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Friday, January 12, 2024

In Guerrero, The Familia Michoacana Imposes A Tax On Basic Food Products

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The criminal group charges for every kilo of tortillas they sell, meat, soft drinks, beer, alcohol and livestock. 

The 'Familia Michoacana' charges a tax.  

As happens in several municipalities in Guerrero, for almost three months in at least three communities in the coastal municipalities of Petatlan and Zihuatanejo, organized crime has implemented a "tax" on food, drinks, livestock and even homes.

Alleged members of the Familia Michoacana have charged for every kilo of tortillas they sell, meat, soft drinks, beer, alcohol, livestock and recently even for every inhabited house.

MILENIO confirmed that in some coastal communities, alleged members of the criminal group Familia Michoacana, since November 2023, in the towns of Miguelito, Coacoyul, El Zarco in the municipality of Zihuatanejo, and Los Achotes in the municipality of Petatlán, and other towns located on the coast of Guerrero, have implemented a "property tax" and each family must pay 40 pesos per week regardless of whether the residents pay rent, if it is borrowed or if the house is their own.

According to citizens affected, who requested anonymity, the mechanism to carry out the collection begins with a call to the commissioners of the towns, who are asked to take a census of the number of houses in the area and then asked to provide the names of all the heads of families in each community, who are then extorted.

The sources added that in case of non-payment of the tax, the person in charge of the FM will go to the house to force the person to give the money and if he/she still refuses, he/she will be punished, since the quota "is not forgiven" and he/she is forced to pay it in full.

"You have to pay, if you don't, they give you your 'beat down', and you have to pay anyway," say the villagers.

The alleged leader of the group that imposed the "tax" is identified as El Michoacáno.

The fees they charge are two pesos for each kilo of tortilla, one peso for each drink, be it soft drink, juice, beer or yogurt.

But, according to the villagers, these two pesos are not paid by the shopkeeper, but by the consumer, because the owner of the business increases the costs to recover the tax imposed by the members of the criminal group.

The extortion doesn’t end there; in the case of cattle, pigs and goats, they charge one peso for each kilo of live cattle.

As an example, they explain, if each kilo of live cattle is worth 52 pesos, the client pays 53, and once again the buyer is the one affected.

This situation has caused an undetermined number of families to emigrate from these communities and go to other towns to avoid paying taxes on basic foodstuffs.

Cases similar to those in the Costa Grande region have recently been reported in some businesses in Taxco de Alarcón and in most of the Tierra Caliente region of Guerrero, almost all of which pay "taxes", a region dominated by the leaders of the Familia Michoacána, namely Jhonny Hurtado Olascoaga nicknamed El Pez, and José Alfredo Hurtado Olascoaga alias El FresaIncluso, The most affected are in the municipalities of Ajuchitlán del Progreso, Arcelia, Coyuca de Catalán, Cutzamala de Pinzón, Pungarabato, San Miguel Totolapan, Tlalchapa, and Tlapehuala, the inhabitants in these areas are spared from having to make a payment if their homes are utilized by the Familia Michoacána.



  1. It makes me wonder if Guerrero was better off with Arturo Beltran in control of the state. That drug pipeline dried up and it seems like the criminals have resorted to extorting communities.

    1. Pues la gente de los Pineda y los Nava terminaron de desangrar el estado despues de la caída de Arturo.
      Mire mejor que vuelvan los Diaz Parada de los Beltranes ni hablamos

    2. Diaz Parada? Plz elaborate 10:13. I've read Los Diaz Parada were from Oaxaca cartel. maybe different people?

    3. Arturo beltran was a piece of shit too tho. Pinche vato cocodrilo

    4. Arturo had mexico walking straight homie what u talking about some people doesn't like to admit it once everyone got divided everything went to s..t bribes got so high now all this mfers extorting and creating havoc el pakas de a kilo had the country tranquil until 2 sapos betrayed him

    5. 9:51 im pretty sure it was better off without cartel precense

    6. 9:51 very well said.

    7. Cartels are all skumbags with ethics

    8. It’d be better off if the government and law enforcement did what they’re employed to do.

      The cartel figureheads change but the extortion remains the same.

