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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Óscar Nava Valencia, The 'Wolf' Who Became A "Snitch" When He Arrived In The U.S

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Following his arrest in October 2009, Nava Valencia was extradited to the United States two years later where he collaborated with US authorities.

Oscar Nava Valencia, the former leader of the Milenio Cartel, did everything in his power to be free this Christmas and he did it. El Lobo, as he was known, became a snitch and ratted out criminals, allies and enemies, so that they would be tried in the United States for drug trafficking. For his collaboration, he regained his freedom last November 27, but it cost him dearly. In retaliation, several of his family members were killed and his wife and children had to be relocated to the United States to avoid suffering a similar fate.

El Lobo was apprehended in October 2009 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, and extradited to the United States two years later. After the first year, he reached a plea agreement with US prosecutors for conspiracy to traffic drugs in connection with a three-ton cocaine shipment from Colombia.

Thanks to US court records, it is now known that after his arrest Nava Valencia let the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) know that he wanted to join their witness list. An agent spoke with him and they agreed that he would not resist extradition.

In January 2011, Nava arrived in the United States in handcuffs and immediately began singing. He was part of at least five criminal cases. One in New York, in early 2014; an asset seizure of drug traffickers in Washington; and another case in Chicago, Illinois.

In addition, his testimony helped bring down former Public Security Secretary Genaro García Luna and led to the life sentence for Gerardo González Valencia, an operator of Los Cuinis, the armed wing of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

He even pointed to other criminals who, like him, could become collaborators of the authorities.

His lawyer, Mervyn Mosbacker, described him as a high-value asset for US investigative agencies: "I think the government is satisfied that he has provided accurate information about his activities and the activities of others, and that's why I think they are using him and intend to use him in the future to build these cases.

According to the lawyer, his collaboration did not go unnoticed among his former colleagues: "his family received threats, and he himself, obviously (...) his immediate family had to flee Mexico because of the threat; the government was kind enough to give him a temporary status in the United States to avoid being killed".

But that was not the case for his entire family. At least 17 of El Lobo's family members were killed on the orders of the drug traffickers he betrayed; revenge for their collaboration.

During a hearing before Judge Ewing Werlein Jr, Nava Valencia apologized to his family. "I want to ask for forgiveness from my daughter, my wife, all my daughters who are here, and my son, and all my family for all the damage and for all that they have gone through because of the cooperation in this situation," he said.

But the judge did not let his criminal activity go unnoticed.

"The devastation of human beings and people and families and children goes on and on. That is why you are punished, for being in this evil crime by dealing in massive drug shipments that have harmed many other people, families, and children," he said.

That day, El Lobo was sentenced to 25 years in prison, although his sentence was reduced to 16 years shortly thereafter. In mid-November of this year he filed a motion to reduce his sentence again. And then his release, scheduled for April 2024, was brought forward to November 2023.



  1. I could be wrong but I feel that everyone wants to copy Sinaloa nowadays 😀

    1. Sinaloas are trend setters. Lol. The whole loyalty street code bullshit is just that. Bullshit. People tend to forget, you're dealing with criminals. If they don't follow the laws placed by the government what makes you think they're going to follow some bullshit code of the streets, especially when they're at the top. They'll enforce it on others but when push comes to shove, they all of a sudden become exempt.

    2. A los de Sinaloa todos les echan burla pero todos los carteles de los demas estados quieren ser como los narcos de Sinaloa. Payasos imitando a payasos

    3. They snitch to get lower sentence.

    4. 11:19 yo también me he dado cuenta de eso, en especial los michoacanos que le tiran hate a los chinolas pero imitan como visten y hablan jajaja y escuchan puro cantante y grupo chinola

    5. El sol no hay no meterse 😂 hay ta pto hablador no que los michoacanos no rajaban 😂ahora échale la culpa a papi sinaloa HDPT

