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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Poza Rica, Veracruz: Grupo Tercios Threaten Local Transportation Businesses And Rivals

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

A 7 man team of armed assassins appears on film during daylight hours in a heavily wooded area. 2 male captives are kneeling on the ground front and center. The prisoners shirts have been used to obstruct their field of vision. 

At this time the fate of the enslaved males is unknown. Nonetheless, it is highly suspected that they were immediately killed off camera afterwards. 

This is broadcast #5 in a series of films that has been posted online by Grupo Tercios since August 2023. As of today their video communiques are currently being released at least once a month. 

Video translation is as follows:

For all the townspeople of Poza Rica and its surroundings. This message goes out to the transportation services of AVS, Titula, Pescado from Autobuses Serrano, Chávez from CNC, Timba from Turismo, Memo Ayala from the El Cepillo auto parts store, and the bus drivers from the Alamo business. 

If you sons of bitches continue to risk your lives by buying diesel from these dogs. Then you will also meet their fate. Don’t bother crying afterwards once we have everyone of you guys captured. This drug corridor already has its owner. And it belongs to Grupo Tercios. 

Sicarios scream: Grupo Tercios!

Poza Rica, Veracruz

All Source News 

Video #1 August 2023  

Video #2 September 2023  

Video #3 October 2023  

Video #4 November 2023


  1. So who are these guys with ?

    1. Supposedly it's ex 35z Flanders old cell fiance by cjng

    2. @12:59 I thought they were fighting against the local CJNG plaza boss?

    3. Grupo Tercios are ran by the Zetas. They are the former rival of Grupo Sombra and now they joined together along with other local gangs to take on CJNG.

  2. Is this a new group?

    1. Yes they announed their presence in Poza rica like 5 months ago

  3. It says it in the intro. Groupo tercios

  4. 2 toneladas de perico les acaban de bajar los del ancla en michoacan

  5. So Mexico has not changed its fascination with Skinny Jeans. The rules and roles of masculinity and feminism has me fkd up.

    1. What about the high waters pants you wear?🤣

    2. No way you saw my hipster attire.. omg.

  6. Interesting to see what FEGS Special Forces Grupo Sombra have to say about this.


  7. Apparently they are a mix bag of Zetas and other small cells that agreed to get together to fight cjgn Veracruz. Some say they are just a zeta cell or a cell from groupo sombra third incarnation. Like I said apparently Feel free to reply comment to correct or add info.

  8. It looks like both the captives pissed all over themselves.
    First we had TV Tuteca. With all of these videos do we now have a TV Tercioteca?

  9. is it the National Rally ?

  10. They are Zetas. In video #3 they mention insignia Z in their uniforms

  11. Two has man boobs.

  12. The guy talking sounds central American. Also, the guy kneeling down on the left has nice tits

    1. Nice tits on a man your del otro eqipo.

    2. 12:17 you know you want to cry on them, it's ok to admit it.


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