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Thursday, December 14, 2023

With Initials "JGL" More Than 800 Toys Delivered In Culiacan And Navolato: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 

Children from hospitals and agricultural camps benefited from different gifts.


Signed with the initials "JGL", more than 800 toys were delivered to children in different parts of Culiacán and Navolato, Sinaloa. 

Dozens of young and old received a gift in places such as Ciudad de Los Niños, Campo La Michoacana, Navolato, and the Pediatric Hospital.

In addition to the gifts, food was delivered to the hospitals for the benefit of workers and hospitalized children.

Other support
It should be noted that this is not the first time that different types of support have been given with these initials. A few months ago, some food supplies were delivered to families who needed them most in Navolato after the passing of storm Norma.

In several vans young people arrive to deliver toys to families in the different towns and communities of Sinaloa.


  1. Replies
    1. Wow Really? Could have never guessed

    2. Damn I thought it was Juguetes Genero Lindo 😆

    3. Jamás Ganaré Libertad, obviously.

    4. John Gotti Lives

    5. Thanks for letting us in I would of never figured it out

    6. Joaquin Guzman Lopez isn’t that one of the chapitos

    7. Here’s a toy. Now silence regarding your disappeared friends and family!

  2. They make a billion dollars a year and spend only $1,500 on their people trying to look like the good guys.

    1. I guess is better than nothing right ? I don’t see you or any other going to Poor villages or ranchos in mexico helping out🤷🏻‍♂️

    2. Ivan does seem pretty cheap lol the least he could do is send them some used cars or something

    3. 1:33:
      I have been going to ranchos for more than 40 years buying food for the people and medicine for the old folks. I guarantee that I have helped poor Mexicans more than any of these cartels. I'm not alone. Most Americans and Mexican green card holders I know help out the people with food, money and medicine. I have a close friend who goes to Guatemala each year and brings $2,000 with him to help out Guatemalans near the church he visits. We are giving from the heart. The cartels are giving in hopes to improve their image. If the cartels really cared about the people they wouldn't be killing thousands of Mexicans each year. What do they tell these kids, "sorry that we killed your father because he refused to pass drugs for us and our guys raped your sister because she is good looking and we had to kill your mother because she refused to pay piso at her tiendita. Here's a $3 toy and we will pretend like nothing happened".

    4. Mr. Detroit you are my hero, you are so humble and you make my heart skip a beat. Your knowledge of mexico is really impressive as you are very intelligent, furthermore thank you for your service on behalf of the BB staff. Love and respect
      -your secret admirer

    5. Detroit most of the stuff the Cartels get, is Cargo theft from the trains.
      Then for Christmas they give it away.

    6. 1:33 if a tree falls in the forest and you weren't there to see it, did it still fall?

    7. DetroitDecember 15, 2023 at 8:35 AM
      pero tu no pagas proteccion a gobierno eso es caro las armas las guerras todo cuesta.

    8. Just like the Mexican government but they don't give shit back

    9. A billion? Try 2-3 times that..

    10. 12:55 I don't think the question is "did it fall"'s did it make noise.

    11. Puede que a la mayoría de las personas lo suficientemente privilegiadas como para permitirse lujos no les parezca mucho, pero imaginen haber crecido en la pobreza o simplemente pasar por tiempos difíciles luchando para llegar a fin de mes, y mucho menos para comprarles algo a sus hijos. El cartel sabe lo que están haciendo y saben que esto estará para siempre en la memoria de la gente del pueblo y especialmente de los niños que probablemente se unirán más tarde cuando sean mayores. Por cierto, no los estoy defendiendo de ninguna manera.

    12. 755 I doubt that its the Chapitos they are scrubs bottom of the barrel.

    13. Thats a technique of those clowns, yet guess ignorant poor minded people do eat those poor moves. In my little town, we have malandros, and they do make little parties here and there for the people in town free food and drinks lol, and also give gifts to the people in the town during Christmas, yet they have bought lands and putting their laws on people like selling their beer and products, putting prices on people's farm products etc. If they do this is because they want people in their side, but in the end they can care less to kill a whole family even youngsters if they see the need.

  3. Hmmmm i seen that baby crib before.... it was in a naval hospital in san diego.... those are pretty expensive......interesting.

  4. Yoo i clean these types of babycribs in a naval hospital here in san diego... thats carzy...i wonder how they got in sinaloa.

    1. These are hospital beds. This one might also be a crib. The beds weren't purchased by the cartels. They are part of the equipment purchased by the hospital. Mexican hospitals are becoming quite advanced in the big cities comparable to the U.S. The toy is sitting on the chair, that's what they are taking a picture of. The bed just happens to be in the picture.

    2. Thanks you for your contributions Detroit don’t know you but thanks for helping others. Blessings come to those who bless others

    3. During the height of the pandemic, the Mexican government purchased some ventilators from a U.S company who was manufacturing the ventilators in Mexico. The U.S company tried to sell them to Mexico at retail price until the Mexican government said if we pay retail price be rest assured that your cost of doing business will increase. The company sold them to Mexico at a huge discount. Anyway, chances are them beds were built in Mexico by a U.S or european owned company because labor cost are lower and profit margins are higher.

    4. Hey Detroit have you checked out the Hospitals AMLO built. Pretty top notch.

    5. I nominate Detroit for President of Mexico, you are bilingual. Mexico would love one like you, but don't become curupt working with Cartels and getting bribes, like the others have gotten. Many of us know ALMO does not have clean hands.

