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Monday, January 29, 2024

Body of Sinaloa Cartel Leader 'El 010' Found Near Boxes Filled With Narcotics in Ciudad Juárez

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Jose Domingo Carrera Bermudez, alias El 010, was found dead outside of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua; he had been missing for several months

A body found on the Pan-American Highway near Ciudad Juárez over the weekend has been confirmed as that of José Domingo Carrera Bermúdez, also known as El 010, a key figure associated with the Sinaloa Cartel faction operating in Parral municipality. He was abducted by armed individuals outside a horse racing track last August.

His body was found next to several blue plastic boxes that contained approximately 310 kg (661.387 lbs) of narcotics. Concurrently, at the same location, National Guard (GN) personnel discovered a narco-message addressed to the Secretary of Public Security of the State, Gilberto Loya Chávez.

The message issued a warning to Loya Chavez that the cartel in question will not tolerate the influx of synthetic drugs into the state of Chihuahua, specifically pointing to the border city of Ciudad Juarez.

The message further implicated the state police in allegedly supporting the Sinaloa Cartel. Notably, it provided specific details about the quantity of drugs left at the scene, explicitly stating it was to prevent any potential theft.

The image displays the narco-banner specifying the precise quantities of narcotics: 19 kg of fentanyl; 20.98 kg of China White, a fentanyl analog; 4.72 kg of counterfeit oxycodone M30 pills, commonly known as Mexican Blues, Blues, M-Boxes; and 273.74 kg of crystal meth.

The banner reads: "This is the total [amount of drugs], do not steal it or [pretend] you can't count it. In the state [of Chihuahua], this garbage is not tolerated. We are not desperate enough to traffic this garbage."

Who is El 010?
Born in Zacatecas on 30 September 1982, Jose Domingo Carrera Bermudez, alias "El 010", established his operational domain within the municipalities of the southern Chihuahua state on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Based on information provided by the Mexican Army, El 010 functioned as the second-in-command of the Sinaloa Cartel faction Gente Nueva in Parral and its surrounding areas.

This position was assumed following the January 2021 arrest of Hector Manuel Monárrez, alias "El Chapo Monarrez", "Chapo M", or "El 302", making El 010 his direct successor in the hierarchy of the criminal organization.

Other sources say that El 010 was the financial operator of Antonio Leonel Camacho Mendoza, alias "El 300", one of the Sinaloa Cartel leaders in Parral.

El 010 was arrested at least once on 28 October 2021 in Parral, Chihuahua, by the Mexican Army, but was later released. There are no public records that show his release date or the rationale for his release.

He has been linked to a series of cartel conflicts in Chihuahua, particularly in the June 2023 shootouts in Coronado municipality area, which resulted in at least 11 deaths.

Sources: Diario de Juarez (1); (2); (3); (4); (5); (6); (7)Heraldo de Chihuahua; Borderland Beat Archives


  1. wow

    They held him since last August?

    and that's most hilarious manta I have seen in awhile

  2. Imagine having your first winning day at the racetrack in ages, then you get picked up on the way out to your car?

  3. As least La Linea has a sense of humor! Probably one of the funniest banners ever.

  4. Where’s the story on all the 6-8 renacuajos that were recently killed in Culiacan by el flakitos people made possible by Los mejores. Typical renacuajos not reporting their losses.

    1. Write yourself and send it to BB. Maybe Sol if he is not busy at his ranch will get to you. Sit down and stop complaining.

    2. Yeah stop bitching, you can send stuff to the BB team. They will post it if credible.

    3. 11:53, 9:50 triggered lol.

  5. Red letters on the bottom of manta, are they N C I J? Nuevo Cartel Independiente de Juárez?

    1. Pretty sure it’s NCDJ and it’s simply blurry.

  6. The mantra is to the State Police. Remember, they supported Sinaloa in the cartel war and are viewed as sorry back stabbed in Juarez. So, La Linea said take him and all his trash drugs and listed all the content so the public would know. The state police would have trouble booking it in and pouting it back on the streets.

    1. Ahorita quien crees que trae ese negocio???

  7. Damn looks like even the cartels are sick of the synthetics. They see clearly what they are doing to people. Never heard of narcos doing the DEAs job for them. But a new day must be dawning in Mexico. Today I learned not all narcos or money hungry. I’ve never seen drug dealers turn dope in like that. And that’s a substantial amount of cash that they could’ve generated from selling that. This is definitely a first like this. I realize they did this with fentanyl in Culican. But this is crystal as well.

    1. They have so much $ they dont have to resell just to make a few pesos. This is just a drop in the bucket. Actions speak louder than their deceiving mantas, probably wanted to see where the drugs came back out after confiscated so they could continue fucking up the cell. Pinchis perros hueveros

    2. They are not scared. The same was said when coke or crack or H or meth make hit the streets, and now its fent. Street prices went down, quality increased, jail time increased but more people than ever are playing the game. Your argument doesnt add up buddy.

