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Friday, January 5, 2024

Los Chapitos Make Pact With 'El Mayo' To Survive

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A Sedena report reveals that while the Guzman Lopez godfather grows stronger, 'Los Menores' release fentanyl, betray medium-sized capos and use their routes to smuggle migrants, weapons and vape devices. 

The criminal organization was dealt important blows during 2023

365 days have passed since the successful capture of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán's most famous son and the changes in the Sinaloa Cartel are recorded in military dossiers as if they were wounds in a medical file: Los Menores suffered serious but not fatal injuries, El Mayo emerged unscathed and grew stronger in the months following the clash between La Chapiza and the Armed Forces, while the other factions of the criminal organization show deep bruises following the decision to gradually abandon the fentanyl business in the face of harassment from the US government.

The report generated by the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) in December 2023, to which MILENIO had access, gives an account of the main changes that took place the previous year after the second Culiacanazo on January 5. Among them, how Los Chapitos were forced to ask for a truce from their enemy Ismael El Mayo Zambada Garcia, who at 76 took advantage of the arrest of Ovidio Guzman Lopez -- also known as El Raton -- to improve his position on the country's criminal chessboard.

According to the document, brothers Ivan Archivaldo and Jesus Alfredo established communication last February with their "godfather" - the report does not specify whether it was a direct contact or through intermediaries - to request a ceasefire between the two sides in order to focus on common enemies: the Mexican Army and the National Guard, which, together with the DEA, were seeking to extend a winning streak of arrests requested by the White House.

The Mexican government had demonstrated in previous months its effectiveness in hitting "extraditables" of the Sinaloa Cartel: José Bryan Salgueiro, El 90, was arrested, and days before the truce request, Gerardo Soberanes Ortiz, El G1, was also arrested.

Los Chapitos' intuition did not fail: Jose Guadalupe Tapia Quintero, Lupe Tapia, a man very close to Mayo, died days later in Culiacan, a stronghold they presumed was secure after the operation against El Raton. Divided," Chapo's sons warned their godfather, "they were all at immediate risk of stepping foot in the United States.

"Let's put it this way: in these environments, the one who proposes the truce has to lose something. And the one who accepts it sets the conditions. El Mayo put his conditions on the table and they were given to him," said a military officer stationed in Sinaloa who participated in the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán.

Triad of conditions

The Mexican Army assumes that there were three conditions from the co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel: the resignation of 'Los Chapitos' from the fentanyl business to lower the pressure from the government of President Joe Biden, an alliance between both sides to face the arrival of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel in states like Durango and Zacatecas, and the promise that everyone would be activated, without reservation, in case a military operation surprised them.

In exchange, Los Chapitos would receive help in seeking a negotiation with the United States and a significant improvement in their security, which happened last November 22: Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, El Nini, then head bodyguard of Los Menores, was handed over by the cartel itself due to his scandals and high profile, to be replaced by Óscar Noé Medina González, El Panu, linked to the Tapia Quintero family and Mayo Zambada.

"The confirmations of that pact did not take long to arrive. There are, for example, the banners that people from Los Chapitos hung on bridges to announce that the fentanyl business was prohibited. Then began the killing of dealers who wanted to continue making profitable capital selling fentanyl even though it was prohibited.

"And then we began to see that the MZ Flechas -- Mayo Zambada's armed wing -- were already hitting Jalisco Cartel operatives with weapons that Ivan Archivaldo's mob were acquiring. We hadn't seen that before," said the consulted military officer.

Everything fit the truce hypothesis, including the anonymous calls that flowed with unusual speed to the National Defense Secretariat's emergency lines about the locations of drug laboratories devoid of people, but full of precursor chemicals and tableting machines.

The same thing happened with alleged betrayals within the cartel: mid-level operators -- such as El Acelerado or El Comandante Aurelio -- began to crumble under the suspicion that they were given up by Los Menores to feed middleweights to the DEA hungry for a big fish.

For the military commanders in Sinaloa, Chapitos and Mayos were denouncing each other by controlling the risks in order to use the Mexican government's communiqués as messages to the United States that they were throwing fentanyl in the trash.

The agreement dealt a blow to other minor splinters of the Pacific Cartel, such as the Cabrera Sarabia clan, Los Guanos or Chapo Isidro's mob, as it left them vulnerable to continue with the business that in 2021 caused 106,000 overdose deaths in the United States. If they wanted to continue trafficking this synthetic opioid northward, they would do it alone and with the risk that the DEA's priorities would turn against them.

