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Monday, January 29, 2024

Hitmen Execute Three Men And Accuse Commissioner Conrado Corral Of Betrayal: “These Dead People Are For You”

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

Unofficial versions pointed to the CJNG as the criminal group that would be behind these events.

Before being executed, the victims were interrogated by the gunmen.

Conrado Corral Leyva, head of the Zitácuaro District Police Station, attached to the Ministry of Public Security of Michoacán, was once again the target of accusations for his apparent links with organized crime.

On the night of January 27, local authorities found an abandoned vehicle at a gas station in the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood. In the trunk lay the bodies of three men and a piece of cardboard with the following message: “These dead people are for you Conrado. The day you are no longer in this municipality we will have peace.”

Hours before the discovery, a video was broadcast on social networks showing the interrogation to which the victims had been subjected. In the material, one of the subjects is lying on the ground, while the remaining two appear kneeling. Behind them are three hitmen who direct the conversation.

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: What do you do for a living? 

Captive: We steal and sell drugs. 

Sicario: Who were you working for?

Captive: For Commander Reséndiz of the State Guard. 

Sicario: What do you do with the stolen property? 

Captive: We sell off everything. And every Monday we give Commander Conrado an account of what all transpired. If it happens that he’s not around, we debrief with Commander Reséndiz. 

Sicario: Now we understand why the Civil Guard doesn’t arrest thieves. And the authorities can corroborate that here lately there haven’t been any arrests of thieves. All of this is due to the actions of the Civil Guard. 

Cardboard found next to the corpses 

At the end of the series of questions, the gunmen unload their weapons against these individuals until their faces are disfigured.

In previous days, Commissioner Conrado Corral had already been mentioned in a series of narco-messages signed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), whose leader in the municipality is William Edwin Rivera Padilla, alias 'El Barbas'.

"Everything happening in Zitacuaro is the fault of Commander Conrado of the Civil Guard for stealing money and betraying me," reads one of the banners placed in different communities in the municipality.

In the same threat, the four-letter cartel refers to an audio that was leaked in March 2023, which evidenced the closeness of Conrado Corral Leyva with a local plaza boss identified as Edwin, possibly 'El Barbas'.

Banner allegedly placed by the CJNG in Zitácuaro

"Show some respect, I'm not looking for you and that's all there is to it. I know where the people are, I also know how they move, at what point have I been chasing after you?" were the words of the security official during the conversation.

Another of the intimidations signed by the CJNG included a call to Governor Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla and Security Secretary Jose Alfredo Ortega Reyes.

"They were warned that [Conrado] is stealing and collecting quotas from loggers and roadhouses, this war is solely directed against Conrado."

Conrado Corral Leyva
Regional Commissioner of the Michoacán Police Force

Conrado Corral Leyva
Regional Commissioner of the Michoacán Police Force

Zitácuaro, Michoacán

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  1. Sooooooooo. No one writes anything when the person is not getting cut into little pieces of legos?

    Sol waddup hope you’re good

    Rubio NYC

    1. Orale Red panties Rubio welcome.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. They are lucky Rubio.

  2. Asi nomas quedo

    -el pirata de culiacan

    1. PS... Murderers caught
      Source Channel 5 Los Angeles

  3. Obvious guy you are RIGHT. I didn’t think about that. And to the other dude. Thanks for welcoming me.

    Hope you fellas are good.

    Rubio NYC

    1. They did leave quick though. The first guy to get hit was like wtf this is really happening.

    2. Sol yeah lol you can see it. I wonder though. The way they die. Does it have to do with the position you were in the opposite group? Or is it a luck thing mostly “ like you don’t get someone that just likes seeing people being chopped up “.

      Or maybe you get caught when these guys are high and drunk and you get chopped up regardless of what you were doing?

      So it’s all up to chance? Like playing the lotto?

      I mean I would hate to be chopped up if all I did was be a lookout or sell.

      Rubio NYC

  4. Off Topic News Flash
    They caught the killers that murdered 6, at San Bernardino desert, kojac reported it on BB aweek ago.

  5. Ese barbas es el mentado X corriente wannabe Columbian. Antes se pensaba que Jalisco venia a ayudar y salvar el pueblo pero salieron igual o pior que los zetas

    1. Grupo X antes eran Templarios. Todos los delincuentes chingan al pueblo porque les quitan la tranquilidad de vivir en paz.

  6. Hammurabi would have cut off their hands if they were thieves not blow their f****** brains out what the f*** is wrong with you Mexico? Praying for Mexico and USA

  7. Never fuckin ends does it,the popo are the worst rat bastards of all and that is sayin something in mexico

  8. I would bet that there are a lot of dudes reading here who could do this,inside you know it dont you

    1. Over stealing stuff? Tablazos will do the job. A hand loss. Some good whacks to the knee joint. Having their relatives do it to them.
      Killers? Blast away.


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