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Friday, December 29, 2023

Samy Tamouro's Girlfriend Commits Suicide in Cancun, Samy's Killers Arrested

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A Colombian woman named Daniela, a girlfriend [initially reported by media outlets to be the wife or partner] of the recently slain Canadian drug trafficker, Samy Tamouro; was found dead hanging in a Cancun apartment. Quintana Roo authorities believe she committed suicide days after his funeral.

The two men allegedly responsible for killing Samy, a drug trafficker tied to the Quebec Hells Angels and Montreal Mafia groups, were detained shortly after the killing in a high-end Cancun gym.

Samy Tamouro was shot dead inside a Cancun gym on December 13, 2023. He was still alive when paramedics worked on him and transferred him to a hospital where he was declared dead.

In social media posts from the gym following the shooting, a female, in a pink workout outfit was seen kneeling over Samy's bloody body. News photos then showed her accompanying police and paramedics as he was moved outside and into the ambulance. The woman reportedly rode with paramedics first to a nearby clinic and then to a hospital that had an ER.

Daniela is believed to have been Samy's partner/girlfriend. Initially, media outlets reported her to be his wife, or ex-wife, or ex-partner. Now she has joined Samy after committing suicide in an upscale Cancun apartment.

Daniel "N"

She possibly commented on his obituary on the day of his funeral service, December 21, 2023. The comment, in Spanish and French, was made by 'DOC' (possibly her initials). It lists Medellin as the location of the commenter, Daniela was of Colombian origin.

"Una parte de mí murió el día que te fuiste. Vaya con dios parcero. Te vas a extrañarme. Olvidé que todavía podía producir lágrimas."

A part of me died the day you left. Go with god partner. You're going to miss me. I forgot that I could still produce tears. 

"More majorum Repose en paix tu peux maintenant le faire. Pardonne moi..."

For our ancestors, Rest in peace you can do it now. Forgive me...

Daniela's Suicide

Just before noon on Tuesday, December 26, a police call reporting a dead body being found inside a luxury Cancun condo was made.

Quintana Roo's FGE Posted on X regarding the incident. 

“The first acts of investigation indicate that this event could be a suicide; However, these investigations are carried out following protocols related to the gender perspective,” published on X.

Her body was identified through a passport found at the scene. Two plane tickets were also found at the scene in the names of Daniela and Samy. Daniela was reported as being a Colombian citizen.

Two days later on December 28, 2023, the FGE's findings of her death were reported stating, "It is determined that the cause of death was asphyxiation due to hanging."

The scene surrounding the deceased woman inside the apartment showed evidence of their involvement in and consumption of narcotics. "Tusi" or pink cocaine was found at the apartment as well as several notebooks containing records of sales and debts owed for the drugs, including several politicians.

Tusi & Business Records Found

In the apartment where the body of Daniela was found, traces of “Tusi” were also found, an expensive synthetic drug valued at about 2,000M pesos per gram. Tusi is a pink synthetic material with the composition of the drugs LSD and MDMA. A combination of both psychotropic substances that cause hallucinogenic effects is also known by the names "Nexus" or "Eros."

The initial suspicions about the woman's suicide had turned towards possible foul play considering the discovery of substantial amounts of the drug also known as "Pink Cocaine," and 3 notebooks containing records of sales of narcotics and lists of debtors to the couple.

Names of businessmen and politicians stood out on the lists, although it is unknown which country or area they are located in. At over $100 per gram, the distribution of Tusi has been linked to the "upper class" like those who reside in Puerto Cancún including politicians and businessmen.

The woman was found dead at the luxury apartment complex Shark Tower in Puerto Cancun. The building sits just on the backside of the bay where the shooting of Samy took place in the Total Sports Club Gym.

An example of an apartment at the Shark Tower.

CJNG Members Detained

The Quintana Roo FGE announced the week following Samy's death the arrest of his two alleged killers, Luis Felipe “N” and Juan Pablo “N”.