    9. Como todo esa gente de Oaxaca tambien trabajaba gran parte de Guerrero, solo te puedo decir que habia dinero y tranquilidad

  2. La gente de Michoacán está luchando por sobrevivir y la mafia todavía se queda con el dinero que tanto les costó ganar de manera descarada. Sería hora de que los militares estadounidenses y mexicanos se reunieran en algún lugar secreto. Dos batallones de soldados altamente entrenados. Y entran a Michoacán y comienzan a reprimir a la mafia hasta el final. Captura a TODOS los jefes de la plaza y envíalos a América con un billete de ida.

    1. Ni cuando el PRI era todo poderoso lo hicieron


      Por que los Michoacanos son aguerridos a niveles salvajes y que desde los 80's manejan arsenales belicos cabrones

    2. Toon soy michoacano y aqui los que te extorsionan son los mismos michoacanos cobardes sin 🥚🥚que con una arma se sienten hombres en michoacan hay puro enano cobarde

    3. Nadie ha dicho nada malo de la gente de bien de Michoacan, ni tampoco de los Michos que saben trabajar.

      Siempre he dicho que lo peor de Michoacan fue La Familia Michoacana/Caballeros Templarios 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. Time to start blasting at the F.M next time they come up the mountain

  4. Gracias amlo!
    Tus abrazos reforzaron esto

  5. In Michoacán Los Viagras do the same because they got to pay the Soldiers & Guarda Nacional to keep CJNG FROM INVADING

    1. do you think if cjng invaded they would do the same?

    2. 6:02 yea, they would, just like if CDS would invade they would also do the same, they are criminals, whats so hard to understand?

    3. CJNG is actively fighting for Acapulco right now. They moved in after Otis and are the reason for the massive uptick in violence. A few days ago they shot a bus driver on the street and announced that the taxi and bus drivers aren't allowed to work until they start paying a tax to them. I live here and it's been horrible recently. They are murdering people in the middle of the day on the main streets. La guarda is a joke and not helping at all.

    4. Haven't noticed a reduction in taxicabs, but there's scarcely a bus in sight..
      Somebody said that they killed the head of the buseros sindicato, but who knows, it's hard to separate the truth from chismes..
      11:36 ain't bullshitting, it's a goddam clusterfuck down here..

  6. Let me see...🤔.
    Cartels make money on drugs, big profit margin, living the high life , and now resorting to taxing products citizens buy. Just last week I read, they were taxing on Internet usage, good lord what next????

    1. Five pesos for each time you have sex with your wife. They charge the wife too, so it's ten pesos a pop.

    2. @3:50 😂😂😂 Your comment made me spit out my coffee 😄😂

    3. Every cartel has the ones that cant that resort to this as they all have guys never heard of moving weight whats the point of having cops on the payroll if ypu dont use them there was a time when things were in control there were laws there was a certain level of respect among the true bosses when the new generation came to play we lost all what made this appealing like the mob

    4. Are you describing a cartel or the government?

      Taxing every aspect of peoples lives while offering little to benefit it in Mexico

    5. Soon Everytime u take a shi- u gonna have to pay to do that ... .50 per piece

  7. This is why the people will never support FM. Instead of helping them they are taking advantage. FM need to learn other way to earn money like top cartels.

    1. They don't control a border so they do all that bullshit

    2. Produce more crystal and feti grow more poppy marijuana bootleg alcohol. Taxing tortillas any food products is petty no matter how lucrative extortion is. To the most high on both sides help Mex.

    3. they are incapable of learning other ways to make money, these are not cartels anymore, they are called scums and plage of terrorist. they cant make it with out any easy way. I call it brainless

  8. Honestly I’m a bit disappointed with the LFM. because I always looked at cartels as mainly drug pushers. Not doing what these guys are doing. It’s always things that you do when you don’t have Anything else good going for yourself. Kinda sad. I don’t but I guess they are still considered a cartel by definition………….

    But what I was also going to say was that I saw a post here of el pez or fresa having some of the properties seized. And I have to say that was the ugliest house with all the zebra heads and antelope’s heads or all the animals they had stuffed lol. It was horrible.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Today I am happy it's Friday, can get liquored up and have a good weekend.
      I can't wait until 4 pm rolls around.

    2. Yo my nigga 1239. Salud!!!!!!!!

    3. That was me loll
      Rubio NYC

    4. 6;33
      rubio why they call you red panties//????

