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Monday, January 1, 2024

Jonathan Weinberg, Alleged Member Of García Luna’s Embezzlement Network In Mexico, Arrested In Spain

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The National Police have arrested in Spain Jonathan Alexis Weinberg, an alleged member of the Genaro García Luna embezzlement network in Mexico, which would have operated over 20 years, defrauding the State of 745 million dollars, through false contracts or inflated. The Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (FGR) has reported the arrest, which is taking place, he said, for the purposes of extradition.

“Once the FGR had obtained the international red card from Interpol, on December 31, the arrest of this individual was obtained, who had fled and will now be subjected to the legal extradition procedure,” he stated. the agency in a statement released this Monday. “This action is fundamental in the cases that are being pursued against Genaro G. As soon as the corresponding judicial procedure begins, the FGR will report on the actions that the Law allows to be disclosed,” he added.

Jonathan Weinberg is the son of Samuel Weinberg, head of a business family of Polish descent, who arrived in Mexico in the 1930s. The Weinbergs would have worked for years with García Luna, Secretary of Public Security in the Government of Felipe Calderón (2006-2012). García Luna would have met the Weinbergs in the 1990s, when the former was still an agent of the State intelligence services, the missing CISEN.

According to journalist Peniley Ramírez in Los Millonarios de la Guerra, it was one of García Luna’s tutors, the sailor Wilfrido Robledo, now deceased, who introduced him to the Weinbergs. Already then, Samuel Weinberg represented companies in Mexico that sold virtual spy systems, such as the Octopus, among other products in the security industry. As police chief, García Luna would award contracts to companies linked to the family.

In February, the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) of the Ministry of Finance presented at a press conference the evidence collected against García Luna himself, the Weinbergs and other characters allegedly involved in the plot. “One of the characteristics of this plot is that they took the money to the United States through Caribbean countries, mainly Barbados, heading to Miami in Florida,” Pablo Gómez, head of the UIF, said then. “They used the financial system to extract the resources they received in the contracts that García Luna promoted with public agencies in Mexico,” the official added.

García Luna is in prison in the United States. In February, the court found him guilty of drug trafficking. The authorities of that country indicated that the former official had collaborated for years with the Sinaloa cartel to traffic drugs. The judge is scheduled to report the terms of his sentence in March. At the same time, the Mexican justice system is pursuing several proceedings against him for different crimes.

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  1. Religion is irrelevant.
    A criminal is a criminal.

    1. Religion is dumb I agree

    2. Religion is a crime!

    3. Unless they decide it’s a race

    4. Sorry, what has Religion got to do with this story?

  2. How long will it take before he is placed on house arrest????🏠

    1. Or just let go?

    2. At least he has to spend money to stay free, if he stays free. This guy is good fall boy for the politicians in power.

  3. Quien sabe quien tan cierto es pero si es cierto la verdad que para pendejo no se eatudia. Segun los Chapitos le dieron de baja a un militar retirado gringo en Mazatlan

  4. It’ll be at least 25 years. He’s the reason everything has gotten so out of hand in Mexico.

  5. You know those people are legit criminals . Not everything that shines is gold . They’re known to be vermin . And I’m not talking about Mexicans lmao

    1. 846. Yes. The sad part is, if we were in the same circles. Chances are we would the same... Human Nature

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Whats up with all the deleted comments?

    1. Mods purged all antisemitic comments. Weinberg is a Mexican of Jewish ancestry who claims to be Jewish first, Mexican last.

    2. Weinberg is german.

    3. hey dummy... German Jews as well..

  7. The truth is anti Semitic.... crazy how that works even on this site. Guess we know whos in charge. Sad it is folks... to know who rules over you,tell me who you are not allowed to criticize ..

    1. Your comment is full of shit. So don't bother lying about in here. This guy is a fucking scumbag. I could give a fuck where he's from.

    2. 7.18. You should be aware that a Semite is a descendant of one of the sons of Noah, named Shem. His people settled in what is now Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. Anti Semite does not mean Anti Jewish nor Anti Israeli. Many of the Jews living today are not even remotely relate to the Jews of ancient Israel, nor are they descendents of Shem.

  8. Good luck with sheinbaym

    1. You mean Claudia Soros, Schwartz, Rothschild? Some think its irrelevant cause China will take over the entire world soon.

  9. A great book to read which was authored by Henry Ford ,yes the founder of Ford Motor co is named
    The International Jew.

    An excellent read people. I recommend yall read it and expand your brains. Its a book so not very promoted for obvious reasons because it speaks the truth.

    1. Its already on my shelf, next to my „why the world is flat“ book and „the flat earth“ book series.

    2. Henry Ford Is a legend man sacrificed much to do the research he was able to do

  10. See the Harold Rosenthal interview. To get it you will have to search on a browser other than Google which is highly censored. Fact is, the Rothschild family from France controls much of the Money in the european union. My Israeli Friends have Been trafficking Coke out of Colombia and X out of Amsterdam for decades in addition to Diamond smuggling from Africa And securities fraud out of Tel Aviv, Israel.

    1. @12.45. The Rothschild family control "much" of the money in the EU? That is nonsense. And if you are making a connection between that and your "friends" business interests, and you are telling everybody, they aren't your friends.

  11. Mexico is such a corrupt s*#thole, this guys family immigrates there to escape the Nazis and this is how he pays the country back. SMH

  12. @12.56 and 2.06. Lol, that Henry Ford book is hilarious. Hitler loved it though.
    Its full of the classic old myths and discredited bullshit. Bet you believe The Protocols of The Elders of Zion is a genuine document instead of an old French forgery that didn't even mention Jews when it first appeared.
    As for Fords sacrifices, he should have called it My Struggle.

    1. Can you cite a few examples of what has been discredited about the works you mentioned?

  13. I wonder why this guy didn't just flee to Israel like Tomas Zeron. The Israelis would have been happy to harbor another criminal as payback to Mexico for finally fully recognizing Palestinian statehood.


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