    3. 0733 What money? Don't you remember that friend of Chapo, Ivan, extorting police officers and begging Chapo for a few pesos?

    4. 1159 don't talk sense to the fangirls they are a little to fragile.

    5. 11:59 & 3:20 i get the hate but don’t be pushing false narratives go ahead listen to that audio recording ya big boys now use your big boy ears

  8. So whoever gave the order for the manta to be printed just said f it.

  9. Esté Hombre operaba abajo la protección de las autoridades locales del estado de Chihuahua. En Villa Matamoros donde tenía su dominio, los policías municipales les dan protección a él y a toda su cuadrilla de delincuentes. Cuando la Guardia Nacional, hace operativos se esconden en los ejidos y los policías municipales les dan servicio de meseros y alcones.
    Deberían de investigar al alcalde de Villa Matamoros w a la Gobernadora de Chihuahua, ya que ella es muy cercana al alcalde.
    Una Rata Menos, gracias a Dios.

  10. La linea don't play

    1. They supposedly sent a squad to durango to get cap another leader

    2. 7:49 That was an internal beef in Durango, don’t get me wrong though Linea be putting a whipping on CDS in CHIH.

    3. The line just worried bout they true territory that el senor de los Cielo left them... Chihuahua

  11. Curious what they are implying by China White.

    Historically China White referred to South East Asian origin Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride, also known as heroin number 4.

    More recently in the 80’s China White referred to heroin-mimetic powder containing fentanyl analogs, primarily Alpha-Methyl-Fentanyl and 3-Methyfentanyl curtesy of George Marquardt. These analogs were many fold stronger than fentanyl itself, which is to say you would need X% lower of a dosage to achieve the same high as actual Fentanyl.

    I have yet to hear of the cartels in Mexico producing any structural derivatives of fentanyl, so i would suspect by China White they are meaning heroin-mimetic powder utilizing Fentanyl itself (not an analog) as the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient).

    Heroin-mimetic powder is simply a combination of an opioidergic API with inert powders such as Inositol, mannitol, lactose, etc. often white in appearance, and prepared at a dosage to buffing agent ratio that would be relatively equipotent in weight and effect to heroin itself.

    1. I thought they adapted the technique to make white H instead of brown mud somewhere in the late 90 early 2000. Doubt fent was part of the game back in the days, or at least to a much much lesser extend.

    2. 4:11 AM
      Preach bro preach,manitol used to use that shit to cut things(you know)other things used now.Intelligent post on BB ?

    3. Inositol brain vitamin under the GNC counter

    4. 9:42
      The original tar heroin the mexicans were notorious for producing, per my understanding, was the result of half assing the process. They would take the opium latex and rather than extracting the morphine from it and then acetylating that to get diacetylmorphine (heroin) they skipped extraction and instead just acetylated the opium latex itself. The resulting product would be substantially less pure, would still resemble opium latex (a brown or black tar material) and contain not just diacetylmorphine (heroin), but also acetylated variants of the other opium alkaloids such as codeine, thebaine, papaverine, etc.

      The cartels got more sophisticated in recent years, performing extraction of morphine from the latex and then acetylating that which yields a light brown to pure white finished product depending on the overall purity of it.

      Fun fact: heroin often has a vinegary smell to it, this is the result of leftover acetic acid (pure vinegar used for acetylation process) not purified out of the finished product and degradation of the diacetylmorphine, which upon degrading results in monoacetylmorphine and acetic acid (vinegar).

      The reason i dont conclude the “china white” in this article is white heroin itself is that heroin productiin in mexico has almost ceased to exist since the cartels began utilizing fentanyl. This is evident by the substantially reduction in the cost of opium latex from the mexican poppy farmers, who last i read were selling opium latex for 1/3rd the price as it used to be sold for due to the cartels having no desire to buy it and produce heroin from it. Infact i read many poppy farmers stopped growing poppies as it became less profitable verse growing actual produce like vegetables.

    5. I am going to go a step further in this Heroin 101 class.

      Heroin has 4 primary source regions. They are known as South East Asian heroin (SEA), South West Asian heroin (SWA), South American heroin (SA), and Mexican heroin.

      In europe the majority of heroin is SWA origin (afghanistan). In Canada the majority of heroin is SEA origin (Myanmar and Thailand). In the USA the majority of heroin is SA origin (Colombia) and Mexican origin.

      How do they know this? The DEA and UN drug monitoring agencies use a method of analyzing the isotopes in seized heroin. Heroin that was produced in different regions of the world has different isotope ratios unique to those regions. By analyzing these isotopes they can identify which of the aforementioned production regions the seized heroin was produced in. This information is then used to prepare trend reports among law enforcement agencies for the origin of heroin in their countries black markets.

