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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

U.S. Raises Surveillance On Emma Coronel After Serving Reduced Sentence

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Emma Coronel, the wife of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, "El Chapo Loera, "El Chapo", was released from prison on September 13 after serving a reduced sentence.

Video translation is as follows: 

This Tuesday the district court of Columbia in the United States issued an order to modify the conditions of supervised release for Emma Coronel, wife of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán Loera. She was released from prison in September after serving a reduced sentence. In the order Judge Rudolf Contreras ruled that Coronel shall surrender to her probationary officer or any law enforcement officer who asks her to do so without the need for a warrant. 

Information about her property, residence, vehicle documents, computers, cell phones, electronic communications devices, data storage accounts, email networking accounts, social media accounts, cloud storage, belongings, and so on under the control of the defendant. At the slightest reasonable suspicion of a violation of her conditions of supervision or of unlawful conduct by her. 

The judge further requires that a signed release of information to check her credit history, federal and state income tax returns. Along with a signed authorization to disclose the information. In addition to this an exact financial statement with supporting documentation for all of her assets, income, expenses and liabilities. 

Coronel spent 2 years 4 months in a prison in Texas and a couple of months in a halfway house after being convicted of conspiring to drug distribution, money laundering, and participation in transactions involving property belonging to a narco trafficker. 

Although Coronel has U.S.-Mexican nationality she was placed under supervised parole for 4 years. During this time she has to report her residence and accept unannounced visits by a probation officer. Among other measures to ensure that she doesn’t reoffend. 


  1. Sent to the slaughter house at an early age … sick people like Dr. Mireles aka fake Autodefensas leader bolstered on cámara admiring his 15 year old lil g/f

    1. She wasnt 15 but he was really old for her, the guys who had 15 yr old girls were mayo and chapo

    2. 8:38 Dude everyone in Michoacan knows how Miereles got down, don’t try to save him

    3. Wait Dr.Mireles was a bad guy??

    4. Is that why chivis soured on dr mireles? She used to defend him when people were trying to convince her he wasn't good then she just stopped talking about him out of the blue.

    5. I'm not sure you know what you are talking about

    6. In michoacan man married under age girls more in little towns they don't see it has something bad its part of michoacan culture to be a pedo

    7. 11:03 JAJAJA. Apoco si? "Traigan plebitas de 15, de 21 el Buchanan's" Estilo SL by El Komander de Sinaloa
      Y la canción "Esta de parranda el jefe" que ondas? Para quienes es?
      No escupas pa arriba buey porque ya sabes que rollo.

    8. Haha what a piece of shit
      Brotha Sinaloa folks fuck each others family interbreeding that’s why you see deformations over there and Down syndrome a lot I mean a lot It’s like natural selection the weakest link good DNA gone 8 deformations for Evrey 10 house hold

    9. 1:59 now i see why the big ass heads with little bodies 😂

    10. Damn kid 134 159 BB ain't going no where get some sleep. At this point you just have a sinolan obsession. In every post there you are spreading your propaganda. Like some one said Dr Mireles is in the same boat as many as the other scumbag narcos out there. They are pedophiles and yes that includes Mayo and Chapo. Grow up kid. Parece que nomas la de Sinaloa te cabe plebe.

    11. The Truth is that I see a lot kids with down syndrome when I make my way past Sonora to my beautiful Choix, Sinaloa. Not to mention Que hasta en sus Tamales de Elote les ponen un Chile ajajajaja tu diras

    12. 6:37 😂 parese que nomas la de sinaoloa te gusta plebe, no paras de defenderlos en todos tus comentarios

    13. 1:34 1:59 5:07 8:19 8:28 damn kid you on here 24/7 . You get paid to be answering yourself?

    14. 12:50 😂 im only 8:28, lla deja de chillar no body likes those sinaloas but you, let me guess "you only support the mexican army" but get butt hurt when they talk about your belove snitchomos

    15. 12:50 nobody likes scum bags in general be it from Sinaloa or Michoacan, but you seem to get butt hurt everytime someone calls you out on your obsession of Sinaloa maybe seek some help or something 😂

    16. Same emojis same narrative same kid 751 1019 . What amazes me is how besides me multiple other people have caught on how it's the same annoying kid but yet a BB administrator doesn't.

