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Friday, January 26, 2024

Chiapas Suffers Extortion From The CJNG; They Control Food Distribution

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Newscaster: In the state of Chiapas, on the border with Guatemala, criminals have now installed road blocks. They demand payments for each truck of food to be allowed through. Jorge Martínez has more details. 

Jorge Martínez: The Jalisco New Generation Cartel threatens, harasses, and strangles the border between Mexico and Guatemala. It does so with road blockades that causes famine in several municipalities of Chiapas and economic damage in the neighboring country. For three weeks, according to the inhabitants of the area, the four letters cartel blocked a thoroughfare with a tractor trailer and installed a checkpoint on the highway that runs from Huehuetenango, Guatemala and Comitán, Chiapas. It also keeps traffic partially and sometimes completely obstructed near the international Comalapa border. Trade is paralyzed on the southern frontier. The shelves of the supermarkets look empty, there are no basic foodstuffs. The criminals charge up to 1,500 pesos to let a truck loaded with groceries to pass through and the businessmen refuse to pay the extortion. These images were captured last Sunday at the Bodega Aurrerá store in Frontera Comalapa. In this other video it was documented that the Neto grocery store does not have products. The violence in this region broke out a year ago when the Jalisco New Generation Cartel declared war on the Sinaloa Cartel.

Merchant: It’s been about a year since they arrived here talking a good game, that things would go well with the El Maíz organization, and with their help. In other words, were they pretending to be people who sold corn? No, but as an organization that was going to help people. But afterwards hmm…

Jorge Martinez: There is also no food in stores and groceries in rancherías such as Ojo de Agua, La Cruz, El Matadero, El Chilar, Allende, and Loma de Ocote among others. The passenger vans that travel along the border between different settlements in Chiapas don’t go beyond the Comalapa Border. In addition, drivers are forced to block the road whenever the drug traffickers demands them to do so following a threat.

Merchant: Well, it's only to block the roads. There are a lot of people who don't want to work for them anymore. But what can we do? Many individuals have left this area because of this.

Jorge Martinez: About seven minutes from Frontera Comalapa towards Guatemala is the intersection that leads to the town of New Mexico. At this point, a criminal group known as El Maíz set up a checkpoint to detect migrants. They charge 150 pesos to cross into Mexico without permission. It also prohibits the transit of vehicles with Guatemalan license plates. In Guatemala the situation is no better. The economy dies. Every Sunday a clothing swap meet is set up on the borders of Mexico. But for three weeks sales have fallen. Two cartels are currently disputing the border between Mexico and Guatemala. Because it’s a corridor for drug and migrant trafficking that leaves profitable earnings for crime outside of all law and authority.

Bodega Aurrerá stock photo

Bodega Aurrerá store
Frontera Comalapa, Chiapas

Nuevo Mexico, Chiapas

México - Guatemala border


  1. Puro ratero extorting the hard working people.

  2. Civilians comforting the military in Chiapas


  3. I think people need to realise that all cartels do this. when you take on a work force as big as cartels. some factions of that cartel have to extort in order to pay they're workers its a simple fact. It doesn't matter if your in Sinaloa Jalisco or Michoacan they all extort

    1. You need to realize when cartels or any criminal organizations extort hard working people, the government has to step in and stop this nonsense.

    2. AMLO was installed by the same NWO people as sheinbaum will be. Its no accident. He is a comunista and loves Venezuela and Cuba. He is a fucking corrupt criminal and has consolidated power in the federal government. Soon México will be communist and whats funny is that no drug trafficking organization will be able to stop it. The government will own and control all drug trafficking.

  4. The fangirls from both sides in.... 3...2...1.

    1. 112 a cual de las dos le hechas porras mija?

    2. 1:12 siempre y cuando se pueda. Awiwis

    3. 4:43 "Portate mal" es letra de una cancion de Brujeria.

  5. I don’t know how but Mexicans need to take their country back from these huevones. This would never happen in most countries. Only in Latin America.

    1. Russia is a mafia state with a mafioso as president.

    2. Middle East and Eastern Europe... how about the Italians?

    3. Almost 100 murdered in Tijuana since Jan 1. That’s not happening anywhere else in the world.

    4. Tijuana is just insane rn

    5. The same tired old arguments, this shit isn't going on in other countries?
      Topic is Mexico they are statements of facts not Mexico bashing, you are part of the problem not confronting facts but diverting the topic to the same bullshit rhetoric 'Russia has more this, the U.S has more that, china has more blah blah, meanwhile Mexicans suffer

    6. 5:07

      South Africa has a murder rate of 70 per day, over 6000 in three months.

    7. South Africa is a country. Tijuana is a city

    8. Even in cities South Africa is worse.

    9. Nope actually Tijuana has a higher Murder rate, don't tell me you live in Africa.

  6. Imposible! EVERYONE knows Chiapas has an owner and its CDS.

    1. 135 is partially correct. Civilians clashing with military is a clear example, that's CDS social base.

  7. Y amlo como pendejo rescandose el culo

  8. How in the devil did the devil take hold?

    1. The Devil is at Miss Jones house.

  9. Did Zambada send hit squad cells to invade Chiapas

  10. Access to Mayan ruins such as Yaxchilan, Bonampak and Tonina cut off

  11. CDS is playing the exact same card carteles unidos used in Michoacán. And majority of ya'll are still to naive to really see what's going on.


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