Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Beast Mode With Enforcers From Los Viagras

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The full weight of a felling ax will come down a total of six times on its intended target. This particular tool made of steel and wood is what normally comes to mind whenever anyone thinks of axes. 

Every axe head is designed for cutting or splitting wood. But the only piece of firewood seen here is what was placed underneath the fallen man’s neck beforehand. Its only purpose there is to prevent the ax from sinking into the ground after each strike. 

The men in this video belong to the Los Viagras Cartel. For this broadcast, their armed criminal cell is made up of three members. A narrator who records everything happening in broad daylight, an individual digging in the background for the burial, and the enforcer tasked with swinging his axe against two deceased men from the Knights Templar Cartel.

Every swing rains down in one successive motion after another. 

Video translation is as follows: 

Sicario #1: Take a look at the reservists from El Más Loco you sons of bitches. The reservists are now gone. 

Sicario #2: Hey Vampiro, come pick up your trashy operatives. These are just several of the guys that belong to their leader Chalco. 

Sicario #1: I thought you sons of bitches were supposed to be such badasses. 

El Blog de Los Guachos

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  1. I thought they weren't fighting anymore because of the agreement to fight cjng?

    1. It's confusing out there. Sometimes we are informed months late about alliances made and alliances being broken

    2. Really dude these michoachangos have always jump ship the minute they are losing.

    3. Your'e way behind bud. The viagras and the templarios are not cool for the last 3 or 4 months now. they are fighting around Apatzingan, buenavista tomatlan, and the surrounding areas. The viagras are also targeting el abuelo.

    4. viagras are pieces of shit they betray everyone

    5. Yea, viagras won't last if that's the case. CT, and cjng will take them out. Viagras are definitely losing if one of the Santana brothers got smoked recently

  2. We need judge Dredd.

  3. Why are they mentioning el Chayo/Nazario for?

  4. That wasnt so bad they all were already dead, I remember one from late 2000s I think , CDG had a live zeta on the ground, with each limb strung out to a stake a guy walked around and chopped off each limb , now that one was fucking brutal

    1. The most brutal for me was always the screams. I remember watching like 3 cartel videos and next day im driving with my cousin to the next city and he was like "hey foo you good?" And I replied " yey foo I'm chillen" but my mind kept repeating those screams in my head and I felt like sadness... it felt like ptsd type shit

    2. What about the video where they cut the guys face off then started making fun of him asking him if he was alright then mocking him

    3. Or the one where they took these guys eyes out with tree pruners ... Crazy mofos

    4. @4:19 hope you joking.

    5. Or the naked guy hanging upside down with them cutting his dick off

    6. 4:19
      Those screams in your head are a throwback to the very dawn of man, when our predesessors first learned to flee in fear when they heard their homies loudly protesting getting slaughtered by a sabertooth tiger, or some other equally vicious varmint..
      Fingernails scratching a classroom blackboard mimic the shrieking distress cry of our forefather the ape and still set modern day humans on edge..
      Genetic memory, like when the hair on the back of your neck stands up, a learned memory from when we lived in caves and had to deal with spiders and other noxious critters falling on us from above..
      If the videos give you bad dreams, don't watch 'em..

    7. As soon as I started reading this, I recognized the prose, I knew I would scroll and find the lizard. Good stuff 🐙 ms h

    8. I should add, I've never watched one of these videos, if so it's for 20 seconds with my finger on pause, volume off. The war machine bangs on, feeding on the misery-🐙

    9. or when they cut open dudes chest and each breath he took his lung flapped out of his chest

  5. This remind me that Brujeria - Matando Gueros LP front

  6. Sol you’re becoming. Aficionado of these cutting tools I still believe the ww2 marine corp Bolo is the best tool for this particular edevaor!!
    That ax was doll as shit better for splitting wood than cutting it

    1. Not sure about chopping up people, but if you are logging, a 'maul', ('mazo' en español), is the better tool to split wood..

  7. The worse one was in Guerrero with FM killing a sicario in front of his little son. The agony in his scream while his dad got his chest cut open and had his heart snatched from his body in front of him. That was sad AF

    1. they beheaded the dad in front of him and took the kids heart out. will stick with me the rest of my days

    2. I don't know if the little guy survived, I hope he did. And to grow up, and to avenge his father. And if it is totally the opposite of how we live. There is a story based on a true story in the Balkans, where they killed a man in front of his 15-year-old daughter. The girl grew up, learned to shoot a rifle. And one day she found her father's executioner. She just pointed the gun at his head and said this * THAT'S FOR MY DAD...BANG

    3. 3:53 I doubt they let him live. Those killers were heartless and enjoyed what they do

    4. 3:53 no he didnt survive...did you not read the summary ?I just told you what happened in the video. They made him watch his dad get his head cut off and then they ripped the kids heart out of his chest. The original poster has the video reversed. Its one of the worst videos out there

  8. I feel like chopping woods outside since I’m running out for fire pit.

  9. That's more of a splitting maul than an axe.

  10. Indios being Indios in ole Mexico
    They are already dead why take the time to cut the heads off? Bored I suppose. Maybe put it in a jar of peppers and vinegar and keep it as a prize…

    1. We're all indios unless you came from Europe or Africa

    2. 8:55 are you saying those countries are indio free? 🤣

    3. 9:11 there's natives all over the world.
      The indios I'm referring to and defending are my indios from the Americas.
      Ignorant fools like to throw that "indio" word around not knowing they sound stupid AF
      most likely learned it from their parents, who learned it from grandparents, who originally learned it from Spaniards.
      1:44 Shows their level of intellect

    4. 1009 whats your point tonto? Mexican natives are still dismembering each other just like the ancients did when Cortez landed on the beach….

    5. 1:51 my point is your using that word as derogatory and you sound stupid.
      The indios/natives in michoacan are actually against cartels.
      You have no knowledge of this subject and just making dumb comments.
      There are other tribes in Mexico besides the Aztecs but your dumb ass probably didn't know that.

      My point is, your using the word Indio as an insult and it has nothing to do with indios. Makes you feel superior but I see a dummy.

  11. This kind of confirms that one of the younger Sierra Santana brothers, El Chaco, was recently killed in Michoacán.
    The ax wielding sicario says "uno de tantos que faltan por lo del jefe Chaco". Apparently El Chaco and his bodyguards were hit with an explosive device dropped from a drone when they were fleeing the ranch they were hiding in after it was located by rivals.
    Los Viagras are blaming CT. Are Carteles Unidos fracturing?

    1. That's good news, that would mean 2 got killed. One got killed a few years back by cjng. Cjng Sicarios bumped his car while driving, Santana guy got out his car mad trying to talk smack but got killed.

      Don't wish bad on nobody but these viagras are demons

  12. SI creen que deberas se ven muy fieras haciendo estoy estan muy equivocados.
    Mejor no hagan chingaderas haci.
    Si los van a matar mejor hagan eso y dejen los cuerpos en paz.

  13. Are viagras aligned with cjng?

  14. El acento del vato bien indígena lol

  15. least they were already dead


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