    17. 6:55 trusm me kiddo we are not the same, but i guess we both agree on the matter😂

    18. 6:55 you on the other hand since we caught you doing EXACTLY what you claim we are doing are getting annoyed, like 10:19 sayed (nobody likes scumbags in general be it from Sinaloa or Michoacan) or any other state for that matter, but you boy seem to get extra defensive when Sinaloas are mentioned, shit they wanted that attention now they got it, not the way they want to be look up to but the way they really are 😂

  2. I wonder if she is really broke, no money?

    1. I have to imagine as soon as chapo was extradited Ivan stole all her money that chapo left for her and the kids

    2. She actually has legal businesses here in LA

    3. @9:05 We all know where that money came from, even if the business is legit, it was still started with dirty money. It’s also called Money Laundering

    4. They have no money once they get busted or go witsec.

      Government keeps close eye on your transactions.

      You can’t get away with hiding assets like you could 20-30 years ago

    5. 3:34 trump and his family gets away for ripping off the government for so many years. Whatcha think of that.

    6. Segur que l'Ivan es va endur tots els diners... No obstant això, l'Ivan estima el seu pare i el respecta a un alt nivell, perquè el Chapo no cantava a la sala com l'altra escoria de Jalisco, Guerero i els altres caps... Digues-me a qui has sentit això és cert, deixa'm que li pregunti a ell també... maricó

    7. @6:11 have u checked on ya boy Hunter Biden ? No es la palomita blanca que pretende ser. Deja de decir cada cosa. Enfócate

  3. Calling it now; kidnapping..

  4. She chose the life, now take both ends that come with it.

  5. Replies
    1. You don't get much girls do you.. shes a 6 .. 7 tops on a drunk day... shes deff nothing hot even with all that plastic.

    2. That's a negative chief.

  6. Replies
    1. She's "NASTY" years old, that's how old. 😅

    2. Too old for you 😭.
      I don't know if she will date a 15 year old. Word on the street, she was dating a lady, she met while doing Prison time.

  7. Supervised release is some BS. It’s not like Parole where you get out early on your sentence and do the rest of the remaining time under supervision. In the Feds, you do your sentence and still have to deal with this bs. And they can revoke your supervised release for any minor infraction and smack you with more time (over and above your already served sentence) depending on the class of revocation.

    1. Exactly what she needs, and exactly why they're doing it.

    2. Yeah it’s a good incentive to not do stupid shit.

      It’s pretty clear on how it can get revoked.

      People do dumb shit while on it and fuck it up for themselves

  8. “Reduced sentence “= 🐀 it’s in the SNITCHaloa culture to point fingers and drop your friends. It’s widely known . They’ll rat out their own mothers if would get them free or in a higher position

    1. Everyone snitches. A quick example Lobo Valencia getting less time for testifying against Cuinis Valencia and all of them are from Michoacan .

  9. She got released early at the same time they captured Ovidio. Not a coincidence

  10. Tio Sam is now her daddy! Some agent is greasing his monkey pole all up in that! She is totally fkd from here on!

  11. I can just see some P.O. telling her to let him see her phone to see who she has been texting. Supervision will be lax if he values his life.

    1. Lol get off el chapos dick. Emma is the US governments bitch now. This is not mexico.

  12. I’m sorry but she has some juicy lips.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Yeah, very juicy alright; you can practically see the iridescent glow that so delicately beams from the Milky-White substance, that so constantly, and effortlessly, drizzles off of them.😅🤣

    2. Looooooooool
      Rubio NYC

  13. Emma has real mellons. But had Brazilian butt surgery.

  14. She's probably a lesbian

    1. She got it from living in the same cell with another female. What else you think happens when you are in a cell 23 hours a day?


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