El Mayo Zambada won, according to the official document, by hurting his rivals economically, strengthening his defenses in the states he disputes and gaining influence in Los Chapitos' decision-making. The illness of others became the renewal of health of the oldest of the Sinaloa Cartel's historic leaders.

Migrants and vape devices

More changes followed Ovidio Guzman's extradition: by abandoning the fentanyl business - worth some $1 billion annually, according to the US Congress' Special Commission to Combat Synthetic Opioid Trafficking - the three fugitive Chapitos would seek to balance their losses by concentrating on other illicit markets and new dirty business opportunities.

The report warns that the vacuum left by Raton would be filled with a violent break into the trafficking of undocumented migrants, a market estimated to be worth $13 billion annually, or 13 times more than fentanyl. To do so, they would use their connections from Chiapas and Tabasco to Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua.

"The migrants were included in the report because it is something that is already being seen. The massive kidnappings of Central Americans in Altar, Sáric, and Benjamín Hill, in Sonora, is being done by their own mob. We know that they have increased the fees to cross them into California or Arizona by up to $5,000," said the source.

They are also moving into modern trafficking, such as "ghost guns," which are the latest trend among gun owners, who, in an effort to evade the supervision of authorities, buy the loose parts of a gun online and assemble them at home.

And the trafficking of electronic cigarettes from China, which are in high demand among minors and young adults in tourist areas. Although this business was already in their hands, this year they have stepped up punishments against those who sell vapes independently or without their permission, as happens with the sale of alcohol or slot machines.

The biggest example went viral on December 4, when two young men were beaten with wooden boards and forced to walk naked through the facilities of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente campus in Guasave, Sinaloa, for allegedly selling vapes without the cartel's permission, a business whose global value is estimated to reach 26 billion dollars by 2024, according to the website Statista.

The military health report of the Sinaloa Cartel after the removal of Ovidio Guzman is that of a body that, in one year, lost a limb, but has three more and several prostheses to keep moving forward. Sick, but stable. Injured, but not mortally wounded... although the Mexican government and the DEA want to place them into intensive care in 2024.



  1. 'The massive kidnappings of Central Americans in Altar, Sáric, and Benjamín Hill, in Sonora, is being done by their own mob'.

    Where are those morons who claim this turd cartel doesn't kidnap migrants.

    1. 12:45 I know the whole chapiza thing made me sick people cheering for serial killers trying to tell us they are the lesser evil. That cringe pizza crap was weak on all levels.

    2. CDS have been screwing migrants and coyotes for over 20 years. They're trash.

    3. I don't promise nothing so don't hold my word to it if I don't come true it's a long shot but someone that I know has family in Chiapas and is trying to get me videos and more articles of the war that isn't being reported in the southern Mexican border. It's another Zacatecas. CDS and CJNG fighting for the control of the migrants trying to enter thought chiapas. Massive amount of migrants going missing at the hands of CDS and CJNG. So far I have a couple of videos of insignificant shoutouts between the two. But if I was to get my hands on something more juicy. I'll post the links and videos.


    4. 3:00:
      This is something we would all look forward to. Hope you are successful.

    5. 1:14 that 🍕 trend ain't going anywhere soon if anytime it's getting more international with this new generation of corridos singers. Now you have foreign kids trying to be like them 🍕

    6. Kidnap isn’t happening there paying to get escorted to turn them self in and then ask for asilo. Many are using that story so the US government can grant asilo to them faster .They make all this lies just to think they are better in the USA

    7. 321 LOL yeah thats a big negative.

    8. 5:55 get on social media and you have a bunch of "influencers" from Argentina Spain Colombian Chile and other countries jamming to artists that drop mainstream CDS corridos every month

    9. 321 man you probably think the world revolves around Culiastan

    10. 7:43 crazy how we all know they are the biggest rats but outside of MX they have no idea, not to worry in a year everybody will know their snitch ways 🤔 but than again everybody knows tekashy sinaloan is a snitch and still listen to his songs so who knows, maybe the world love snitches

  2. I remember last year a large group of immigrants were help hostage and rescued in Jimenez Chihuahua, obviously this was done by La Linea. All these bitch ass cartels are trying to take advantage of this crisis and make money off of it.