  9. Bola de culeros corrientes los de La Famila Michoacana.

  10. And in turn, they provide no services. Grifters.

  11. Semper fi these are your michoacanos scrounging up pesos from the innocent to pay off taxes at the border since they don't control squat lmaooo

    1. Semper Fi que paso con tus michoachangos 🤣

    2. Son de Guerrero. Qué no leyeron el artículo sonsos?

    3. 4:33 tienes todo el C¥!@ lleno de razon, asi como el CJNG son michoacanos y aqui en Jalisco no los queremos, ni al CJNG ni al los pedophilos del CDS ni a ningun otro perro cartel, todos son la misma mierda, me da riza como a estas alturas de la vida todavia ahi pendejos que prefieren a un cartel sobre otro, saviendo que todos son basura, pero en fin crencia de jente pendeja

    4. The original FM are dead or in prison. They were from michoacan, they had respect and were feared by all cartels. Now they are people from Guerrero using that name but not as tough or feared as when Nazario Moreno "el Mas loco" and el chango were running that Cartel.
      They were so feared that Even chapo and MAYO sent his DOG NARCOPRESIDENT Calderon to go dismantle that cartel. They were expanding quickly and cds got worried so that's when the michoacanazo started and went after that cartel and the rest is history

    5. sol is suspect for calling them like that, in fact there was an angry jelous michoacano hater that used to call them names all day. he got banned and left finally, maybe it was SOL hmmm

    6. 5:27 Así es C¥!@. Delicuentes y lacras hay por todos lados. También en Jalisco hace aire dice Alfaro y Los Rodríguez Olivera pero la gente pendeja de ahí los apoyan aunque tenga el estado lleno de fosas clandestinas.

    7. That's true my dad from Colima and were originally michoacanos the whole state be saying vale more than the whole state of west michoacan there's a lot of Guerrerenses saying cocho...

    8. 6:08 una cosa es que lo digas en broma de vez un cuando. Y otra es que te quieras pasar de verga día tras día con gente que ni si quiera se lleva así contigo.

    9. 6:56 seran sus putos familiares porque lo que somos los jalicienses trabajadores y de apie a ningun puto de esos perros queremos ni apoyamos, ahora que si de donde eres apoyas a tus delincuentes pues te digo que igual que ellos vales gaver y nunca van a avansar, nonas ponte a ver y en jalisco tiene lo mejor de mexico legal mente, los mejores deportistas de todo mexico siempre bienen de jalisco, cuando ahi competencias nacionales jalisco siempre arraza, de eso si me siento orgulloso, no de los putos delincuentes como tuercas

    10. 8:22 Que boxeador de calidad a producido Jalisco en los últimos 24 años? El Canelo no cuenta porque aunque haya nacido en Jalisco sus padres son 💯% Michoacános. Tiene sangre y temple de los Purépechas. Ni los entrenadores de el son de Jalisco.
      Mi familia no a dependido de ganarse el dinero en el negocio de las drogas. A mí esa gente no me interesa, ellos andan en lo suyo y nosotros en lo nuestro. Y aunque no te parezca el Michoacáno va prospera en cualquier terreno porque sabe trabajar en lo legal y lo prohibido. Ni un centavo ganan los vendedores de droga conmigo. Así que ya sábanas charro uñas pintadas.

    11. 10:25 si a esas nos vamos el canelo es Irlandes, tiene de purepecha lo que yo tengo de Aleman 😂 ahi tenenemos a checo perez el mejor corredos de autos de la formula uno en toda la historia de mexico por ejemplo

    12. 10:25 o se me olvido decirte, informate cuando hacen torneos nacionales estilo Las olimpiadas, cuando cada estado lleva sus mejores deportistas a competir en todos los rugros y Jalisco siempre arraza

    13. 9:23 Que bueno, con tanta población en el estado (3er lugar nacional después del Estado de México y Ciudad de México) Jalisco debe de ganar medallas en las competencias nacionales.
      Yo no hago menos a nadie pero tampoco que le tiren a uno generalizado a todos los de un estado con los delincuentes oriundos de allí.

    14. 2:29 tampoco generalise, ovio lo dije por los carteles o criminales de cada estado, gente trabajadora y de bien de todo mexico es bien venida en jalisco pero los criminales y carteles que son lo mismo se pueden ir a saludarme a la mas vieja de su casa, con los perros criminales que tenemos aki lla es suficiente

    15. 8:13 Si tú no escribistes los comentarios de 5:27 y 8:22 pues cámara y salud vale🍺

    16. @5:47 Sinaloa Cartel always crying to the government when overwhelmed by rivals or potential rivals (CAF, CDG, Los Zetas, BLO, FM)

  12. A cartel government with in a government. Only in Mexico.

    1. Like Lebanon, Hezbolla a government within the government

  13. Familia michoacana doesn’t really relay on drug trafficking as much as they do on extortion. I believe they make a lot more extortion big companies like Pemex, Coca Cola, Cemex, and others to name a few. Also they have taken control of the silver and gold mines in the state as well.

