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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Fresnillo, Zacatecas: Cartel de Sinaloa Armed Attack Against CJNG

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A recent article by NTR Periodismo points to what is believed to be the recent armed confrontation between gunmen from Operativa MZ of the Cartel de Sinaloa and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

The video of this shootout surfaced which took place in the Las Flores neighborhood, between the hours of 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday. 

The events occurred within Camelias, Crisantemos and De Las Rosas streets. A large number of shell casings were found there, and an abandoned Renault vehicle damaged by bullets was also found on one of these streets.

The authorities arrived at the scene and confirmed that there were no wounded or dead people, even so, the area was cordoned off and guarded due to the large number of shell casings in the surrounding area.

The bursts of automatic weapons fire alerted the residents and authorities in the early morning hours, however, when they arrived at the area, they only found the ravages of the possible confrontation.

Las Flores neighborhood
Fresnillo, Zacatecas

NTR Periodismo  El Blog de Los Guachos


  1. You can tell by the way they shoot this guys have no tactical training.

    1. Lol absolute trash skills. They’re literally just using them for extra bodies shooting a lo pendejo like the taliban

    2. 8:28 most of them are canon fodders specifically the young ones while the real sicarios stayed behind and show up to finish the fight

    3. Agree, once the real cara de trapo show up it’s all over they don’t even record shit they just get it done and go back to the cueva .

    4. @ 8:45 at least Taliban know how to fight

    5. Mejor así. Por eso son malandros analfabetas consume estupefacientes

    6. 👏👏👏 9:57

  2. Spray and pray..

  3. Failed narco country! Any lying cocksucker want to argue otherwise?

    1. I would. Outside of organized drug crime, Mexico is doing well, and quite prosperous.

    2. If the Sinaloa cartels were wiped out over night the economy of Sinaloa would collapse in a heartbeat. Mexico is prospering true. The top 1 or 2 percent of the population is making all the money. Almost everything has been infiltrated by organized crime. In Mazatlan right now there are at least 15-20 new hotels under construction. New housing projects for the rich. Golf courses. The mafia owns public transportation. The banks launder their money. You cant be a cop there unless you're for sale. Period. Mexico is prospering but "la gente", not so much.

    3. 12:35, you must be fkn senile or just plain O'l full on simple Jack. Mexihole is a failed State, an inability to safeguard its population to a sensible degree, and executing basic processes in human rights and due process in judicial matters; these failures clearly say as much.

    4. 7:23 mexico is actually the 10th most prolific country in the world, look it up

    5. 7:23 you never been to México. Before you tal go visit. 1:59 I say at least 25% of the people make money from cartel. Hotels create jobs, supplies, food, tourism and $$$$. Trickle down effect.

    6. Trickle down effect 😆😂🤣.
      Meth and fentanyl are worthless, how much is really going to trickle down from that revenue? POS criminals now tax the regular citizens not only when they sell but also when they buy.

  4. Friendly fire 💀 🔥

  5. Even when cjng tries to catch their enemies of guard they still lose??????? Yoo wtf 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Supposedly they had an agreement that they were going to calm down for the holidays since alot of people from the states visit zacatecas. But what alot of people dont know is that cjng was sending groups to the capital area and fresnillo during new years eve of South American sicarios to surprise cds but they didnt complete much. Mz sent alot of their guys back home for vacation during the holidays. Mz just sent their attack groups back to fresnillo this week. Except more confrontations in fresnillo this next week.

    2. youre on point .

    3. In the central part of the state CJNG is running out of sicarios they are bringing in foreign people that are nothing but extornist. In some social media posts recently MZ gunmen are talking about how they are waiting for Chapiza members to arrive in the state soon

    4. the central part of zacatecas & fresnillo been taken over by los flechas CJNG have fled to villanueva

    5. Cjng = paper tiger cartel

    6. 8:57 well it says that this shoot out took place in fresnillo 🥶

    7. 5:22 less than 2 years ago CJNG had Fresnillo on lockdown

    8. 8:17 CJNG never had Fresnillo on lock down. It was Golfos which sold out to CJNG 2 years ago.

    9. 8:17 i think 2 yrs ago CJNG bearly had gotteen into Zacatecas

    10. 9:04 after cdg sold out the one in charge of the plaza was CJNG . About 2 years ago they had Fresnillo on lockdown thanks to CDG . Now Flechas have kicked them out

      9:37 basically what happened is that cdg Metros sold out to CJNG. Cdg was the dominant cartel in the state. Thats why whenever the war between CJNG and CDS started about 3 years ago the battles where close to the Durango border. Now the fights are more far away from that region so should tell you everything about who has the upper hand at the moment

  6. That white house in the video is a safe house for MZ thats what cjng was trying to hit 😂

    1. Yea they were trying to use the element of surprise but mz was ready for them that ocasión

  7. Or maybe suppressive fire wile something else is going on..

  8. 😂😂😂 Dont know how to shoot, dont know how to record, all they lnow is how to snitch, plus i thaight they had kicked CJNG all the way back to jalisco

    1. Whats so hard to understand that cjng does get sent back all the time but never stops sending small groups into fresnillo to heat up the town. It was calm for sometime until the last week or so.

    2. Whats really hard to understand is why do you have to lie to feel like your fav cartel is winning? Lets be honest this Zacatecas war is stuck and no one will win, is actually that simple 🤷🏼‍♂️

    3. 11:14 yea it never looks like its going to end but mz does control the majority of the state and hangs on to towns like fresnillo, jerez for quite sometime. Until cjng gathers people and a wave of violence starts once again like the last 3 years.

