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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Tijuana, Baja California: El 17, Alleged Murderer Of Policeman Leon Loreto, Arrested

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Edmundo, 23, nicknamed El 17, was arrested by Tijuana municipal police on Tuesday afternoon in possession of a 9 millimeter caliber firearm. El 17 has an active arrest warrant for aggravated homicide for his probable participation in the murder of Officer Leon Bueno Loreto on November 24 in the Capistrano neighborhood.

"Last Tuesday afternoon, officers captured a suspicious subject in the streets of the Patrimonio Familiar neighborhood, who at the time was in possession of a firearm, which will be examined to determine its possible use in acts of violence," reads the official statement from the Tijuana municipal police.

Edmundo "N", 23, is allegedly linked to an organized crime group, according to information from the ongoing investigation, which indicates that a group of armed men in three cars followed 51-year-old Loreto to his home and shot him more than ten times with 9 millimeter and .40 caliber weapons when he got out of his Nissan Sentra.

El 17 was handed over to the Attorney General's Office for the possession of the weapon, while the Attorney General's Office will follow up and coordinate with the State Prosecutor's Office regarding the arrest warrant.

Mirador Capistrano neighborhood 
Tijuana, Baja California

Zeta Tijuana   Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Nata Montana singing "El niño de la tuna " in Tijuana 😂

  2. What's the use of arresting him as he will be set free after the bribe is paid.

  3. Here you go bud! $500 to take the fall, we will take care of your family. You will be out soon since you’re a minor, now let the Tijuana police work on the story.

    1. Read the article before you make ignorant assumptions.

    2. He is the guy that skips the article and goes straight into comments, to ramble anything that is not related to the article.

    3. Yes read the article. He's not q minot

    4. Slap him with 5bills and got himself a nickname “el 17”

  4. When I see people protesting in the U.S against "police brutality" one thing comes to mind... If you wanna experience police brutality or abuse of power, go to T.J...

    1. abuse of power not only tijuana rosarito is the worst and state police dont metion those rats drug traffickers

    2. Noone wants to experience it here in the USA hence the protest. Some ppl smh

  5. What will prevent and deter killing of law enforcement, the implementation of the death penalty, will make them think twice.

    1. Yes, but I'm also pretty sure this cop was involved in the theft of that drug shipment. So to add to your statement, be an honest officer to prevent your own demise.

  6. Disposable piece of trash that probably is a serial killer. I’m USA chi town probably has the greatest concentration of active serial killers in USA history. The prey, black men, the predator, other black men. The multitude of Chicago murders in the past 20 years says many are serial killers. Multiple victims with a cooling off period. Mexico could have the greatest concentration of active serial killers in the western hemispheres history. The prey anybody and everybody who gets in their way, the predator Mexican citizens usually organized crime of some sort. The filthy lying racist liberal invented the term serial killer to target the pig white male that kills women. But, in reality, the term fits like a glove concerning the info above is dead on.

  7. Plebe del flaco caf. Esta saliendo a relucir que el esta detras de la ejecucion de policias lo curioso que apesar de las declaraciones de los detenidos las noticias no hacen mencion de a cual grupo delincuencial pertenecen

  8. No quería dejar cabos sueltos por lo del robo pero se la pellizco, los mismos placas lo pusieron por que se quedo con todo el jale o la mayoria y luego les mando la voladora

  9. Ayer fallecio vera palestina escolta de hank y encargado junto con sus hijos (gemelos) de hacerse cargo de lo relacionado con la delicuencia organizada en tijuana. Puesto que se gano por asesinar al director del semanario zeta y pasar gran parte de su vida en prision.

  10. Why turn him into the Attorney’s Office? Just take him out

    1. 6:24:
      That's the problem that we have been having with SEDENA. Whenever the narcos kill a member of SEDENA the young soldiers disappear a narco. They were caught by the attorney general's office in Ojinaga cooking 12 narcos in a 55 gallon drum after the narcos killed a soldier and Mexico did nothing to the soldiers. We are trying to get them to knock that shit off and start bringing these people to trial. We are trying to instill the rule of law in Mexico and that means that the state actors cannot act like the criminals themselves by taking the law into their own hands.
      This is why we have gotten SEMAR involved in fighting the cartels is because of misconduct by the young soldiers forced to perform their two years in SEDENA. It would be nice if Mexico increased the pay of soldiers so they don't have to rely on conscripts, but until that day we have to work with these soldiers. The U.S. has been working for more than 10 years overhauling the entire Mexican judicial system. Once this task is complete criminals will be brought to trial in Mexico the same as what is occurring in the United States. The day will come when every narco will fear the Mexican state.

    2. "...The US has been working for more than 10 years overhauling the entire Mexican judicial system..."


    3. Detroit I disagree. All sicarios need to be sent off to their next life. They made their choice. Any military or law enforcement gets killed while they're trying to arrest these murderous criminals, shot to kill until the criminals submit to the authorities. México will not build the necessary prisons to lock up all the murderers. Derechos humanos para los humanos derechos.

    4. 333 your right obrador instead of having pink colored Barracks build for the soldiers, he should have more prisons build, like 19 stories high.

  11. Testing to see if how My comment goes through

  12. 6:38 Where's the comment, you forgot to include the comment.


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