    1. They still traffic meth but youre right since they are smaller compared to how big they were in 2009/2010 they rely heavily on extortion instead of drug trafficking back when El chayo and Chango had control over LFM

  14. Sedena killed El Moreno from Chapiza in Sonora


  15. What ever happened with that town that blasted the gangsters n machete'ed some of them? No follow-up?

    1. 2:37:
      The prosecutor ruled that they acted in self-defense, so no one will be prosecuted. The governor visited the town and everyone got aid packages. They kept their children out of school since the incident, but I believe they have returned to school. Unfortunately, I have heard nothing of the 14 civilians, to include four children from one to thirteen, who were kidnapped. It's unlikely that any of them are still alive. The name of the town is Texcpilla.

    2. Did the cartel ever retaliate?

    3. 4:38:
      I haven't read about any retaliation, but the state government is concerned that retaliation could occur. I hope BB does a follow up on this later this year or next year. This is a very interesting story. Incredibly brave Mexicans standing up to a cartel with machetes and squirrel guns. The cartels had AK-47's and AR-15's with full auto that you could hear in the video and the campesinos only lost four compared to their ten. The lady hacking the lowlife with a machete was the star of the show. Don't mess with the campesinos of Texcapilla.

    4. 4:38 it was almost a test case of what CAN happen if ppl actually stick together n defeat Goliath

  16. What a sick country, these people rob, rape, extort there own country men, no support from their government, that Amol is a piece of crap, I wish the people of Mexico could rise up and stand for themselves, the government should wipe these cartels, but then these Mfers wouldn't be able to line their pockets.

    1. its been like that for soo long that the people dont ever concider the police for anything at all. police is out of the question straight up

    2. Blah blah blah and more blah blah blah. As far as I know several police and military have died defending the people. Unfortunately Mexico doesn’t have enough resources and they still have pockets of corruption. It’s not easy. The United States have their own problems with people dying year after year and I don’t see them solving the problems or fixing anything and they are the most powerful country in the world. USA had 21000 murders and over 100000 overdose deaths. Are you telling me they are doing much ?

    3. Any ELMO cayotero care to answer 3:16 's comment?

    4. 720
      Cayoteros are not getting compensated well,
      they were getting only Tortas con Jamon and Jimaica drinks for saying good things about ALMO. More likely they said the hell with it, no money was given.

  17. En Petatlán controlaba un señor de la vieja escuela que sí movía mercancía y no chingaba al pueblo como estos ojetes.
    Estos lacras de 🐠 y 🍓 han crecido demasiado en poder económico y territorial pero como están arreglados con los corruptos de MORENA no les hacen nada. Hasta se dice que el 🍓 le está rellenando la concha a la gobernadora.
    Sin armas para su defensa el pueblo nunca será libre de los criminales. Así los quieren los de la 4tranza.

    1. 4:45 Que no al fresa su ex vieja le puso el cuerno con uno de sus sicarios? Osea que tanto asi como "rellenar la concha a la governadora" pues cinseramente lo dudo, a lo mejor testerear la concha, pero rellenar? Nomas en sus sueños

    2. 7:10 a finales de Mayo del año pasado la mato según la nota.

  18. does the gov ever raid fm? they move around like they have impunity

    1. The gov there is a bunc- of bitc-es

  19. What a bunch of FUC-ING pus-ies doing shi- like that ... And the piece of shit government don't do nothing

  20. If I was president in Mexico I wouldn't be a bitc- like AMLO i would of already put em all in check

    1. 625
      Not really you would be killed a hit would be put on you.

  21. Embarrassing af, but all the other cartels be taxing cds, cjng they all do nini was taxing like crazy and yet they glorified him like he wasn't a scum bag. Everyone trying to take sides like one is more innocent than the other is just dumb af.

