Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Special Report -- Cartels, Death, Denial: In A Region Under Siege

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The first of a three-part series on how drug cartels are sowing terror in Juarez neighborhoods and making their presence felt in El Paso and Southern New Mexico. 

El Paso, Texas

KTSM 9 News

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  1. Interesting crawler: 5 journalist confirmed shot in one day in Mexico.

  2. Eye opening for us far away from the Frontera.

    Off topic but I can't find good Mexican food en Tampa. No chilaquiles, the salsa is wimpy, and al pastor is not cooked on a trompo.

    1. East coast Mexican food is trash.

    2. sounds like an opportunity to take over the Mexican cuisine

  3. Off topic is I didn't know Diddy was into turkish baths and freak offs. I thought he was straight.

    1. Off Topic man the freeway was heavy today, usually the 10 East takes 30 minutes to get home today 1 hour and 15 minutes.

  4. It's not the cartels giving drugs to young kids.
    It's the prison gangs. Gangs like Artistas Asesinos and Mexicles and Empresa. Some of these run drugs they purchase from these cartels north to the US also. Aztecas are said to have diminished power in Juarez after they were betrayed by La Linea and or Empresa gang but are still around who knows in what numbers and exist in certain established neighborhoods. All these gangs are also the ones killing these same users and each other by extreme violence like beheadings and such. These gangs are said to work for cartels but are semi autonomous for the most part. This means they deal with their own drugs they purchase from the cartels and then dispose of these and users of these as they please.
    Kids and much less poor kids cannot afford to buy the drugs they use and cannot join cartels for the most part so they join these gangs in order to obtain more drugs to use and the cycle continues. More manpower to kill more people. They also kill other gang members.
    This is why cartels cannot be directly affected even if you label them terrorists. The gangs will still exist and do their shit.

  5. I don’t know there are a lot of you Mexicans that do t like the cartels. Their ways and honestly I’m an American citizen. But not born here. I’m Dominican. My country is not the best. But I won’t lie. I do prefer the US to still lead. Than other countries. I hate what’s going on with the fentanyl situation. And the meth. Mannn it’s not even like the Mexicans are getting back at the US. cause they are also fucking over their own people. How do you see someone from another cartel and call them a dog and kill them in such horrible ways. This whole situation is pretty insane. It’s sad. Sometimes unbelievable. Discouraging. I hope that there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Today when I got home, my dog peed on the pee pad now I can walk him later than sooner.

  6. Juarez went to shit after el señor de los cielos death.

    1. Yep, Juarez cartel used to be a force to reckon, especially with their Lince comando, now they are a bunch of tecato pandilleros.

    2. I'm sure the hundreds of female victims that were killed when he was alive wouldn't agree with you.

    3. Amado opened up the market for women trafficking. Fu k that piece of shit but hey it's not like of mayo or chapo were weren't pedos either

  7. It’s always been like that just now people r getting careless pura Alta vista


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