  5. Ivan lives in Badiraguato

    1. I'll knock out Ivan's bitchass with a uppercut right now

    2. 9:15
      I'll hit Ivan so hard with my right, he'll be BEGGING for a left..

    3. He will karate kick you

    4. 9:15:
      Please film it and post it here if you ever do.

      I don't know where Ivan lives but Badiraguato wouldn't be my first guess. I'm thinking that he would be closer to Culiacan, but this is just a guess which isn't much better than anyone else's guess and not enough info to collect the reward on his capture. If you have some thoughts as to why you believe he is in Badiraguato, please post them here.

    5. I thought the brothers were in Durango. Tamazula area...

    6. All the big CDS heavyweights are in the sierra in the golden triangle. Ivan and his brothers and his uncle came down for the funeral in Badiraguato recently and after it was done left back to la sierra in huge convoys

  6. Aside from being narco money spend on those toys at the end of the day it’s cool to see people in need get something. Not riding any organization but it’s aways cool to see humble people get something.

    1. Must be a good trade off for being terrorized, extorted and raped the whole year, then get a few gifts back on Christmas!

  7. Body parts with Christmas wraps.

  8. Government of Obrador raking in bribes, and can't give gifts.

  9. Animo Sicarios!
    All Gente Nueva Tier 1 Special Forces Operators will get new 7G Mossad modified tablets and NSA modified tactical smartphones.
    Everyone gets new Heckler & Koch MP7 and
    Beretta 92FS Centurion handguns .AGM Global Vision NVG-40 1x27mm Dual Tube Night Vision Goggles.

    Thank you JGL !

    1. I known its a joke, but for real, shit like that wouldn't do you much good when your day comes.

    2. 006 can you tell me if the guy from the Culicanaso video shooting with a 50 Cal Barret got killed ?

    3. 3:36 that is Perry’s. He’s still alive

    4. Animo Sicario006 sounds like you are having a merry Xmas 🎅

    5. Sicario 006 always has a merry Christmas. He provides security to Santa Claus personally so he always gets a little extra ammo in his stocking.

    6. 1:32 tambien alias El 27 . El mayor benificiado que agarraron al 19

  10. Santa ditched his sleigh for a narco monster truck and clown mask

  11. less than 1 percent of the money that got extorted the last mont. att... Ivan the traitor

  12. Sad part is they do more than the government has ever done ever to help some of these people that's why hearts and minds works so well in Mexico all the politicians steal the extra money even right as I speak im sure amlo isn't much different under the surface maybe he just steals less so in his mimd he is better until corruption stops the money will never make its way to the people that need it most sorry to say some of these people the only help they get is from. The cartels and you wonder why it's easy for them to hide if corruption stops the crime will also go down it's all connected it's the history of Mexico at least since the late 60s early 70s shit the gulf cartel started even earlier bootlegging if I remember right

  13. JGL-Joaquin Guzman Loera

  14. Cheap ass bastards… where the millions and billions these rats be making? Don’t be greedy give it to the needy lol… just saying at least menchita gave away computers to further educate these little brothers and sisters

  15. Wonder if they stole them? The irony of making some kids happy while killing a parent whose children will end up miserable.

    1. Did you read a comment, they said they steal merchandise coming in from trains.

  16. No PS5 or VR headsets? Nothing but cheap Chinese stuff.

  17. Gracias Don Juan Gabriel Lopez

  18. I’m on minimum wage but have sent over 20 iPads to children in Mexico. My Mexican gaming friend said if I’ve got any iPads lying around not being used that I should send them to children (Mexico city) that can make good use of them. I asked around and got 17 more from other gamers. I hope it’s made some kids happy. If I was cartel boss I’d be paying the people piso and not the other way around. Buying houses and cars regularly for anyone who made me laugh.

    1. Acabo de comprar un IPad usado en el mercado de teptio manoooooo.

    2. 418 those usually end up just being sold off for beer or drug money. Follow up with all the kid's directly in three months or less and see if they still have them. Knew people trying to do this also with used computers and phones "for school use needs for the kids". After the second time bringing about a dozen over they stopped after realizing their friends asking to do this out of the goodness of their hearts for those in need, were either selling the nicest ones themselves to pocket the money, or the parents were just taking them from the kids to use or sell themselves instead of providing the item to the kid for homework as it's intended purpose. It's the unfortunate reality since most have a mindset of living for today and for themselves, not for tomorrow or the future education of their children. Pretty common scam run on gringos and expats.

    3. I have been providing help to Mexicans for more than 40 years and have never been scammed. The people I help I know personally in the ranchos. They are all poor people and appreciative of any help they get.

    4. 531 Yep helping the people you know directly is definitely the way to go. Blindly sending a box of high end electronics like 418 stated because a friend requested them in CDMX don't usually end up being used as promised and just passed around Iztapalapa to the highest bidder.

  19. If the cartels really careed they could rebuild all the city's amd houses they have destroyed. Buy when you deprive an entire country of everything and then give them the cheapest most BS toys on the market. What a joke.

    1. Well technically they are building up Mazatlán, but with cheap fabricated vacation rental high rises and torres. Pushing out more and more of the locals by the day while collapsing power and water to neighborhoods, and lining the pockets of the few.


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