Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Bagged Dismembered Body Dumped Next To Chivas Akron Stadium: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted JALISCO ROJO | NOTA ROJA DE JALISCO 

Metropolitan police officers from Zapopan patrolling on Del Bosque Avenue near Circuito JVC next to Akron stadium located this morning a suspicious package wrapped in plastic bags.

After checking it, they noticed that inside there was a human figure and blood stains, so following the protocol they requested the presence of paramedics, who confirmed that it was the body of a woman without arms or legs.

The Public Prosecutor's Office was notified and forensic personnel went to the scene to remove the body and the evidence to initiate an investigation under the femicide protocol.

At the moment there is no information as to who could have left the body at the site, next to a vacant lot.




  1. pinche barbarians. Will never visit Mexico

  2. Char, you seem to have an interest / knowledge of the happenings in and around Guadalajara. I live here and can give you info. How do I private message you ?
    For a starter know this : when the narcos want to kidnap a person in a small town, they send in the local cops for an "arrest". End of story, they are never seen again. Everyone here knows this.

    1. greetings my email is

    2. 5:14
      That's Police working together with the local Cartel. They get away with murder.

  3. This isnt the first time 3 years ago they dumped 14 bags full of chopped body parts in the same area. Such a rich modern city but so much dark evilness to it in the shadows.


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