      Heroin is also given a numbering system among law enforcement to identify its stage of processing and intended route of administration. These are referred to as heroin no. 2, no. 3, and no. 4. a heroin production process has the following work flow:

      Opium latex is extracted for morphine freebase, morphine freebase is acetylated to diacetylmorphine freebase (heroin no. 2 - only suitable for smoking due to poor solubility in water), diacetylmorphine is precipitated into a hydrochloride salt resulting in Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride and adulterated with specific agents primarily caffeine (heroin no. 3 - low purity below 30%, only suitable for smoking), upon substantial purification processing the Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride becomes more pure and whiter in appearance, this purer heroin is called Heroin No. 4 and is intended for injection.

  12. Imagine if some addict came across that load before the cops did lol

    1. In Juarez .. that’s highly likely

    2. lol… I’m sure they’d be pretty fine with a handful, or couple pockets filled…

  13. whole inventory spreadsheet printed and laminated is just peak linea shit tf rly showed their work for the numbers lmaoooo. rly clear + concise somewhat relevant info unlike most paragraph essay or cardboard with sideways sharpie mantas so 9.5/10

  14. Damn China White haven’t heard of that in a long while.

    1. Not the same thing clearly

    2. White china is same as any chemicals that comes from china. Ask the Chinese communist leader, he knows.

    3. @1214 — Stop being a tool and falling for the narrative. Precursors are clearly not the same as finished product.

  15. @morogris can you re-upload the video where he was picked up

    1. @6:38 nevermind found the link thank you!

  16. Sounds like a fake death to me he disappeared in August last year around the time of the fentanyl ban by the chapos looks a bit suspicious to me

    1. How can the dude that is dead fake his own death?

    2. Don't worry you will get over it big hit on Chapitos

    3. Well they got a buracho from the bar, that looks similar to him, planted his ID.

    4. 8:54 if that's the case why doesn't the real person being a leader of a group of hitmen come out and say that he's alive?

    5. If he was missing that long than he’s already been replaced but I can’t imagine what they been doing to this guy since then

  17. If they held him for negotiations but months seems like too long

    Work is probably stolen when they hit a stash house or when their law enforcement assets did , that’s why they say we’re not desperate enough to sell this, it’s worth like a few hundred or under 5

    Or part of a ransom. This is an interesting one, but it’s rarely as simple when you have months long kidnapping, the state police, and exactly weighed out amounts on a banner

    1. Two cartels, multi-level law enforcement and millions of $ in drugs just south of a wide-open border.
      Wasn't this a movie?

  18. Good afternoon to all BB readers and contributors. Is there any article explaining the Juarez factions ? Who is allies and who is enemies ? I know there plenty factions in Chiuahua, like La Empresa, La Linea, Nuevo Cartel Independiente de Juarez, Los Mexicles y Barrio Azteca.

    1. Notable Figures. Search it on BB search engine

    2. 10:44 have you previously read or found anything on Nuevo Cartel Independiente de Juárez?

  19. When are mexican cartels going to start buying hydro seeds from usa and grow high grade bud in mexico? Throw the whole usa weed business into chaos with cheaper high grade bud.

  20. Juarez Cartel has always been opposed to moving synthetics, they’re bread and butter is still cocaine even after all these years

    1. 70 percent of all cocaine that enters the US comes through Juarez. A high percentage of the heroin also.
      Meth is Sinaloa doing

    2. I’ve heard this too.. majority of cocaine that comes into the states flows thru the El Paso área .. I’ve known this for decades

    3. I think the statistic is 70% of the cocaine comes through the SW border including Juarez. The other 30% from the Moros and Reynosa plazas, and the other half of Texas--plus the South Florida route, and probably mail.

    4. 70 percent of the cocaine in this country comes from the Juarez cartel.
      The purest cocaine anyone can find.

  21. His fat belly telling me that he had it good in "custody" 🤣

    1. Maybe He was "chilling" in a freezer for these months. Maybe he was kept alive in some la Lineas dungeons..

    2. It’s bloated after death. This is what happens to stomachs

  22. I was just thinking about this foo the other day wondering why he didn't pop up on borderland beat shortly after being kidnapped.

  23. Update: The government confirmed his death today and also did confirm the August kidnapping. This means he was kept in captivity for several months because investigators say he had been killed a few hours before he was found.

  24. it could be chapitos sending another message to one of there people who broke their band on synthetics. Fent fake m pills ETC

  25. why hold him for months? Were they trying to work something out?

    This is maybe a big story in Juarez for a day or two. But this won't change much on the war front, or all the fentanlio coming through Juarez

    so why wait?

  26. Gotta give La Linea credit, for as little noise as they make they sure as hell are a powerhouse… Chihuahua has got to be the hardest plaza to take over.. ask Chapo he’s been trying for 16yrs

    1. Y aún así el chapo NO ha podido

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