The State Attorney General's Office reported that it "completed an arrest warrant against two male persons for their probable participation in events that could constitute the crime of homicide qualified to the detriment of a person of foreign origin within an establishment in a shopping plaza in this municipality."

The warrant was based on security camera footage of the suspects and events as well as the search of a nearby motel room in Benito Juárez. They have not officially reported that the gunman who killed Samy Tamaouro was one of the two men included. 

Several media outlets and social media sites have claimed the pair work for the CJNG.

Based on their mugshots and security camera footage, Juan Pablo was likely the gunman who shot Samy 3 times in the back of his head at the gym.

New Details on Samy's Murder

It was reported by the FGE that "the detainees closely followed the victim days before his killing to study his movements and subsequently, provide all the information collected to the material authors of the commission of this crime,” the FGE detailed.

Samy had fled from Canada last year to the Dominican Republic and finally settled in Cancun, Mexico. He was a fugitive wanted by Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Canadian authorities have believed that the order to assassinate Samy Tamouro in Cancun came from Quebec, as he was the former right-hand of a Canadian boss of a prominent Hells Angels member and connected to the local Mafia-Biker-Gang alliance of organized crime and drug traffickers. 

Silva (Left) alongside Mafia leaders Leonardo Rizzuto and Stefano Sollecito.

A prolific hitman, Frederick Silva, arrested over several murders, had begun to cooperate with Canadian law enforcement while in prison.

With information now that his killers were from the CJNG cartel, and discovery of local Tusi drug sales and trafficking being committed by the couple in Mexico. Another theory, a more localized one, is possible that his killing was due to the drug trade based in Mexico.

Funeral Attendees

Samy's obituary states, "He is survived by his wife, two children, his mother and father, and many friends." His funeral service on December 21, 2023, was held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and was under heavy police surveillance. As has been customary with past gangster funerals; gang members, Mafia figures, and outlaw bikers could be seen in attendance.

Quebec gang leader Jean-Philippe Célestin.

Several notable underworld figures were photographed at the funeral home including gang leader, Jean-Philippe Célestin and his bodyguard. Célestin was head of the K-Crew gang running a million-dollar street dealing operation and served over 5 years in prison for cocaine trafficking and conspiracy.

Also seen at the funeral was Benoit Nantel-Gagnon, who is the brother-in-law of Samy Tamouro and considered by the police to be a drug trafficker also linked to the Hells Angels. He was sentenced to around 18 months in prison last year for trafficking proceeds of crime from a wiretap recording.


  1. Dammm she was fineee

    1. Yea she hung her self with them big ass white tennis shoes she was wearing ridiculous looking 👟

    2. 7:33 picure #4 where she's standing next to the black suv should give you an idea why she wearing those shoes. Mama was short. And like with all the little people it never fails that they're constantly over compensating for what's lacking in their lives. Nonetheless she was a beauty.

    3. 733 those shoes are so Medellin every barrio girls got a pair. I dont see girls in Mexico wearing those could be wrong tho.

    4. She was from Colombia.

    5. None of you have anything comparable to her. Why do y’all talk shit about a really cute girl living life and making move. Lol, her shoes and to big and she is “small people.” She was a fine petite young lady wearing nice workout clothing. Y’all are hating and dreaming at the same time RIP sweetheart, RIP.

  2. This is a very interesting story SoCalJ. I don't know if you followed the biker war in Montreal about thirty years ago or not. You could write a whole book on it.
    Samy's homicide is going to have a few twists and turns to it. The Hell's Angels in Montreal were selling for Colombian cartels and perhaps even CDS. CJNG involvement is a new element and suggests he may have been killed for his activities in Cancun. This Silva guy has done some serious damage to HA Canada. HA Canada has been taking hit after hit over the last few years.

    1. I'm blown away the Leo Rizzuto is still on the streets with this Fred Silva guy. Possible Sam left Dominican because the Rizzutos are very heavy there.

    2. The Silva is related to the silvas that live in Redwood City atotonilco Jalisco guys that rep cjng there rats though think there big stuff but In reality there just punks

    3. 10:09 You know Frederik Silva and his family? Maybe he's Brazilian and related to former UFC champion Anderson Silva.

