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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Commander Marcos Reappears, On The 30th Anniversary Of The EZLN Uprising In Chiapas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Commander Marcos, also known as Captain Marcos, who is currently 67, was seen at the event of the 30th anniversary of the uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), which took place in the town of Dolores Hidalgo, in the municipality of Ocosingo.

In a photograph that circulates on social networks, on Facebook pages, and has been massively distributed on WhatsApp, Marcos is seen, who has been living for 40 years in Chiapas, in good health, with his traditional balaclava that covers his face and his pipe.

This time, Marcos is a little overweight, with a bulging belly and with his bandana that he used on January 1, 1994.

During the event in the town of Dolores Hidalgo, Marcos was in a pleasant conversation with Commander Moisés, the man who remains loyal by his side and who in 1994 took over the town of Las Margaritas, along with Commander Tacho, who has left the ranks of the organization.

During the event in Dolores Hidalgo, Marcos did not speak or gave a pronouncement for the 30th anniversary of the EZLN, but it was Moisés who spoke during the event that brought together support bases from the Border, Altos, Selva and Norte of Chiapas regions, as well as visitors from several states of the country and abroad.

In November 1993, Marcos assumed the leadership of the EZLN, when one of the founders of the organization Rodrigo and Commander Daniel opposed an assembly that was held in the municipality of Ocosingo, the armed uprising of January 1, 1994, considering that there were no conditions for the armed struggle.

On that occasion, the EZLN Marcos stayed with Commander Pedro, who in the early morning of January 1, 1994, is assassinated by the municipal leader of CNN, Aarón Gordillo, during the dinner to receive the New Year, which was held in the municipal presidency of Las Margaritas.

An old picture of a very young AMLO standing next to Commander Marcos

Las Margaritas, Chiapas

El Universal  Borderland Beat Archives  Fred Alvarez Palafox


  1. These guys are terrorists and a disgrace to Mexico.

    1. Those guys are what Americans call “we the People “ u goofy .

    2. 836 Why? Because he stood up for rights of the indigenous Mayan people? Isn't that what you come on here and preach? For the people to fight against corrupt mexican politicians? I don't understand you Detroit, you contradict yourself a lot.

    3. Axle Foley the philanthropist lol

    4. 8:54
      Marcos exploited them for his own political ends under the cover of "sticking up" for their rights. He's a clown .

    5. Their problem is their beliefs. They may fight a good fight against corruption but as long as they chase a dream called socialism…

    6. Apparently, a lot of you here aren't old enough to remember the start of the Chiapis "insurrection". A group of armed Zapatistas attacked several villages in which over 100 civilians died. They captured a prison and released 180 murderers, rapists and thieves. They captured a former governor of Chiapis, dragged him into the jungle to hold a kangaroo court and "convicted" him of a bunch of spurious charges and were forced to release him months later. Their main grievance was against NAFTA. They stated that NAFTA will allow rich Americans to rob them of all of their natural resources and drive the native population from their land. Here we are thirty years later and they still have all of their natural resources and haven't been driven off of their land. During their 30 year "insurrection" they have killed hundreds of soldiers and civilians.
      They are led by a rich brat named Rafael Sebastian Guillen who has nothing to do with the Mayan people or their grievances. He is trapezing around Chiapis playing G.I. Joe to satisfy his own ego, not to fight for the rights of indigenous people. If it weren't for the people in Chiapis, he would be in another part of Mexico "leading" a totally different cause.
      Marcos and his EZLN are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. I did attempt to bring this out in a post a few days ago but Borderlandbeat failed to post my comment. At the end of the day these are communist rebels who advocate taking from the rich and giving to the poor. They are terrorists pure and simple.
      The problem that Mexico is having is that many people in Mexico don't respect the rule of law. EZLN is one of these groups that believe in the rule of the rifle, not the rule of law.

    7. @Detroit, Marcos also doesn't recognize Mexican sovereignty yet he benefited from it when Vicente Fox gave him free passage around Mexico during his tenure. Marcos is a joke.

    8. Yes, he is and the entire movement became a terrorist movement. It only benefited their glory and their path to wanna-be righteous acts, but it actually ended up as a terrorist and criminal organization. Young cars would not understand this since they didn’t grow up in the later 80s and 90s eras.

    9. „…have all of their natural resources and haven't been driven off of their land…..“

      Really, they have whats left over once the wonderful huge trees are cut down, the wonderful landscape destroyed by coal, copper, lithium mines and the wonderful lakes and rivers become toxic.

    10. 9:54:
      You've never been to Chiapis. It's nice to see that the thieves, murderers and rapists has a supporter.

    11. Detroit, you might check what the venerable Wikipedia has to say about EZLN, including how "... in order to both encourage foreign investors in Mexico and guarantee inclusion in NAFTA, President (Carlos) Salinas amended Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution of 1917. Previously, Article 27 ensured protection of "lands and waters within the boundaries of national territory" and forbade corporate ownership of these natural spaces. Salinas' 1991 amendments removed these protections. The constitutional change resulted in a shift from indigenous agrarian ownership of the land to foreign corporate ownership..."


      Cool documentary on the EZLN that gives a different perspective than the governments and Detroit.

    13. You guys have to give Detroit a break. He has his opinion. Just like a lot of in here do as welll. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone.

      Rubio NYC

    14. 532 he can have his opinion and anyone should have the right to have a counter opinion that exposes the information that is being left out.