    6. 11;40 desde la musica vestimenta apodos y todas esas pendejadas de los narcos casi todas las tendencias vienen de Sinaloa

    7. Los Zambada are the biggest informants

    8. Once the Colombians started crumbling the Sinaloans were the ones that took over and made Mexico the biggest drug pushers

    9. 11:04 muy bien dicho

    10. 😂😂😂 pinche sol, low key clowning the Sinaloas

    11. 12:25 he’s a michoacano all they know to do is talk about Sinaloa 🤣

    12. Chinaloas mitoteros ni quién los pelé Gi1b€®t0π@$

    13. Sol:
      By copying off of Sinaloa, do you mean cooperating with Uncle Sam?

    14. Mierda es mierda sea de donde sea.

    15. 11:04 huge respect for that comment they all snitching on the streets loyalty is dead when it comes to saving yourself or getting money!!

    16. 6:26 and you answear me back 😭

    17. "You pull his teeth, he's as harmless as a heel hound"

    18. Jalisco es Mexico Cabrones every Mexican in history of Mexico tryna copy Jalisco. From the cholos in USA the accent in Spanglish to the musica ranchera tequila and how they carry themselves. Sinaloa music is German polka there clothes they copy from estilo Italiano and the off roading from gabachos

    19. Where did you get that information? You need to go to fashion school or back to high school and pay attention to history class ! What does Pachucos and cholos have to do with Jalisco?

    20. The world does not revolve around Jalisco you dumb sound like people from new York.

    21. Why do sinaloas claim to be German decents but theres no proof or trace?? Like wheres the so called german last names?? Some way somehow they should still be around right? Like for instance in jalisco and tierra caliente the french last names are still around

  2. Two type of people in prison. Those who cooperated and those who wished the cooperated.

  3. Semper Fi .... any thoughts on the wolf singing for the gabachos?

  4. So what did yall bb contributors ask for santa this year.

    1. Love and peace for everyone would be nice. But it seems like we’re all meant to be engaged in these perpetual conflicts wherever we go for one reason or another.

    2. Sol - our brain is wired of those who were before us like chimps and monkeys.they to kill each other like what we are doing. We are animals!!

    3. Wrong.
      Chimps and monkeys don't like to kill each other. It's mostly just humans because they have lots of pretensions.

    4. 11:57 you haven’t watch National Geographic when chimps goes into different territory or another clan invades territory.

    5. Que caiga otro pez gordo antes que termine el ano, para tener algo bueno para leer. Esta historias recicladas ya no.

    6. @11:57am You don't know chimps. I'd rather fight a dog than a chimp. Chimps tear at genitals, rip off hands, and bite noses and lips off.

    7. 11:39 that’s foolishness, I want a dirt bike papi

    8. Bidens impeachment

    9. 11:57 For protein, for their bodies but very importantly for their brains. Chimps have more craving for animal protein food sources than any other primate except humans. The reason for this is because chimps have large, very advanced brains

    10. 11:57 chimpanzees can be dangerous. Chimpanzees will hunt in groups in the wild to kill and eat monkeys. This may sound dangerous, but they are wild animals.

  5. "The violence of either grief or joy their own enactures with themselves destroy "

    1. @ 11.46. If you're going to quote a manta at least give credit: Atte. Z40..

  6. El Lobo Valencia was born in Culiacan Sinaloa and is El Chapos relative. Snitching comes naturally.

    1. Oh now the valencias are from culiacan but before they snitched they were “badass michoacanos who operated in the shadows without making noise like the loudmouth sinaloas”😂😂😂michoacanos are the most cringeworthy people from Mexico. JOSE TORRES the most badass person Michoacán has produced 🤣

    2. 12:42 yeah keep thinking that boi. I definitely need you to stay confused on that matter. 🤣

      1:23 I think José Torres does outrageous shit just to draw attention to himself. He's like Mexico's version of Borat but with more drama involved.