    4. 6:29 Yes, there are several photos with Leo/Stefano and Silva. So if he is cooperating truly, it is surprising they are still not in prison. Especially with attempts on their life and others being killed now.

      Detroit. It is very interesting, the Biker Wars were hardcore even for outlaw bikers. The US Bandidos withdrew the charter and essentially that helped end the war but then Mom even had 'cops' (prison guards) killed while in prison and tried to order the killings of the rivals. Hells Angels took over a lot of the drug trade since the Rizzuto's struggles, interestinly enough, the main leader of the HA was once the founder of Rock Machine and best friend of Mom.

    5. 11:40:
      I usually don't follow crime in Canada, however, the biker war caught my attention and I followed it for several years until things cooled down. There have been some stories that have caught my attention in recent years because they related to the Hell's Angels in Montreal. The Canadians are using civil forfeiture more effectively now. Their only problem is the short jail sentences. They are still handing out sentences of 10 or 15 years for murder.
      What I have been unable to figure out is who are their cartel suppliers. Most news stories refer to Colombian cartels without specifically saying which group. There are some stories saying CDS, but is that just some of the members pushing CDS product or are they moving CDS product on a grand scale or in cooperation with Colombian traffickers. There's obviously a cartel connection here but we need more information so we can put the pieces of the puzzle together.
      The Hell's Angels were pushing upwards of a billion dollars in product per year in Montreal so this is a very big market.
      The Montreal biker war was of historical importance in Canada because Canada has a much lower crime rate than the U.S. The level of violence was something absolutely new to Canada and I believe the reason that the Canadians have been stepping up their game over the last 20 years. This is an interesting story but we have to be patient as things come out in court and the press. This could lead to a huge vacuum in Montreal and renewed violence as new actors move in. We have to wait and see.

    6. 10:09:
      If true that's some very noteworthy information. If you have any further information or details, post them here.

    7. Most Canadian organizations buy from Mexican cartels because of price and convenience. Its a long haul from South America why worry when Mexicans can deliver in Mexico USA or direct to Canada. I am sure big loads do come from Colombia/Peru etc but it was revealed in wiretaps that in Vancouver it costs 30% of your load for safe passage through the ports.

    8. Detroit Montreal has had a very long and key history for drug trafficking. The French Connection used Montreal as a shipping point and then smuggled to NY and elsewhere for mid East heroin. The Rizzutos have long had South American ties for cocaine. They even fled there along with other Italian mafia members in the 80s. In the Greg Woolley article there is some info on a network pushing weed into the US and buying coke from CDS. CDS was tied to the Wolfpack another similar alliance. I’d say it’s a mixed bag depending on what connections guys have as many like Samy set up in Mexico too. The biker wars and many other wars has largely been about street dealing territory in Canada/club politics.

    9. They bought from Pannunzi but now some Mexicans are sparingly providing stuff from
      Chicago and NY

    10. 1.23. Yes H.A. controls longshoremans unión and port of Vancouver. Varios gángsters operate there, white and east indian, arab, etc. Mohan Singh, Curtis Olson and their groups. Bringing in loads from all over the world, including China.

    11. There is a good tv series with Kim Coates called Bad Blood.Gives a pretty good insight into Canadas east coast criminal climate and relations between the groups.

  3. I have a hard time believing she hanged herself.

  4. This is a wild one

    how the Canadians operate in Cancun and Tulum

    Selling drugs like Tuisi in Cancun,or anything, without permission is just asking to be taxed/murdered. Esp. in that small little community, he had to have eyes on him from the moment he leased/bought the condo.