    15. 8:57:
      I'm glad you support the hundreds of unneeded deaths caused by the Zapatistas and incredible suffering they have caused the people of Chiapis. I am sure the 180 murderers, rapists and thieves that they released from prison appreciate your support as well. There is no relevant information that I left out. EZLN is a terrorist organization led by a wealthy piece of trash that sees himself as the savior of the people.

  2. GAFES was created to silence & fight against the Zapatistas. Same Gafes that became ZETAS and so on. NAFTA fucked many working classes, Indigenous especially no benefits for workers n killed unions as well. Did well for a lot of rich a$$ holes + Governments and fucked many for generations.

    1. 10:58:
      NAFTA employed millions of Mexicans and significantly raised the GDP of Mexico making it the economically powerful country it is today. I would have liked to see the maquillas paying U.S. minimum wage, but the positive effects of NAFTA and the fact that it lifted millions of people out of poverty is undeniable.

    2. Eso fue mas un mito que verdad se mando mucha tropa si, pero nunca al GAFE.
      Solo enviaban cientos de Soldados a granadear cerros llenos de Indigenas con "rifles" de madera 🤷🏽‍♂️

    3. NAFTA destroyed the economy in Mexico….

    4. 203. Mexicans produced thousands of levi's a week but couldn't afford to buy 1 pair for themselves on a week's salary. 🙄 yeah nafta really benefitted mexicans.

    5. 4:03:
      Apparently, you aren't old enough to remember Mexicans working for $1 per day and being happy that they just had a job.

    6. 746 apparently you're so old you forgot mexicos mining industry was sold off thanks to NAFTA. Now 75% of Mexicos mining industry is owned by Canada. I wonder what the Canadian profit margins are in comparison to the mexican workers daily wages.

    7. 9:57:
      What does your comment have to do with this post or my comments? Or are you only trying to make a fool of yourself.

    8. 1220 let me remind you how my comment relates to your foolish comment, "DetroitJanuary 3, 2024 at 10:59 AM
      NAFTA employed millions of Mexicans and significantly raised the GDP of Mexico making it the economically powerful country it is today...."
      Again, 75% of the mining industry is owned by the Canadians. The gringos were fucking the Mexicans by not only taking their natural resources but also by paying them dog shit and you wanna sit here and call me a fool?

    9. 1:04:
      There is no nexus between NAFTA employing millions and raising Mexico's GDP to "Canadian's owning 75% of of the mining industry".
      First, it's highly unlikely that Canadians own 75% of Mexico's mining industry.
      There is no logic in your argument. You need to take that shit out of your mouth when you speak.

    10. 1:04, dont be such a commi, they have to make profit otherwise they could not pay the money the local gob requests from them.

  3. Comandante marcos es primo de Osiel Cárdenas.

  4. Back then he was known as "Subcomandante Marcos"

    1. That's his name in Spanish. And it's Commander Marcos in English. Commander is the synonym of captain for that genius who's claiming the translation is wrong. Pay attention to the first sentence in the top paragraph.

    2. Sol, the first paragraph doesn't support what you claim, it's idiosyncratic. He's always been known, in Spanish and English, as "subcomandante". You can double check yourself.

    3. 2:00:
      It's irrelevant to the story. I have always referred to him as subhuman. I have yet to raise him to the status of a full scale "human" because he is undeserving of the title. Also, check the various nicknames that he has given himself over the years and you will see that he is some unstable psycho living in a dream world who believes he is the savior of humanity. He doesn't care about the indigena, only his ego.

    4. Everybody knows that his title is Subcomandante. That's not being debated. But the fact is no one has ever given his title an actual translation in English. Which is why I said Commander to avoid someone from asking what that title actually means.

    5. Sol, fair enough. I retract my comment about you being incorrect.

    6. In most countries, a Lieutenant Colonel is referred to as "Colonel".
      Could the use of "Commander" in the case of a Subcommondante be similar?

  5. Does Comandante Marcos still smoke those Cigars Arnold S. sent him from Cuba?

  6. AMLO has done more than this chump

  7. After 30 years he’s still sub comandante. You would think that after all these years he would at least be comandante or Coronel? It’s all a joke everyone has always known who he is. His sister is a big wig en el PRI. Mexico loves romantic masked people like el santo o blue demon. It all would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Los indígenas are worse of today than ever and this clown smoking his cigars

    1. 11:43:
      Lucha Libre turned him down so he decided to move to Chiapis and become a hermit where he stumbled onto a "cause" that he could "fight" for.

  8. Don’t let western progressives see old boy holding that schmeisser (the mp 40) Wikipedia will be rewritten immediately touting ezln as that over used and more meaningless now than ever, national socialist acronym. Being serious, Germans had a large presence historically in Mexico much prior to, during, and after the reign, I’m guessing a surprising amount of antique German weapons from broom handles, to different vintage mausers, to what was the latest and greatest of the 40’s and 50’s weaponry, up through things like the mg3 and some HK sub guns and rifles the Mexican military used.

  9. Jajajajajajajjajajajajajaj

  10. AMLO pure commy prez, sending $$ to Cuba as Mexicans slide into poverty ! Can't make it up. Picked his new gov of Chiapas, Jalisco puppet. Mexico should be flourishing but corrupt communist in charge spreads chaos around country, guy needs to go. Marcos is commy too, brought recognition to indigenous communities, give him that but nothing after. If western world would pull manufacturing from slave labor CCP to Mex/ central America we would all be better off, but fucking politicians/ elites don't want it, like to keep their boot on the throat of poor, keep them poor and uneducated to serve them. Imo.


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