    3. 1:39 SOL según el José Torres registro su nombre y cara, cada vez que alguien usa su nombre o foto en las redes sociales el gana un porcentaje de lo que ganan los lengua largas. Por eso hace y dice sus mamadas el buey, la controversia vende y más gana el con toda la chusma que lo crítica. Salió más listo el.

    4. 2:17 Pues hay está la pinche Marleny que por sus locuras la cancelaron. Me cuentan que hay gente a favor del contenido que estas personas producen. De hecho tienen sus seguidores. Según todo eso está de moda.

  7. The big bad wolf is cooperating with Uncle Sam. What more proof do you need that only losers play this game.

    1. Mr. Detroit when you make a comment I get butterflies in my stomach because you are always correct, have a safe trip love and respect
      -your secret admirer

    2. Gots to be Rubio the lover boy.

    3. Conner has been the lover boy lately. Emma is going to have to slap him off her leg.

    4. Sol is going to have to slap Conner off his leg. I don't believe Conner will get the opportunity to get on Emma's leg. If he does manage to get on her leg he is more man than any of us ever will be.

    5. That reminds me… anyone ever see the music video for Big Bad Wolf by Duck Sauce? Lmao

    6. Bien guardadito que lo tiene el Detroit 😆

    7. Si es el rubio lol 👱‍♂️

    8. He will huff and puff and blow their houses down

    9. @Detroit. All you really mean is those who get extradited are forced to admit they lost. If only losers played the game it wouldn't have built the billion dollar industry it's built.

  8. 17 relatives killed? I don’t even know 17 people.

    1. We need the backstory to this.

    2. @140 especially if u live in a cave,right?

    3. I bet most of them were in the business as well. He is a Valencia.

  9. El Lobo became a snitch because his preferred choice to become leader of Milenio(El Pilo, according to what El Molca said in his government interview) didn't become the Boss. Not only that, they(La Resistencia) were desterrados from Jalisco and because they were supposedly acting on Lobos orders, his people were also "congelados" thereby stripping the Nava Valencia of any say so in the cartel. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time coward.

    1. @1.50 I'm amazed people believe those interviews under Calderon. They were under torture, designed to fit a specific narrative, created by Garcia Luna for a few tame journalists. It was designed to protect the people who were implicated, not reveal what was really going on. There will always be some truth to it, but so much is laughable looking back.

    2. "La resistencia" 😆 on some star wars type shit

  10. El Lobo and Tigre are two separate individuals

  11. Mamito from zetas is on deck to be free as well , just waiting for Trevino brother extradition, so he can testify.

  12. Wonder if that 2014 case in Chicago was the one unsealed in 2015, money laundering/gold for money

    that was tied to CJNG when they unsealed like a dozen indictments in October 2018

    17 relatives, these are large families, he proably has 5 plus brothers, which means at least 10 nephews, then THEY may have kids. still, that's a lot of family members for anyone.

    Milieno has done some hard hitting pieces lately, reading more like OP EDS, in terms of the tone lol

  13. Cuinis were Never The Armed wing of CJNG...
    Los Cuinis were The Principal Financial Donator or Financial Founder of CJNG. Menchos wife is Sister of the the Cuinis

    1. Los cuinis were their own cartel that worked alongside jalisco cartel they were less violent and made more money and they handled jalisco cartel finances as well. May be with the fall of a lot of the cuinis this has changed and theyre fully integrated into the jalisco cartel or may be el cuini still runs his organization from prison as was told by members of la plaza cartel when they split from jalisco cartel and made them videos.

  14. Snitchoacanos say they don’t snitch

  15. He was Mencho’s boss right? I wonder what kind of terms they are on

    1. One is a BOSS and the other a snitch. Anymore questions?

    2. @1.54. Only one. How old are you?

  16. This guy is the Mexican Henry hill.

  17. Markitos toys uncle

  18. Is he related to cuinis?


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