    1. CDS has been doing it for 20 years.

  3. I wonder if Mayo is also considering assisting the Chapitos in turning themselves in exchange for limited cooperation and lenient sentences like his own sons received. It appears that the Chapitos plan to stay in the game but I wouldn't be surprised if Mayo plans to offer them assistance in negotiating with the U.S. through Mayo's U.S. attorneys and comfortable retirements. If offered, the Chapitos should accept because Mayo is now in the position to force retirement on them if they refuse. This could turn into a grand slam for Sol's CDS snitching theory if all four of the Chapitos cooperate with Uncle Sam.

    1. There's no negotiation with the fentanyl. Justice won't sign off anything like that now.

    2. Y'all should really look into something called the "Sinolan Pax" . Established under the Fox administration in cahoots with American agencies.

    3. Con Dinero baila el perro a los gabachos siempre les va a interesar los cueros de Rana.. interesting theory Detroit lions

    4. 💯 3:41 Too many kids of important people died from fentanyl. For many it’s personal and many want complete destruction of those who profited.

  4. What about cocaine and meth? The U.S. felt the pressure of the public so they moved against fentanyl but that should have been par the course anyways. Keep hitting them hard regardless of the fetty.

    1. not comparable, 100k deaths annually vs what 100?

    2. 2:07
      Cocaine and meth destroy lives through addiction. They should be hit just as hard regardless of the number of ODs.

  5. Lupe Tapia didn't die, he got arrested

    1. 1:27:
      You are absolutely right. This strikes pretty close to Mayo giving him an incentive to negotiate with the Chapitos.

  6. Animo Sicarios!
    En la union esta la fuerza ,Chavalones ! El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido! Pura Chapiza Y pura Mayiza.
    Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators have united with Grupo Flechas MZ Special Air Service. Jalisco will fall by May of 2024.

    1. 006 for PRESIDENT!!!! dang come in already!

    2. 7:07 😂😂 "come in already" 🤣🤣 suss AF, ese 006 te tiene en celo machin

  7. That's why chapitos turned on the CAF operator that was in Culiacan.

    1. That actually makes perfect sense

    2. 2:08 CAF dude gets tortured. 2 days later his boss gets show by CDS in TJ . And now there is alot of killings in TJ . Probably CDS going after CAF. Makes sense no ?

    3. 3:50 so you think Flakito got shot and he is not gonna retaliate? The dead are CDS, they didnt kill skinny and now ge is gonna have his revange

    4. 3:50 that all aligns with what we are seeing. Yes..

    5. 5:50 according to local TJ media and local TJ social media says the dead CAF 🤷

    6. No aceptan sus muertitos los cafeteros

    7. That seems like a credible theory now tbh…. Probably got tourtured to pieces until they gave up where Flaquito would be at in the coming days, and they literally went for it hours later at that pharmacy.

  8. But but according to the cjng fans the CDS about to split up lol . Let's see what CJNG is really made off this year in states like Baja Zacatecas GTO Michoacan Jalisco. Seems like Matamoros CU CDS and government might go hard at them this year

    1. Well alot of power has been lost 200. CDS is no longer the all mighty cartel times are changing even if CJNG doesn't over take them the next one will RIP Chapitos your pizza days are over macoroni and ketchup from now on.

    2. 2:44 I might be wrong but I have a theory the both the USA and Mexican government build and hype up a rival cartel to face off against CDS . That way the blame is not only on CDS but another organization too . I feel every decade or so here comes a cartel so powerful that it's finally going to dethrone the CDS one. After CJNG goes down I wonder what other cartel is going to come along.

    3. 2:00 CDS were fighting for a while chapitos/mayo but chapitos were getting their asses handed to them by the big rat mayo 🐀
      Chapitos had no choice but to get in line and get on their knees for papi mayo
      Cdsnitches took major hits last year, mainly chapitos like it says in the article 😉

    4. If the union was to truly last let's say at least 2 years . I can see CDS winning back a few towns from CJNG in Jalisco 🤷

    5. 3:36 son CDS is about a decade older than CJNG so to say CDS is gonna out live evry cartel is boggus, they are actually closer to falling than CJNG, after CDS is desmantled just like CAF, CDJ and CDG, CJNG is gonna be next, they all will fall, cant have a cartel controlling everything forever, and i bet that the next big cartel is gonna be a spin off from CJNG, take a picture of this commnet and frame it for your wall! They call me the new nostradamus 👍

    6. 5:55 well see 🙈 . I think CJNG is getting dismantle first than CDS.

