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Thursday, December 7, 2023

Throwback Thursday: 'I Thought I Was Going To Die': Officer Hunting 'El Mencho' Becomes His Prey In Rocket Attack On May 1, 2015.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted from THE COURIER-JOURNAL



Ivan Morales loved being a Mexican federal police officer. Now he is disfigured and unable to return to work after the CJNG cartel shot down a military helicopter with a grenade in 2015, killing several and leaving Morales with severe burns.


MEXICO CITY — In the darkness, Mexican police officer Ivan Morales and more than a dozen soldiers climbed aboard five military helicopters at the Colima airport — six hours south of Puerto Vallarta— for a secret mission. 

They weren’t told their target's name, so they didn’t realize the danger ahead.  

Their destination was a Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación compound, the hiding spot of Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, known as "El Mencho" — the most sought-after drug kingpin in the world. 

How we reported this story

Throughout 2019, Courier Journal reporters analyzed thousands of court records and transcripts of more than 100 CJNG-linked cases around the country and talked to more than 150 federal drug agents, police officers, defense attorneys, and prosecutors, as well as relatives, co-workers, and neighbors of those accused. The team traveled to 15 cities across the United States and to Mexico City and Guadalajara. Reporters also reached out to more than two dozen alleged cartel members or associates.

The U.S. is offering $10 million for the capture of El Mencho, who is blamed for thousands of kidnappings and brutal deaths in Mexico, as well as tens of thousands of fatal overdoses throughout America. 

El Mencho commands an army of 5,000 and is protected by paramilitary-trained assassins. Some have died to keep their leader safe from police and rival cartels since CJNG’s inception in 2011.  

But investigators rooted out El Mencho’s location in spring 2015, prompting the abrupt raid. 

On May 1, 2015, military helicopters flew north over the mountain peaks of rural Jalisco, a western state known for its oceanside town of Puerto Vallarta. The pilots flew the soldiers above a convoy of CJNG trucks.  

This rubble is all that remains of the Mexican military helicopter shot down by CJNG members with rocket-propelled grenade launchers in Villa Purificacion, in the Mexican state of Jalisco, on May 1, 2015. Eight soldiers and one federal police officer died. The cartel then blocked police from rushing in by setting buses, semis, and trucks on fire and creating 39 roadblocks throughout the state of Jalisco.

"Prepare for anything," a commander shouted. 

Minutes later, bullets riddled his helicopter’s roof and sides. Then, El Mencho’s security detail on the ground raised Russian-made rocket-propelled grenade launchers to their shoulders and fired.  

One explosive warhead pierced the rotor of Morales’ helicopter, igniting a fire. The aircraft plummeted into thick trees.  

From his seat in the back, Morales, then 33, threw his arms upward, pressing his hands against the roof to brace himself. He heard the crunch and felt the jolt of hitting branches on the way to the ground.   

Thick black and gray billows of smoke gushed in, obscuring his view.  

“I thought I was going to die there,” Morales said.   

Morales, who found out three months earlier that he was going to be a father, looked around the wreckage for an escape route. In the darkness, flames filled a doorway, illuminating his only path to safety.  

“All I wanted was to go out, and I thought about it for my family, my son and my wife.”  

Morales darted through the fire and kept going, fearful the helicopter would explode. He climbed under a fence, searching for a place to hide, still hearing the pops of cartel gunfire. 

A Mexican soldier keeps an eye out for cartel members after CJNG downed a military helicopter with a rocket launcher in Villa Purificacion, Jalisco. The deadly 2015 attack was part of escalating violence during CJNG's power grab.YURI CORTEZ, AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Fueled by adrenaline, he ran from the wreckage.  

He can’t recall how far he ran or how much time passed before he collapsed, was severely burned, and near death. 

His colleague, the only other Mexican police officer on the mission, didn’t make it. Neither did eight SEDENA, or Mexican national defense, soldiers.  

The crew from the other helicopters fired on the cartel convoy and then landed to help the wounded. Rescuers searched the area, finding Morales last.  

Mexican federal police officer Ivan Morales talks to a reporter in June 2019 about his disfigurement and the loss of a career he loved after CJNG shot down a military helicopter in the mountains of Jalisco in 2015, the year of the cartel's power grab.

Morales kept telling the soldiers who hoisted him on the stretcher why he had to survive: “I’m going to be a dad!”  

Suffering second and third-degree burns over 70% of his body, Morales nearly died of organ failure in a Mexico City hospital. His pregnant fiancee kept a vigil beside him.  

“Knowing I was going to be a dad motivated me a lot to fight,” he said.   

In the hospital, Morales married his love of two years, whom he didn’t want to publicly name for her protection. 

After several surgeries and a month in recovery, he left the hospital on Oct. 9, 2015, wearing his navy blue uniform.  

Six weeks later, his son was born.  

After several surgeries and rehab, Morales was able to walk down the aisle of their Catholic church for a small wedding in front of family and friends.  

Now, four years after the crash, it’s difficult at times for Morales to cope with his disfigurement. Strangers often stare and whisper. 

He’s disabled, no longer able to be a policeman.  

Some days, his son, now 3, sits in his father’s lap traces burn scars with his little fingers and asks what happened. Morales tells him he was hurt in an accident. 

His son is too young for now to understand the ruthlessness of cartels. Morales dreads those future conversations.  

After all he has lost, Morales still insists he has no regrets.  

“I knew the risks,” he said. “I was committed to doing my job.”  

Morales waits for another surgery to repair damage from the helicopter fire.  

He also awaits the end of El Mencho’s reign.   

“It is not hopeless.” 

