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Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Mayo Zambada Gunman And The Tool That Settled Everything

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

An assassin from the Operativa Mayo Zambada is using his lethal abilities to remove his opponents' noggin. The ingenuity behind his deadly skill set is on display for everyone to see here. 

He's using a fixed blade knife and the forces of gravity to his advantage to jettison the dying man's head. 

Although the hitman looks young in appearance. That doesn't take away from the fact that he's obviously about that life. 

And when the time came for him to perform his duties. He went about his business like it was just another day on the battlefield in his fight against the Jalisco New Generation Cartel somewhere in Zacatecas.

* JanGlack is performing his song 'El Tata' during this broadcast

El Blog de Los Guachos


  1. Same will happen to him

    1. Tienes razón. Cuestión de tiempo

    2. Cjng love putting out videos like nobody else but barely seen anything from them these days is that a sign that things aren’t going well for them?

    3. is not about sign is about whole cell is fighting some let people record other don't, how many videos have you seen of them taking over michoacan? not a lot yet look how deep they be getting on the new where fighting is happening. just like CDS there is plenty of fighting in sinaloa and other parts yet rarely videos more of people recording compared to other states maybe cause they not allow to record like that......

    4. 9:36 what are you talking about the r5 people are fighting cjng in jalisco towns on the borders of Michoacan. Cjng is not having an easy time getting in those areas at all. Zacatecas they are on hold from what a cjng on twitter said but will be sending more people soon because government and mz was whooping them separately though. So we will see Zacatecas heat up soon, like cjng knows how to do in every state they try to control

  2. Wait. Does this mean I'm being bias? 🤣

    1. Still……. Lucky guy that got someone that could do this fast. Cause mannnnnnn some of the things I’ve seen on here. Even I’ve felt a little bad for the person being cut by someone who takes like 10 mins to cut the head off.

      Rubio NYC

    2. I tend to call it like I see it. And my judgment tells me that whoever trained this dude obviously had supreme expertise on this matter. Cuase it's not too often these guys are using gravity in their favor. The only thing I see wrong is that their captive was handcuffed in the front. That in itself was their greatest fuckup.

    3. 1:55 how come you only post CDS pro comments and not CJNG? Yea i dont know what else to say im not a CJNG nutthugger like those CDS guys who get easily offended, sorry sol i tryed but that was the best i could do, whatever happend to that CDS bitching guy who went on rampage against hearts? I bet he mesage you guys bitching about not letting his shit go through 😂

    4. 7:01 after commenting here for several years I've gauged the CDS groupies as being the biggest cry babies. I can talk shit about other cartels and no one gets bothered by it. But the CDS fans get horribly butt hurt if I clown them. That should give everyone an idea of how fragile those weak fucks actually are. Which is good though because once youve learned what their weakness is then it becomes so much easier to fuck with then. 🤣

  3. Zacatecas turned into a slaughter house. Looks like they hire the carniceros from the meat market


  5. Isn’t this shit getting a little old now? Do these assholes really think the cartels are going to keep around some psychopathic addicts for the long run?

  6. Karma will get you son.

  7. What’s up with the different names for groups of assassins Mayo has ? Do they have certain aspects of security they serve or are they basically just gangs of cowboys with guns ?

  8. Only a disturbed person would watch this fowl shit.

  9. Just another day in Murdico

  10. I watched it while eating lasagna.
    I watched a monkey get its brains bashed out as I tore through a cold bowl of oatmeal.
    You’re on BB.
    Don’t act like you don’t watch that shit.

    1. 9:21 you are one chimp lol are you related to trump the orange chimp Jesus?

    2. Going to be your next president buddy! Go Orange Jesus!

    3. @9.21. You like watching torture murders while you eat lasagne?
      Others watch to document murders , so they can text "Tell her I don't think it's him. It's somebody else.Don't tell her yet but I'm sure it is NOT her daddy", you think those people were watching for entertainment? They are hypocrites? Don't judge other people by your own standards. That's the logic of a man who watches child porn, then accuses the men who were searching for the victims of being just as dirty as they are.

  11. No more headaches for that guy!

  12. Is Coahuila relatively safe? It seems like I rarely hear of anything coming from there, but the surrounding states constantly have news coming out.

  13. There is NO place safe … not in Mexico.. not in the US … where your standing isn’t safe..if someone has it out for you, you better do like Mayo and never sleep in the same place 2 days in a row … the only difference is that in the states your murder-torture will have better odds of being thoroughly investigated, culprit brought to justice and hopefully some degree of closure to your family … but sickos willing to decapitate you with a blunt spoon just to see what kind of noises YOU make are everywhere and ALL around you .. you probably walk by someone capable of ripping your heart out daily and not even cross your mind

    1. 2:23 what you talking about? Mayo is sleeping in the same house for a while now, he is sleeping in his house in cuba, he has been back home for a while now, remember in Cuba he cant get extradited, i got to say he is not dumb, going back home was a good move

    2. @2:23 I realize no place is absolutely safe. I was just asking if Coahuila is relatively safe compared to its surrounding states. I seem to read a lot less about cartel activity in Coahuila than the surrounding states.

  14. Phsssss that’s nothing


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