    7. What other masterfully crafted and so gloriously insightful predictions, might the all knowing Nostradumbass enlighten us with?

    8. @1201 — Lmao… I like your style

    9. 1201 😆 🤣 good one!

    10. 12:01 my next prediction is we all are gonna die at one point in time! 🥶 call me nostradamous!

    11. My prediction is im gonna get wasted tonight 🦜🍻 call me nostradamous!

    12. 1:44 😂😂😂 eres un perro pal perico! Eres una aspiradora pal perico!! (Gilbertona talking)

    13. Calmate 🐊 cocodrlio

    14. 1:44 Échale ganas NOSTRILdamus

    15. As far as news coverage, there has not been any indication whatsoever that CJNG have been weakened by anything, neither has Mayo or the Chapitos. So what actual solid proof is there to indicate that of this changes all of a sudden because it's a different year. Wake the hell up! Business as usual for the next decade or when changes occur after Mayo dies of old age

  9. Cjng in zac are about to get fully evicted

    1. Doesn't really matter 242 Chapitos have been exposed for being dumb and weak. Ivan simply in time won't be able to keep the deal and Mayo most probably know this.

  10. So, el Quinto Mes reaffirmed his dominance and control over the organization with threats of all Chapitos being eventually captured and extradited to US. End of story.

    1. 5o turned in Raton, said y'all Chapitos work for me out im turning you all in 1 by 1!

  11. Scumbags of chapos turn in lotta their own people

  12. Damn. They wanted Nini out because of Ruso's old issue. And they finally got it.

  13. Mayo is going to give them up sooner o later mark my words

    1. Dude stfu now you have a “mob boss mentality” gtfoh

    2. Absolutely, if it benefits him he surely will! That dude has survived as long as he has for a reason.

    3. 9:08 true, hechas survived cause he is a snitch and has cuban connections

  14. Hmmm… interesting. So should we expect all these cells to stop fighting each other, and instead beat the shit out of anything that isn’t in good terms with CDS?… like in Tijuana… Sonora… Durango…

  15. Emma is a smoke show no matter what .. true beauty queen 🔥

    1. Hope you got to hit that new year's eve, bro!

  16. Looks like mayo took over cds
    That old man still has power at 76 years old. Question is, how Long though
    After mayo dies cds will be onother war with more loses

    1. Most likely but Mayito F calling the shots

    2. It’s gotta be Mayito Flaco. Mayo is still the old head, and no doubt knows everything about this game, but he can’t possibly still be the head of this on the daily. Has to be MF, he used to be very quiet, recently has become more and more frequent to hear about him. In both the media, and corridos.

    3. 441 MZ most likely is retired and possible not even in Mexico. Even if some one like MZ or Mencho where caught nothing would happen both are not involved with the day to day and already put the succession in order.MZ and Mencho act like consiglieres in the mafia.

  17. El Gordo from la Chapiza just got caught in TJ . He allegedly is a big fent pusher in Cali


    1. Keep up the good work ! Fits the narrative of the CDS unification. Didn't Mayo promise the brothers that they and Rusos would be the overall leaders for Baja ?

  18. It’s funny when chapitos seemed to be getting the edge over mayo and Russo got sent to Baja, etc. I think we all knew at the end of the day mayo was gonna checkmate them. He just let them play themselves out for a bit.

    1. It's called chess 5:34 . Mayo knew all he had to do was hold off CJNG in certain areas by himself till the Chapitos came back . Chapitos too reckless too flashy too much attention. Now if they get out of line or call too much attention it's easier for MZ to turn them in. If this unifed CDS was to last a few years without any major changes I can see CDS taking a few more towns around Flamas area of influence

    2. What’s that one saying “mas sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo”

    3. 6:00 never, thats all can do, they can only loose in jalisco, not win

    4. You honestly think a unifed CDS can't start hitting CJNG in Jalisco. R5 is hitting them in Jalisco through Michoacan. At the rate the war in Zacatecas is going don't be surprised if CDS starts sending back up to El Flama later this year 2:10

    5. 8:07👆😆😂🤣

    6. 807 they took from CDS when they where unified so no

    7. 8:07 chapotos are traumatized, they will never step a foot back in jalisco with out having a flash back from the PV kidnap

    8. 7:54 9:52 didn't CJNG start expanding big time around the time Chapo got kicked up . So I don't think CJNG has gone against a unifed CDS. Also didn't Chapo punk out Mencho from federal prison? 😂

    9. 2:18 you been listening to many "super real" cds corridos

    10. 218 no it was actual years before

    11. 4:03 remember mini leaks said he was in the group that planned the kidnapping. The order was to kill them the only reason they didn't get killed it's because el 02 got kidnapped by CDS in prison. Chapitos got released sounds to punking out to me 🤷

    12. 9:46 true, do you also remember what he said about Ivan, Alfredo and Raton? Do you agree?