    1. Not for everything. This fucking broke ass criminals are not even a fucking cartel.

    2. They went after nini, federal government all over Sinaloa also. but they never do the same to cjng who is worse. They get some random “leader” no one heres about and they get out after a year just to make people believe they hit cjng also. But never get “nini” level leaders for cjng or have the government on their ass in Jalisco

  22. When the governing party vows to go after the heads of the cartels, it kills the poor and middle class. There is no more structure and order within cartels. Not to mention, their connects go away. Then you have 5 fools without drug connections leading a bunch of sorry asses against the people. But the President and the US government get to take a victory lap and get more funding to the DEA, CIA etc. it is a circus. Next, it costs us out the ass because of the undocumented immigrants and the poor and the middle class pays through taxes.

  23. I wish CJNG would declare war on these extortionist POS of La Familia Michoacana again. Back in 2018 and 2019 CJNG was kicking their asses

    1. Jovencito cjng tambien son malditos.

    2. Child killers vs broke ass extortionists.

  24. Topon entre las 4 y CDS en La Chona Jalisco


  25. Just saw the video of them killing the carnicero in guerrero I must say there’s a special place in hell for El fresa and El pez

    1. 11:56 send the video, don't just stand there.

    2. yeah bro send the videlo


  26. Imagine the rock bottom these Michoacanos mobsters are to tax the TORTILLAS of the townspeople. This is the lowest point a Cartel can get. Their sicarios must be starving and eating shit in the frontlines and using those fake ass Ferragamo’s belts just like the one that sicario was using when he was beaten to death by the townspeople.


    1. Those aint michoacanos and dont get it twisted there's always been 2 types of michoacanos the drug trafficers and the lacra taxers kidnappers and they have always been at war bc they dont have the same beliefs

    2. 1:06 yeap unfortunately the lacra kidnappers have killed out all the real traffiking motherfuckers in that state. The few good ones are rare

    3. Or have fled to other states were drug trafficking is all they do for instance menchos,Valencias, Fernandez and alot of other tierra caliente d.t families and btw the for the most part the lacra kidnappers have came from other states and for the most part arent michoacanos

    4. 1:45 garibay,Espinosa

  27. Mexico lindo, tierra de chingar

  28. Why the f'u•c`k doesn't Mexico have a 2nd amendment? Goddamn infuriating for civilians.

    1. Because it's not the USA. Duh.
      México does allow its citizens to legally own certain calibers of handguns, rifles and length of shotguns. ADF360MX on Youtube has videos on the processes to legally acquire firearms. If you don't understand Spanish check if it has English captions.

  29. I see how familia Michoacana is getting all the negative news coverage all over mexico to ruin their image and making them a threat to the country. Rightfully so, but why dont they do this to cjng when they do the same and keep doing bad things all over mexico. Its become evident that cjng has protection by government and the national news unlike other organizations.

    1. 12:02 the same reason they font say anything against cds
      They run the media, cds has killed more journalists than any other cartel in Mexico. Because of that Mexico is #1 country for killed journalist for at least 5 years straight

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. 7:29 Roger that CDS spokesman on BB.

    4. Simple. FM are too stupid to traffic drugs so they resort to extortion

  30. This isn't new. It is just the "latest"hustle. The cartels control/tax the Avocado/Pistachio growers. They hijack Pemex. They shake down small businesses. Now they charge for internet, food, and housing. I know with all the money at play and the low wages paid to police and soldiers corruption is rampant. It still blows my mind that the military cannot stop this or at least slow it down.The way things are going it won't be long before cartel leaders become government leaders and then it is game over. I feel for every honest hard working person In Mexico. They do the right thing and yet they still end up at the end of a gun.EVERY single cartel is one and the same. Their is no "good" cartel. They are ALL sadistic animals. Sovereignty aside Mexico NEEDS the U.S. military to wipe these terrorists out. There is absolutely no other solution. The Mexican Army & Navy are useless due to infiltration. Cops are powerless to help. It is literally a war zone. There are no safe places in Mexico. And if there were the cartels would eventually take over. It is hard to believe this is going on just miles from U.S. borders. Any one who thinks the cartels will dry up if the flow of drugs is ever ended (haaha) is sadly mistaken. Just ask the farmers, business owners, property owners, Wi-Fi users, and those who choose to eat or drink a beer!!

    1. Félix Salgado Macedonio ring a bell? Guerrero is so fucked up. Puro Narco Politico.

  31. La Familia Michoacána is the Mr. Krabs of the narco world. Soon they will tax civilians for just existing


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