Ivan Morales, a Mexican federal police officer burned in a helicopter crash caused by a CJNG grenade, hugs his wife. He didn't want to name her for her protection. 


 Investigative reporter Beth Warren spent two days in Mexico City and Guadalajara, talking with U.S. agents and Mexican law enforcement on the front lines in the hunt for El Mencho. She reviewed thousands of documents in more than 100 court case files and sought prison interviews with two dozen cartel members and associates.

Karol Suarez is a Venezuelan-born journalist based out of Mexico City who covers Latin America. She reported from Mexico for The Courier-Journal on this project, interviewing Ivan Morales for this story. She has worked for media organizations reporting social-political issues in the region, including presidential elections, civil unrest, Central American migration, natural disasters, the environment, travel and sports. Karol is a field producer, reporter and a social media content producer. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism and communications from the Yacambú University in her native Barquisimeto in Venezuela. She is fluent in English and Spanish.

Cristopher Rogel Blanquet is a Mexican photojournalist who worked for The Courier Journal on this project. He also documented the Syrian conflict in 2017. In his home country, he has covered the armed uprisings of Michoacán and the recent Central American exodus. In 2015, he won the photography prize of the National Trade Union School of Colombia for his coverage “The Opium Child,” published in the Mexican newspaper El Universal. His photographs are part of the multimedia work, “Disappeared,” also published in El Universal, which won the Ortega y Gasset Prize.



  1. I hope one day mexico will be free of the scum.
    And that the citizens can live in peace.
    All you cartel cheerleaders need to take note.
    What's so bad in your life that you are filled with so much indifference to human suffering?
    Side note that's what a good wife is made of.
    Loving and being with her man trough whatever.

  2. Lo Arado, Jalisco, next to Villa purificacion is were I believe the military helicopter was shoot down by fuerzas especiales del alto mando (mencho)

    1. Thats very close to one of those big mansions that were mentioned in articles identifying CJNG safehouses. Visible on Maps by the road between Lo Arado and Villa Purification.

    2. Do you have a link?

    3. You guys know there was also a helicopter shot down in 2012 right next to Tonaya? The second one a few years later was villa purification, about 10 mins away same area. Let me find you guys a link. I have videos of blockades from 2012 when they shot it down. I was in Tonaya at the time. Even the municipal cops torched their own cars

    4. @7:15 Ofcourse!,-104.57617,3a,90y,281.14h,90.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sooHDZLtMTC0YRPHIavy_KQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

    5. 10:24 was this the time the military retaliated by throwing out CJNG sicarios from the helicopters ?

    6. 19.68673469932559, -104.58125571077848

    7. 10:24 yes it was, that was the time they caught mencho and they let him go because he bribed them. All initial reports said he got caught. Villager say they had him outside of town.there was a lot of roadblocks. One helicopter was shot down, the roadblocks started, since they couldn’t bring backup by land 5 more helicopters were dispatched and killed some sicarios. Weird how they never reported the first heli gunned down.

      Some links for y’all. Both articles say the authorities claimed he was captured because he was. There’s more articles you guys can look for them. I got videos and pics from that day. If borderland wants them I’ll send.

    8. 12:06 That's another one in the area, really interesting how these houses stand out even on satellite

    9. 2:11PM

      please send me the pictures so I can share with your permission

    10. 2:11 PM
      Thanks bro keep posting,need more like you

  3. The Mexican government knows exactly where Mencho is hiding out. They can go after him but they choose not to.

    1. I agree. AMLO is goes after other cartels very hard, must be the money Mencho distributes.

    2. 7:03 - AMLO has gone after CJNG as well. In January of 2022, El M2 was hunted down and killed by the military and in December of that year, El Mencho’s brother was captured and is still currently imprisoned. During November of this year, the army successfully captured El CR and the marines even went after El Jardinero in Zapopan, but unfortunately El Jardinero did manage to get away.

  4. Despues que El CJNG tumbo el helicoptero el ejercito empezo a subir sicarios alos helicopeteros y los tiraban vivos desde arriba. Al CJNG les dejaron varios sicarios muertos por el area despues de esto.

  5. The day nemesio either gets snatched up gets smoked by authorities or succumbs to health problems ..all hell is gonna break loose. All these different key lieutenants with all these cells not all will acknowledge whoever stays in the leadership role . Could that be why the authorities are hesitant to bring him down ? To avoid the mess that ensued when BLO went down as far as splinter cells wreaking havoc all over the country

    1. 03 is getting control

    2. 720am it could also be La garra, el ojo de vidrio in michoacan, el sapo gaytan, RR, jardinero. Who knows

    3. @ Connor que tan cierto es que El sapo gaytan no se le quiso cuadrar al 03?

    4. 5:32
      Why are you so enamored with Nesesio.

    5. 832am who is nesesio? I'm enamored with Emma

  6. Any news on the students killed in Celaya gto ?

  7. They should do a movie about this

  8. Sadly. No one will bat an eye out because the damage to society has been done, most think of corruption before anything good comes out of the federal agencies and even the military; cartel life is truly winning the war.

  9. Iván Morales. El único Policía Federal que tiene mi respeto.
    Y su lucha no ha Sido inútil, tiempo al tiempo.

  10. Prayers, blessings and thanks to this officer, his family, the fallen warriors/soldiers and their families.

  11. In the US if bad guys would that they ll be dead or in prison Mexican presidents don't protect their officers just their wallets full of blood money.

  12. Penjamillo Michoacán necesita ayuda con un grupo criminal ellos son de tirimacuaro Michoacán le dicen el cuate roban casa carro y desaparecen a gente porfavor ayuda

  13. parangaricitirimicuaro


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