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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Colombian Women Reported Missing In Tabasco Found Alive

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

According to the Colombian consulate in Cancun, the Colombian women reported missing in Tabasco were finally located. 

Governor Carlos Manuel Merino Campos through the X social media platform confirmed that the women allegedly missing were found in good health. 

And are currently in the custody of the Prosecutor's Office of Tabasco where their legal situation will be determined. 

Milenio  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I think its safe to say at least once.

    2. That’s all you think about? Heheeh

  2. Imagine your family finds out you a escort because you got kidnapped

    1. 1159 you know alot of these girls are trafficked right?

    2. 1222 and you know a lot of them do it out of their own free will.

    3. Perhaps they made the sojourn from Colombia thinking they would secure employment at Oxxo..

    4. They are recruited in Colombia. They leave their country willingly. They know the deal before they leave. Once in Mexico the cartel makes sure they get paid by taking away their passports and watching over them.

    5. The gangs threaten them. If they do not comply they will rape and kill there little sisters and brothers. These girl didn’t volunteer and raise there hand, “hey, I wanna be turned out and give you all the money 10 times a day.” There are a couple of trashy nasty people posting sexist bs on this site because they have no respect for those of Mexican and South American culture. That is not what this site is about.
      What if it were your friend, neighbor or family member herded of like cattle to be ruined for life. Human trafficking is a sickening disgusting business and far more common then drug trafficking.
      Please educate yourself before you make anymore sexist disgusting comments.
      I will call you out everytime I see it.
      These young ladies had no choice and worse, have no chance. They get raped 10 times a day and get food and a roof. Severe depression, suicide ideation, addiction and mental health challenges happen every time.
      Educate yourself on human trafficking instead of cheerleading for cartels and making sexist statements about any women mentioned.

    6. Imagine having such a shit quality of life you have to resort to human trafficking to try to escape it for greener pastures .

  3. Poor girls probably got sexually assaulted so many times by some fat meth heads in the last week smh

    1. I doubt anything happened like that. It sounds like it’s something between their respective bosses. Looks like it got worked out.

    2. @648 — they are escorts though… pretty sure these guys were being anything but chivalrous.

  4. Thank God! Those fools didn't kill them!

    1. Allegedly it was cjng who took them prisoner. Femocide is a common thing in the state of Sinaloa.

    2. As if femicide isn’t common in Jalisco smh

    3. 4:10 in cds plazas they kill many women and its been reported here.
      Places like in sonora and sinaloa

  5. They are better looking than Mexican women.

    1. Pues depende de que mexicanas. Tenemos varias coronas de Miss Universe.

    2. Look you pimple face, latin women are cool.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Colombians are untrustworthy

    5. 6:09 all women are untrustworthy but Colombian women are DEFINITELY not trustworthy.
      I've seen many guys fall due to Colombian women like these.
      There's has to be a reason they got snatched up. Those women are trifling hoes (the majority)
      But damn!! they are gorgeous 😍

    6. 1:18, shut up. This is not a beauty contest, cartel cheerleader site or sexist racist venue. You must live alone or with your parents in some small hillbilly rural area.

  6. Pinches culos del cjng couldn't handle the heat

    1. Forgive me if I missed where this might have been explained, but where do we see proof or evidence that CJNG was responsible for taking the women?

    2. Check the article yesterday. It's clearly stated in the title. All cartels do that type of heinous shit but it was the 4 letter cartel's time to get "caught". #FuckSexCrimes

    3. It stated they where working for cjng

    4. 2:24 it stated el 'jaguar' was behind the kidnapping n that dirtbag is in charged of that area for cjng

    5. 3:32 LOL. Reread the article slowly so you can comprehend it. The girls work for "El Jaguar". Some rival group kidnapped them.

    6. Would you be able to handle the heat without saliva?

    7. 4:48 maybe u should REREAD the article over n over,the title alone clearly says "cjng kidnaps......"

    8. 9:58 Reads the title but not the story and starts commenting🤦‍♂️.

    9. 11:37 too stupid to read articles n comprehend them 🤦‍♀️

    10. 9:05 que fiera eres mija

    11. 9:58 I will tell you what the title says,since you 20 year old phone, can't scroll up.
      "Colombian Women Reported Missing in Tobasco Found Alive"
      I am sorry bro, it doesn't state what you're saying 😭.

  7. So happy for them. I hope they are ok and have opportunities to find joy, happiness, and success.

  8. Que bueno que las escots estén muy bien y con salud.

  9. I knew women from all over South America who’d come to TJ to work and make good money to send home or whatever they wanted.those were the good old days!! Before these parasites want apiece of everything!!😹make TJ Great again!!🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽

    1. Hate to break it to you but TJ has been the most dangerous city on Earth and with how 2024 is looking, will be so again..

  10. Busetas make the world go round!!!!!!

    Glad they are alive.

    Rubio NYC

  11. The girls were partying with some guy in columbia who slipped them scopolamine, and then the next thing they know, they wake up in mexico working in a brothel

  12. Son muchas barracas.


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