    Punteros are everywhere and enforcers checking the drug bags in the club from what I have been told and read

    1. Yea foreigners think everything is sand and beaches in Mexico they don’t see the crocodiles lurking around 👀 the moment they lease expected get snatched 🐊

  5. And Micky Mouse is real

    1. So is la llorona

    2. 6:09 thats legit, sometimes he posts here and starts fights with Cuban boy

    3. Affirmative but I don't know about fighting Cuban Boy

    4. Lo unico que puedo decir es que yo si soy 100% mexicano y el mayo es cubano chico y La Llorona me hace una pura y dos con sal 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

    5. Mexicano con Skinny Jeans

  6. Its possible she was on CJNG hitlist or Hells Angel hitlist and knew that she would also be eliminated soon .she decided to end her life instead of waiting

  7. Thought about the idea that she didn’t kill herself, two things:

    Why not just kill her at the gym?

    Sometimes that can be a misunderstanding or just a mistake

    Second: She’s gorgeous and a model but she’s not high profile, if they were ok with hitting him — why do it like this? Who cares about some dead woman when you have lots of the muni, state and federal police on the payroll?

    1. Mal entendido que la bala sea directa?

    2. @5:47 PM It's also possible she set up ol' boy and instead rewarding her the masterminds decided to tie up loose ends.

  8. Those are some absurdly bulky white sneakers Daniela sported.

  9. Now, that's a smoke show. R.I.P.

  10. Connor stop spanking your mono to Emma. Let's go to Medellin and I'll introduce you to some Daniela type hotties.

    1. Connor says Mencho is kickiing it in Redwood CA

    2. Yo no se. I saw El Senor Mencho at a taqueria en Fresno eating al pastor. He bought everybody tacos so I ordered 6.

    3. 807pm can't wait to see Emmita at xalos nightclub in Anaheim tomorrow night . I think we got a table next to hers . They got some tribute to "el mago that got smoked 1 month ago

    4. 8:07:
      Connor can't afford any hotties in Medellin unless you're buying.

    5. Mencho probably got diarrhia from the tacos de perro

  11. Your modern day typical young woman would have been out and about trying to sell it to a new catch in the open market. This one was a real feminine keeper and really loved her guy.
    Only a handful left.

  12. En colonia libertad en Culiacan se aggararon a vergazos intensos la CH y hombres del chapo isidro reportan mis contactos en guamuchil reportan 7 muertos y cuerpos rescatados

  13. Let's see how much la chapiza trae vs el chapo isidro. without el mayo and the feds I don't think el ivan stands a chance

  14. Okay. So she joined him in 🔥 with her 👟


  15. Good for the way this black g,its fucking funny uf you meet him and he tell you My name is Jean Phillipe 😂😂

  16. Horseface with makeup.

    1. A horse walks into a psychiatrist's office..
      The psychiatrist says:
      "why the long face?"..

  17. Never commit suicide.
    The most prevalent methods of suicide attempts were pharmacological drugs abuse (42.31%) and exsanguination (25.64%), and the least frequent were poisoning and throwing oneself under a moving car (1.28%). The findings revealed that the female subjects tended to choose pharmacological drugs overdose and exsanguination as the suicide method, while males more frequently used hanging and asphyxia.

  18. I dont know man... esa vieja esta buena she can get any man she.wanted..y se quedo con toda la ademas tiene hijos.. im pretty sure she got killed while in there and they made it look like an accident... she obviously new about his deals with "X"organization which made her a target.

  19. Why would she stay in Cancun if she was in danger? It seems like a hint of betrayal. I think the Canadians wanted them both dead or they avenged their fallen. If it was the cartel I don't think it would be CJNG. Mencho is not very influential here and la Doña of Grupo Regional won't allow anyone to take her plaza. Not even Chapo could tell her what to do here. Now why would they care for an unknown drug like it was some kind of threat? My thought is that Daniela had Colombian links to suppliers. Samy probably thought he could supply groups in Cancun. Big mistake even if they had permission to do so or not. Betrayal is always a possibility

    1. That's what I keep telling Hearst not to go there.

  20. Cancun doesn’t have an owner there are several groups active there.

  21. Holy moly. Could u believe family members or friends attended a funeral. Whewwwww

  22. Replies

  23. Your average Colombian puta

  24. The money train is gone, she had to make a choice, back to the workin life or join her man


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