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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Cartel del Noreste Attacks The Guardia Nacional

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

One member of the National Guard was killed and another injured following an armed attack by hitmen from the Northeast Cartel in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, near the Nuevo León state line. State security authorities reported that the attack occurred around 11:30 am at kilometer 26 of the Nuevo Laredo - Monterrey highway in the state of Tamaulipas. 

After the aggression, the criminals fled towards the highway and crossed into Nuevo Leon. The authorities decided to close the Nuevo Laredo - Monterrey highway to avoid another serious situation. This resulted in a long line of transport and passenger vehicles. They also ordered the closing of the section that leads to one of the international bridges to the city.

Videos that spread on social networks show how National Guard troops at the Garrita Vieja checkpoint shot at the crew members of a vehicle during the clashes they experienced. Nuevo Laredo is the stronghold of the Northeast Cartel, a highly violent organization.

Garrita Vieja 
Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas 

La Garrita checkpoint is across the street from Club Cinegético 
Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas 

Grillonautas 2  Checkpoint 26 aka Garrita Vieja Nuevo Laredo Street View


  1. Ahhh CDN aka the Edgar Cartel. Weakest link in Tamaulipas

    1. ''Ahhh CDN aka the Edgar Cartel. Weakest link in Tamaulipas''
      Try read and keep up

    2. Weakest yet they don’t have to share their plaza like Reynosa does lol. Matamoros and Tampico the same. Weakest is Reynosa. Everyone in Tamaulipas knows that.

    3. Yea ok buddy!! Watch some c d n videos from the past 6 months and tell me how weak they are.

  2. Mexico is in war.I dont know whey they dont call up press conference and finnaly admit that on Mexican teritory low intesity war claiming victims every single day for last 18 years.W europian are terrified of Iraq,afghan,bla bla but this is true horrific war.I suppose only beacuse they are USA neighbours they canz declare SOEmergency....imagine this...i am.driving my Wwpassat and in the middle.of road between Dussldorf and Aachen people with heavy weaponry decide to check me out....i mean...would i be in position to claim that i live in Germany,country of law and we have situation that everyone is pretends that country is in peace and there is more dead people everyday at Mx than in Ukraine....horrific....and whaz these animals are doinf to each others is inhumane....just listen sounds they produce while butchering wictims half like indians,half like stone age tribes i suppose

    1. It’s insane isn’t it? My heart goes out to you..

    2. @2:59""whaz these animals are doinf to each others is inhumane....just listen sounds they produce while butchering wictims half like indians,half like stone age tribes i suppose""
      So, 2000lb jdams om hospitals, schools, apartment buildings and residential homes filled with women and children are so modern and civilized that there are no anguished screams!

    3. Edin gacanin. Much respect. He disappeared like a ghost from Dubai Prison. Stay free tito dino

  3. @Sol — check this out.. mob bosses in Greece have been getting hit left and right. Leaked cctv footage of the latest:

    1. goddamn!! that was nuts

    2. I can’t even imagine the pain of taking that many 7.62 rounds and so close too..

    3. dude was probably dead after the 2nd bullet hit...probably didnt feel shit

    4. @547 — unless the first hits nailed his skull and penetrated his brain, he felt those shells.. if you look close, he (or someone) shoots out the passenger window after the assailant runs off.. which is why he came back with the pistol to finish him off.

  4. Sooooo ignorant question.
    I’ve read many articles here. I wanted to say thank you to all the contributors because I was not doing much reading before. Especially to Sol because he’s been a gentleman and im very grateful for that.

    Question is. Is CDN the one that batttles the army and GN the most ? Seems that this is a thing with them? Don’t usually cartels want to save the “ going against the government “ last resort?
    Makes me wonder. I don’t get that way of thinking. I know it seems brave and makes you seem more badass. But wtf…..because all of that in the end brings more headaches. More money loss. More watching over your back. Less sleep. Either drugs “ which I think are the biggest cause of this, especially because amphetamines make you extremely violent. Take some adderalls or Ritalin and then don’t take them. And you will have a hair trigger for a few days. I can’t imagine what 99% pure meth does to anger.
    Another thing is guys that feel they have something to prove. Usually lack of self confidence make people do stupid things always feeling like they have something to prove.
    And then there are the Z40s of the world who I think can only cum seeing someone’s face peeled. Or being cut into pieces.

    So which one might be the one that makes CDN want to fight so much ?

    Rubio NYC

    1. It’s all smoke and mirrors my friend.

    2. I live in TaMPS. Assuming the reports relative to who is responsible is true, and that’s always a big assumption because you can’t trust much here, it has been said that Americo accepted money from all these guys, yet there’s definitely a perception that the gulf is favored. That could, emphasis on could, explain their alleged posture toward the authorities. Gulf roots, control, and relationships run deep here.

    3. 1049 what’s up hope your day is good. And that’s a plausible answer.

      Rubio NYC


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