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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Poza Rica, Veracruz: Grupo Tercios Interrogation And Removal Of A Captive

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The deadly Grupo Tercios has returned to remind everyone of who they are and the type of wet work that the group specializes in. 

Just last week Borderland Beat published an article about the 7 man team of armed assassins. For this broadcast another 7 males also appear in broad daylight at an unknown location in a heavily wooded area. 

What has changed from that day forward is that they’ve broken away from their usual habit of appearing online at least once a month since August of this year. 

A large wooden plank will be used twice against the skull. Along with an over sized machete in the removal of their captives head.

Video translation is a s follows:

Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive: Jose Eulalio Herrera Cruz. 

Sicario:  How old are you?

Captive: I am 35 years old. 

Sicario: What do you do for a living?

Captive: I’m a professional crane operator. 

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive: My residence is at Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 302 in the Parcela 14 neighborhood. 

Sicario: Tell us the name of the person who gives you money from the stolen diesel that comes out of the Pemex facilities. 

Captive: His name is Enrique Rodriguez. He’s the driver that was recently abducted several days ago. 

Sicario: How does El Ojos get those funds?

Captive: It’s placed inside a locker of a break room that’s adjacent to a cafeteria. 

Sicario: What is the job title of El Ojos inside of Pemex?

Captive: He’s in charge of the receiving department. 

Sicario: Who receives those funds that El Ojos acquires from the stolen fuel?

Captive: That would be the Los Charros mob. 

Sicario: Who authorizes the shipment of diesel for Los Charros?

Captive: Fernando Castillo Ahumada and Fernando Gonzalez Reyes. 

Sicario: You have 48 hours to remove all of the charges that were placed against El Coco’s mob. We no longer want to see his men working. Much less that they are within the Pemex facilities. Otherwise, the next individuals that we capture will play a part within the purge. It’s best for the fucking Charras (Los Charros) to stop calling on the businessmen and traders expecting a Christmas bonus. You hungry fuck faggots should be ashamed of yourselves. Your damn leader is out there like a boss spending the very money that you stole for him. Our purge continues and we won’t stop until we’ve fucking removed everyone of you from Poza Rica. This will keep happening to everyone who doesn’t fall into formation with us. 

Hitmen in unison scream: We are the absolute Grupo Tercios!

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 302
Poza Rica, Veracruz

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 302
Poza Rica, Veracruz

Parcela 14 neighborhood 
Poza Rica, Veracruz 

El Blog Bélico  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. The police chief in poza rica runs this group

    1. Ye that same chief is cousins with lazcano

    2. Makes sense since the police station is right around the corner from the victim's residence.

    3. 5:55, are we talking the Lazcano? From the Zetas?

    4. @12:52 The current police chief? Or one of the three previous police chiefs they had in the last year?

  2. Don't work with them they chop you up.
    Work with them the other guys will chop you up.
    I would have took my children en relocated far away from Mexico.
    I hear bali and Thailand have no entry requirements for Mexicans.
    All the russian draft dodgers are making a living for themselves there

    1. Tru tru dat. Mexico is deadly

    2. Moral of the story.
      Don't get involved in stupid shit.

  3. Did Grupo Sombra retire or get killed off by CNJG?

    1. Grupo Sombra definitely isn't done. They have an alliance with Grupo Tercios. They are in the middle of a purge as well.

    2. Sombra been handing out Xmas pressies to the locals this week. They look almost identical to this bunch. The bags had Zeta logos on them as well .

  4. You would think this man could've used gravity to his advantage. But no.

  5. Let's see🤔. They captured him and he revealed, it's curupt employees stealing gas from Pemex, Grupo Tercios are wanting to clean the town of criminals, but yet they are criminals too. Give me a break.

    1. Bunch of deranged hypocrites.

    2. I wonder if things were any better when Z37 was in charge. Ever since he was arrested Poza Rica has been a war zone between at least 3 or 4 armed groups. Paying extortion to one group is bad enough, but paying to several groups and risking being murdered by one group for “supporting” the others is too much for anyone to deal with.

  6. These psychopaths are as dangerous and evil as they come. I personally through my amateur research throughout the years Haven’t seen a group this demonic in a long time.

    1. The CDN group controlled by commander Romeo from cuided victoria who released a couple of videos from Zacatecas are the worst in Mexico I would say

    2. 10:14
      Nah that's nothing, compare to the ones Don Sol findd in the Dark Underground. My hair had stood up all day, I lost my appetite, now Sol's are bone chilling.

    3. 10.14 i agree Romeo's group are horrendous! Those are the guys that flayed that woman and made the infamous La Linea execution vid.


    4. I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.


  7. Well this was a place where lazca lived for a long time and these guys would’ve worked for him zetas have always been the most brutal with no remorse

  8. Wow this is a first. So I take it that the two hits with the palate was to knock him unconscious. Then the beheading.

    Rubio NYC

    1. That second blow to the neck killed the guy. Then the beheading just for the F of it. At least he died pretty much instantly

    2. Welll 617 I can see that. That was a heck of a hit man. Never seen that before.

      Rubio NYC l

    3. There was a video from back in the day, sometime before 2010 I believe. They had several people on their knees inside a dark room, men and women. I can't remember if they were Zetas or CDG. Anyways the executioner used the same method of hitting the captives in the back of their heads with a long board. I think it was on Blog del Narco where I saw it. But this method was in use back then.

    4. Rubio look at the guys built eho hit him with that wood stick, hes got some muscle/fat on him. With that strength he knocked him out just by hitting him in the back, imagine that second blow to the neck? Fatality!

    5. That was comandante Diablo fam from cdg. He admitted it in a follow up video where they executed some Z relative in return. His response was something like "yea you got them, but we know what we get into with this life" insane ...

    6. That was El Diablos family getting wiped out. If I remember correctly he shrugged it off and said that’s what happens in this war.

    7. Sol that was Diablo from CDGs family getting killed by Zetas

    8. Sol, that was when the zetas executed Diablo's family members. Because they wanted to keep the noise down they did the smack to the back of the head before the beheadings started.


    9. It’s so the blood doesn’t shoot out everywhere they knock them out so they are calm while they are getting decapitated

    10. 7:00 they knock them out and drain their blood, so the body's stay calm...that is weird, maybe they learned that from butchers at meat market.

    11. 2:50 You are correct, Disturbed Reality described the video of the Zetas going after CDG comandante Diablo Tachas’ family. The CDG vs. Zetas war was absolutely brutal back in those days

  9. I really hope these guys doesn’t come inside the US and start doing it to us.
    Hey Biden or the next president - close the damn border before we get check off by them. Jeezzzz this is brutal.

    1. They don’t kill for the fun of it check out Arab youtube he spent time with cartel hitmen

  10. Are these people Old Zetas?


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