Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Armando López Garcés aka El Pajaro, Escorpión 7, or Bravo 1

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

A clear image of the successor to José Alberto García Vilano aka La Kena, who was the leader of the Scorpion Group until he was captured in San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon while out shopping, has emerged on social media. 

Armando Lopez Garces aka El Pajaro was identified as one of La Kena's second-in-command and his likely successor. 

He is also accused of being one of the individuals responsible for the kidnapping of the American citizens in Matamoros a few months ago. 

The photo released shows a man armed with a rifle, wearing a plate carrier, with a San Judas chain hanging from his neck while smiling at the camera.

* The San Judas chain is a popular accessory among Catholics and other Christians who venerate Saint Jude as the patron saint of hopeless cases and desperate situations.

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  1. Alrato lo agarran o lo mascaran. Esos golfos no Duran Como los sinaloas o jaliscos

    1. Por que si se atoran

    2. En Tamaulipas no son culos como en Sinaloa

    3. 10:48 en todos lugares ahi gente valiente y gente culo no importa el estado

    4. AnonymousJanuary 23, 2024 at 11:04 AM
      10:48 en todos lugares ahi gente valiente y gente culo no importa el estado
      mas bien en todo mexico ahora hay drogadictos hay que saber que es ser valiente y drogadicto en bola.

    5. 11:11 ahi una gran differencia entre ser drogadicto y ser valiente . Ahi gente que no hace drogas y son mas mierda que los que si se meten algo. En Mexico nomas ahi de dos sopas o eres gente de bien y no andas en cosas chuecas o andas de corriente con los putos mañosos. Ahi mas buenos que malos todavia. Saludos

    6. @11:11 yo fumo mota todos los dias y no me considero una persona mala o malandro.

    7. 11:04 mentira, hay mas culos en otros lugares que otros aunque no te guste la realidad

    8. 1:49 segun tu donde ahi mas culos? Digo pregunta un amigo 🧐

    9. se atoran en la cola

    10. 2:21 cre que quiso decir que en Sinaloa son medios culos, es lo que entendi 🤷🏼‍♂️

    11. 8:33 pues la neta las mujeres de Sinaloa tienen fama de ser hermosas 😘

    12. Juarez pura gente fuerte

  2. 👍

    According to what I have read online some people claim Pajaro was a bodyguard for Contador. Some people even claim that he even goes back to the times of Tony Tormenta being part of TT personal guard.


    1. I’m guessing older Matamoros figures such as Meme Loco, Gaby Sierra, and Escorpion 2 are letting Pajaro step up into the faction leadership position to take all the law enforcement attention.

    2. 10:24 Escorpiones ain't going to seek a truce with ZVE or Metros any time soon . So they had to put someone violent who likes war . Pajaro has been a hitmen since the TT days

    3. @ 10:24 this is not 2005 lol
      Also Gaby sierra dead lol

      Only someone like OCG could manage his shit & even then after he made Zs he didnt last long

      But it was because times were much easier/different.
      Now everyone is part of the action & its not drugs they sell

      Kidnapping/extortion to pay for payroll/employees/expenses

      Theres not as much money as there use to
      Plus there all divided
      I guess its easier to manage/arrest/kill a dozen people over 1 supreme person

      Just a though

  3. FYI if you put you browser in private mode you can read for free this works for most newspaper paywalls.

  4. I’ll looking to become like them, where can I apply? Lol

  5. He looks cross eyed in that side pic lol must have just done a bg ass rail

  6. Tony Tormenta had an elite group of mercernaries as bodyguards " los Escorpiones".
    They had a shoot out with la Marina for like 8 hours straight when TT was killed.

  7. La Operativa MZ en la entrada de Loreto Zacatecas ex bastion del los Talibanes


    1. Los MZ son los informantes más grandes de México

    2. 10:50 every cartel has some type of government backing . Either local state or federal. Seems like it's truth to Operativa MZ taking over plazas that used to be CDG and CJNG in Zacatecas

    3. Yea, Mayo gas backing from the USA and Mexico.
      Mayo and his sons are in government protection because of that

  8. Question:
    What does pajaro mean to mexicans? Pajaro in my country and other Caribbean and Hispanic countries is usually used In a derogatory manner towards homosexuals. Especially in my country.

    Rubio NYC

    1. 12:12 pajaro means bird in Mexico nothing else in Mexico if you look like a pig they start calling “puerco”

    2. 12:12 yea if you got squinting eyes they call you chino

    3. Pues en tu pinche país pero aquí en mexico no 12:12

    4. I appreciate all the feedback. I won’t lie to you. I feel that my people lack “ a great deal “ of education. Most people don’t think im Dominican because I speak proper Spanish. They think I’m Colombian. Also because I’m light skin.
      At least I learned something new. I have no qualms with anyone ( or try not to. I’ve been pretty violent most of my life. Now I just want good karma. To make friends and acquaintances. And learn about people and their cultures ).

      IG Pan_blanko
      Rubio NYC

    5. 8:02 Colombians are not well look at in Mexico because a lot of are not good people

    6. 8:02 yea nobody likes Colombians in Latin America I noticed that also Venezuelans

    7. @rubio believed or not Colombians commit a lot of crime in Mexico mostly home invasion and “got a a gota” a lot of Colombians have been killed in Mexico. I think last time they killed 5 in Puebla Mexico

    8. @rubio nyc “ Matan a balazos a cuatro colombianos en Tecamachalco, Puebla”

    9. Wow no shit about Colombians? Are they looked at bad because of the coke? Or just In general? It’s funny because I thought that the only people that seem to rub off other Hispanics the wrong way are Argentinians. To me they seem to carry themselves in sort of a pretentious way. And I’ve spoken to alot here in nyc. and Miami.

      Rubio NYC

    10. And thanks guys for being cool. Appreciate it very much. One of my co workers is Mexican and he’s a real cool kid.

      Rubio NYC

    11. @rubio NYC because they’re thieves,scammers in Mexico they got a reputation of no good they commit a lot of robberies and scams in Mexico in general they don’t like em ..

    12. @rubio nyc “ Descuartizado un colombiano y desaparecidos otros tres en el balneario mexicano de Cancún”

    13. @rubio nyc also Central American are not liked in Mexico…. I personally don’t like Central Americans

    14. Mexican don’t like Central Americans

    15. At 938,940. You see if you guys wouldn’t have told me that. I would have never believed it about other people from south and Central America. I appreciate ya

      Rubio NYC

  9. El nuevo líder de los escorpiones es “ escorpión “DOTADO” 🤣🤣🤣

  10. 12;59 dotados te an de gustar golosa

  11. Where there any road blocked, shootings, burning cars etc. when kena got caught?
    I would have expected some kind of retaliation from his goons. Did i miss it or did he a nini?

    1. The location he was captured in was far from his power base in Tamaulipas.

    2. Over 300 army elements got deployed to Tamaulipas. I thought Escorpiones going to do something

    3. I passed through SF and Matamoros yesterday and all was calm. I didn’t even see Army except passing two trucks on the highway to SF.

    4. que andas haciendo alla cuh 3:58

  12. My guess is that he was shopping at the Lane Bryant Plus semi annual clearance sale? 🐙ms h

  13. Matamoros is at peace so far nothing out of the ordinary ....


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