michoacanos 😂😂 puro Sinaloa VRGA

    1. its with a small faction of CJNG and CDS to help clear a route all the way to el Golfo, with respaldo from Primito & Don Carlos that will open a direct line to U.S with no Sur Charges shared route for those 3 factions involved only

    2. Well after mayo been kicking ass in zacatecas those weenies had to ask him for help haha

    3. Los Flechas el terror de los jaliscos ya andan en Tamaulipas.

    4. facts!!! no doubt Flechas blazing trials puro sinaloan & durangues power papa 👊💪

    5. 1:26 bola de mugrosos igual que todos

    6. 1:26 more like puro sinaloa fierro in durangese butt power 😆

    7. 5:25 ya saquencela 🤡

    8. if this truce is real, I believe nencho is dead FR FR

    9. 12:01 same if there is really a truce by a faction of CJNG with a faction of MZ I would start to believe the theory Mencho is really dead more

  8. After this happened some well known rappers left Guadalajara.

    1. Santa Fe left and apparently c Kan was also thinking of leaving.

    2. Fuk it I would leave too. Too many envidiosos y Como en mexico te matan por pocos pesos

  9. Those dudes don’t look trained to do those type of jobs. Those type of guys that the first thing they do is panic and shoot.

  10. He fought till the end, RIP Lefty.

  11. El Conejo Flechas just posted videos of Los Flechas members in Tamaulipas

    1. Pobre pndjo must of not seen the video of what happens to sinalolas and their dickgobblers from durango when they go to tamps

    2. 5:24 la neta no van a durar pero quien iba a decir que los Flechas ivan andar por alla . Esos weyes si son de guerra pero pues van a ir a pelear una guerra que van a perder .

    3. @5:24 and what exactly happens ?
      Nada .. todo sigue igual en tu pinche Tamaulipas nadie controla nada todos matándose por migajas mientras el primito laughs at y’all all the way to the bank

  12. I would think if it was on behalf of Cjng it would of been more coordinated some Ar15s or Aks this seems like they thought they could sneak in rob the place. Probably thought the wife was home alone with the kids.

  13. Were they trying to take him out the house,or seeing what they could get? Fighting dudes with guns it only takes one angry head to pull the trigger

  14. Most commented about cheerleading other cartels, while a few commented about the article. Talk about staying on course.😂

  15. Lol people think behind every situation like this here in jalisco the cartel is involved, your fn wrong if that's what you believe and stupid for even thinking it goes down like that.

    1. Foreal, these foregin fan boys have no clue, they think it's all cartel related lol. Yo vivo en GDL, en el video, Lefty claramente reconoce a la persona que lo está asaltando, también le dice su nombre real en el video, esto era pedo personal, nada que ver con maña.

    2. They had police protection dumbass the police showed up 15 minutes after they made the first calls in a area they are always patrolling, they were paid off. obviously it was some low life henchman for cjng that were able to get away

  16. Como es posible que ese compa siga respirando? Esos raperos son los más bélicos de México lo presumen en todas las canciones.

  17. This seems like one of those small fractured cartel/gang incidents of extortion of a business type crimes. Those big cartels don’t fuck with this stuff. Small less experiences criminals and thugs do.

  18. who care foolio is dead already like elsa says "let it go let it go"!!!


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