Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Chiapas: CJNG Clash Against CDS Displaces Residents

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

The confrontation that took place on January 4 between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel in the Nueva Morelia community in the municipality of Chicomuselo left at least twenty people dead. This according to a document from the residents themselves, disseminated on social networks and by various media outlets, which indicates that the clash between hired killers lasted about seven hours. 

As a result, people took shelter in their homes while other families fled. In this confrontation there were more than twenty people killed, of which two civilians were killed without their families being able to collect their bodies. Due to the kidnapping of the communities and not being allowed to leave. Because of fear of being accused of belonging to these criminal groups, according to the missive signed by the civil society of the town of Chicomuselo. 

Which adds that the families took shelter even though the gunfire passed through the tin houses. Due to this hundreds of families fled from the communities making their way towards other communities. It’s painful to listen to the testimonies of the people, to see children, and young people trembling with fear, getting sick from such traumatic experiences. The community of Nueva Morelia had to leave on January 5th because there is no sanctuary for them to stay in their homes. 

No security apparatus offered to stay in order to guarantee their safety. The letter adds that last December 26th the community of Limonar was evicted when armed people came in to remove them from their homes. The citizens fled asking for lodging in neighboring communities and others headed into the hills, the document mentions. The residents of Chicomuselo empathize that they will not be accomplices of criminal groups. 

For this reason they demand that the three levels of government act in accordance with the law and return their freedom, material goods, work spaces, education, and the safety of their children. They also denounce the lack of action by the authorities. They even point out that the CJNG has control of the municipal capital through self imposed checkpoints and blockades. 

The army, the national and state guards are not doing their jobs of guaranteeing peace and security for the people who have demanded it so many times. The Jalisco Cartel is holding the municipal capital hostage with its checkpoints, overturned vehicles, installation of guardhouses and the frisking of citizens. 

Finally, they call for solidarity with international organizations and human rights organizations. Regarding the alleged death of twenty people, so far no body has been reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Attorney General's Office of the State of Chiapas. According to the personnel consulted, the elements in the area are under orders to avoid confrontations with armed persons. They can only repel an attack if they are shot at beforehand. 

Distance between the towns of Chicomuselo, and Nueva Morelia, Chiapas

Nueva Morelia, Chiapas

Grillonautas 2  Isaiín Mandujano

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  1. Wow. Look who's screwing up in the deep deep south. Coincidentally it's both clown groups. The one we all know is just plain evil and it's snitch counterpart.😀

    1. How's Zacatecas????

    2. According to the narco experts lol . Social media and articles coming out from the towns seems like CDS has the upper hand .

    3. Sol CDS has been in Chiapas for a while it went to shii when CJNG decided they wanted another plaza remember when the citizens where cheering the CDS caravan on, no glazing just telling you how it it

  2. Which faction of Sinaloa was it ? Saludos

  3. Aver que cuenten los alucines quien va ganando. Nomas no se empiezen a pelear por sus equipos favoritos 😂

    1. Yo digo que las Chivas le dieron en la madre a el America!

    2. 11:16 Por desgaracia el America lleva 2 campeonatos mas que mis chivas😭 que Ch Su Ma el America!!!!!

  4. According to this article
    "They even point out that the CJNG has control of the municipal capital through self imposed checkpoints and blockades. "

    " The Jalisco Cartel is holding the municipal capital hostage with its checkpoints, overturned vehicles, installation of guardhouses and the frisking of citizens. "

    I'm no expert but seems to me CJNG has that town and CDS is trying to go in. Seems Sinaloa is on the offensive and Jalisco on the defensive in that region 🤷

    1. Cds is trying to recapture the territories they lost and they have been dropping CJNG but they are being kept away by those blockades I don’t think those plazas changing hands anytime soon

  5. it's an importation central state right?

    one of my boys was down there doing some kind fo English speaking classes and he told me it was so peaceful, but towards the end of his stay in 2020, the violence was heating up. He told me about Tio Gil being hit and that was the beginning of the slide into violence.

    CJNG assets killed Tio Gil's son in 2021 or 2022

    Sinaloa held it for a long time, CJNG is pushing in

  6. Topon entre las 4 y El Flama en los Altos de Jalisco

    Otro topon entre las 4 y R5. Al parecer R5 les tumbo monstros


    1. R5 has been doing a lot of damage to CJNG recently lets see if they can keep it up because CJNG isn’t running out of money or canon fodder anytime soon

  7. Los Choneros in Ecuador kidnapped a news station on live TV


  8. MEXICO GOVT IS A DISGRACED! And, the cartels are fools keep.killing each other rather than bring peace and agree to territories. There is enough money and drugs to go around without killing innocent lives!!!! Smmfh

    1. No doubt AMLO is a disaster for Mexico.

  9. Those are the same people running to the borders


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