Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Child Shot And Killed After Attack While Traveling With Parents In Valle Alto, Culiacán, Sinaloa.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted and translated from RIODOCE 

An 8-year-old boy died after the vehicle in which he was traveling with his parents was shot at in the Valle Alto subdivision in Culiacán.

The minor was identified as Cruz Ricardo "N", 8 years old, who was wounded in the Valle Alto shooting and died hours later.

At 13:00 hours today the shooting was reported to the authorities, when the minor, his mother and his father were driving a recent model red Jeep Rubicon van on Alvaro del Portillo Boulevard and when they reached Valle Hundido Street they were shot at by armed and hooded men who were driving four recent model vehicles.

After the attack, they fled in an unknown direction, while the woman took the child to receive medical attention in a private car.

The child's parents were unharmed. Experts from the State Attorney General's Office are at the scene.

The vehicle had bullet impacts in the front window.

Source: RIODOCE 


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  1. Replies
    1. nope it was cjng that made it in to sinaloa didnt you hear the news?

    2. Los unico responsables son los Padres del pobre niño, como agacharse ellos para sobrevivir y dejar al niño morir. Los Padres deberian estar presos igualmente 5-10 años

  2. Poor kid must be sad for the family

  3. Those hitmen are dead and they know it..... i give them 2 weeks at most. Para que aparescan en bolsas con una cartuli little one...

    1. Unless they are very well connected mistakes like these are usually fatal

  4. Descanse En Paz Cruz

  5. According to local Culichi reports El Perris or 27 is behind the hit . Wouldn't be surprised since he was the same filth as 09 . That's why the where so close . Wouldn't be surprised if he is the next one to go especially if this case gets national and international attention

  6. Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, pretty expensive for mexico. That was no mistake, being sure the parents were involved.

    1. culiacan is filled with rubicones and gladiators

    2. Por supuesto que sí! 9:09 El único error fue una bala al engendro de maleantes

  7. In all of this mess, noone is fighting for the people. They are on their own basically, with little to no means to even try to rise up.
    Why can't the US and other countries declare war here, and take these cartels down?
    We have done it before. What the heck

    1. Traer una Rubicon, es pueblo?
      No los veas con lástima, les gusta el dinero a costa de la vida de sus hijos

  8. Sounds like the Dad or Mom were the ones involved and sadly the kid paid for it. This is the news people need to see and hear about… how the innocent are killed for those mistakes from their adult parents and family members.

    1. Ellos lo saben. Que prefieren el dinero es otra cosa. No por nada es un honor estar en el Humaya y después sale el corrido.

  9. Les vale madre a los de Sinaloa esto. Otros cuatro años de vida que haiga tenido este niño mas y estos culeros de CDS hasta lo hubieran contratado de sicarios para ellos tambien. Carne de cañon.

  10. jeep rubicon I would guess it was a low level individual that disrespected the rules or ways of the local people these hits are for the crowd for the public. New truck being lit up in Culiacán by 4 cars is rare they mostly do curb outside a house or walk in a restaurant walking out of a certain business or public establishments and the Culiacán classic but very elegant levanton usually involves inside help from a turncoat. Rip angelito


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