    4. The CJNG training camps never stop cranking out endless amounts of CJNG biowaste

    5. 11:54 if Chapiza gets sent to support Flechas soon I can actually see more topones between CJNG and CDS but in the outskirts of Jalisco

    6. CJNG was never welcome to Zacatecas. Golfos sold out to CJNG. People from Zacatecas hate Zetas and CJNG. Hate is RIGHT! Pendejos Golfos had control and sold out to the wrong cartel.

  9. CJNG gets killed in Zacatecas and Michoacán what's new? 🤣🤣🤣 no pueden con los r5 mero van a poder con la operativa mz

    1. R5 goes into Jalisco and takes out sicarios and monster vehicles.

    2. They don’t. They never advance anywhere. They sit on top of the mountain repelling aggression, protected by the military. R5 vs only one cell of CJNG. Imagine if the whole cartel decided to go in there? They would be running to the border for asylum

    3. 1:23 isnt that cell Fuerzas Especiales Mencho (FEM) one of the best armed well trained best of the best CJNG has to offer ? Also didn't R5 go into Jalisco recently and attacked them . Seems to me R5 is holding them off and hitting them too

    4. Bruh even having a minigun in CJNG arsenal doesn't benefit them at all 🤣🤣🤣 I'm glad CJNG been exposed for what they truly are.

    5. 4:04 that same cell that was showing off the mini gun lost 3 monsters to R5 in Jalisco recently.

    6. 2:17 no, FEM is fighting in Tepeke

    7. The elite group might be the best well group of cjng but their training really sucks, a minigun can't fix stupid, their ineptitude is embarrassing they CANT even finish csrl nor R5 people nor flechas

    8. 7:34 imagine been stupid yet R5, CSRDL nor Flechas can get rid of you, what does that makes them? 😂😂 its a Jimmy and Timmy fight i guess 🤣🤣

    9. 5:24 seen R5 gunmen show off dead CJNG sicarios with FEM vests on 🤷

    10. 8:07 I mean not for nothing CJNG is getting slaughterd in Jalisco Michoacan Zacatecas Tamaulipas Guanajuato Chiapas Baja California 😂

    11. 8:07 might bit get rid of you YET but are advancing. Taking people and territory day by day from you. I see CJNG bending over to Mayo and asking for a treaty in 2024.

    12. 8:07 u make urself look stupid trying to hard to defend cjng dirt bags, don't forget that csrl is just a 'gang' underarmed n outnumbered according to cheerleaders like u but yet grupo elite CAN'T finish them off

    13. 9:18 are you the kid that writes 3 posts in a row?

    14. 11:07 si ya sabes pa que preguntas...

    15. 5:28 tienes razon, hola 3 posts nino, how have you been?

    16. 11:07 5:28 6:29 the kid strikes again. Damn kid you really trying to push your CJNG propaganda huh 🤷 . Se topan mas por internet 😂

  10. Goddam sicario 006 hahhaa these are your tier 1 special op Israeli trained special forces al orden del Sombrero? Hahahha

  11. Beens a few last months for the cjng . Getting slaughterd in about 5 states at once 😂

  12. MZ Flechas sicarios on social media are mentioning how they are expecting Chapiza hitmen soon

  13. CJNG takes another hit. Pobres pendejos. To many wars in too many fronts. It didn't work for Hitler during ww2 and it won't work here.

  14. Internet gun expert judge knows best everyone. I bet you have never even shot a assault rifle

  15. Anybody follow what is happening in Querétaro? Always has been safe, but it is heating up now. Bodies in different neighborhoods...A couple of days ago a cooler was found with body parts and a note saying "Sr. Mencho has ordered una limpia." Plus nine bodies in San Juan del Rio. Hope it doesn't turn into another GTO.

    1. just a cleansing of extortioners and undesirables nothing to worry about in queretaro just stick to yourself and you’ll be alright

    2. Those were just fuel thieves not extortionists

    3. 10:20 Sir Mencho ESTA muerto.🤣🤣

  16. NYT story about "gas station heroin".
    Válgame Díos.

  17. Counter Terrorist Win

  18. Matanse entre Ustedes

  19. Asi se pasean los Flechas por Zacatecas

  20. Sinaloa cheerleaders just wet their panties over these news.

    1. Just tells you that people who prefer CDS than CJNG. Simple as that

    2. 9:16 why would anybody choose one of those two cartels? As a matter of fact, why would anybody cheer for any cartel? We know what chapo and mayo have done to underage girls, but hey if you cheer for the CDSnitchomos well i can tell what kind of mind set you have

    3. 11:11 What question is that! That just tells me that you never been around or had family around cartels. You ALWAYS want the less evil of them. Zetas ruin Zacatecas by killing for pleasure. CJNG is almost the same, stealing the youth to work for them or killing them on the spot if they refuse. CDS and Golfo recruit kids with money, drugs and power. Never force anyone to join.

    4. 11:52 i actually do and they dont pick a side, "lesser evil" 😂😂😂 come on girl we've been over this before, man here in BB there has been a lot of posts about CDS doing what you say they have never done, you name it, they done it all, chapo and mayo are no better than Jeffrey Epstain

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. 7:15
      "our boy shorty" cheerleader #1
      All cartels are pieces of 💩
      So are their cheerleaders !!!!

  21. I wish we could get some info on how strong the flechas are in terms of numbers

    1. Send the Link 🔗 mijo instead of wishing all day.

  22. Meros Zapos faction of CDS vs CARTEL DEL Noreste maybe ?

  23. CDS in Jalisco, fight in Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco last night.


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