    13. 10:38 yes I do agree also with how he described all 3 of them

    14. 11:31 Rey Zambada also said mayo like snoring coke

  19. There is a videos on social media going around of a convoy of MZ Flechas going back to Zacatecas from Durango. Some local guy from Zacatecas had commented on a post how alot of the MZ had gone to Durango for the holidays. Seems like he knew what he was talking about

    1. Maybe he didn't know what he was talking about and it was a coincidence.

    2. RJJ Jr syndrome. Miguel Cotto would also do it. Talking about themselves in the third person. 😆🤦‍♂️

    3. 6:57 The rock says shut your mouth and know your role !.... Alucin

    4. 8:49 yeah I'm the alucin and you're the mamariatas of another anonymous poster.

    5. You triggered Nena ? 1:46

    6. 8:49 are you the alucin guy who calls everybody an alucin when they dont share the same opinion on your snitch cartel?

    7. 10:32 I call alucines all the stupid people that get triggered whenever they make fun of their favorite cartel. Or whenever a post is about a certain cartel but here comes the "Internet contras al topon" online 😂. I go to Mexico yearly to places like Jalisco and GTO. Trust me I can spot alucines even through the comments

    8. 11:52 them mfkrs stay defending the digital realm 🤣

    9. 11:57 Se topan mas los marrucheros por internet que en vida real 😂. Pero en sus corridos son bien gallos

    10. 12:58 i agree BUT it's ovious you only call alucines people who call CDS the SNiTCH cartel, so which one is it?

    11. 11:52 Ves buey tu solo te descubres. "I go to México yearly to places like Jalisco and GTO". By any chance is your wife from GTO?? Are you the one who claims CSRDL is making a come back in Rincon de Tamayo, Villagrán and SRDL? Oh that's right you've also been to alot of pueblos mágicos and you're from an area of Zacatecas close to Durango. Right?
      Déjate de babosadas buey chismoso.

    12. 12:05 😂😂 no succiones paps, ese no soy yo pa nada, el guey que dice eso aqui nomas es para agarrar una reaccion de los fans del CJNG, pero pues le iria mejor si le echara carrilla a los fans del CDS que aqui abundan, lla llores mi nena tu vida va a cambiar 👍

    13. 2:13 12:05 9:56 puro alucin peleando la plaza 😂😂 con razon Sol y 11:52 Se burlan de ustedes

  20. This is going to be the end of CJNG. Mencho lost Zacatecas and he’ll never win Michoacán. He’s barely holding onto Jalisco. Don Mayo is the boss.

  21. Esta 100000% comprobado que el CDS son el cartel mas chivaton, rata, sapo, y todavia ahi gente que quiere hacer tratos o trabajar con ellos 😂 pobres pendejos y no ahi que olvidarnos de los babosos que creen que sus corridos son verdaderos 🤣 esos corridos son tan reales como que la tierra es plana

    1. Así es la mafia cabrón, si piensas que todo es ‘derecho’, terminas muerto o en prisión.

    2. 2:05 ahi de mafias a mafias y el CDS son el cartel mas traicionero

  22. Chapitos are done. Mayo will never fully trust them, and when he retires/dies, he's not going to leave any of them in power. Hopefully his plan works.

  23. Hard to believe there is some sort of truce because recently there has been a lot of violent confrontations between MZ and Chapiza alligned splinter factions, mostly near US border áreas.

  24. Mayo will be 80 soon and won't be around much longer. Chapito's will play his game and bide their time, then try to take the big prize once the old man starts begging for water in the inferno.

    Ivan has more money than his old man. $18 billion dollars buys a lot of hiding places.

    1. 719 are you really stupid enough to believe Ivan's got 18 billion man your slow as fuck.

    2. In Mexico better said in the slums of mexico because that’s were he is currently since he stays away from public cameras in stores and street lights. 50 million dollars is pretty close to 18 billion. In fact he would have a head ache managing 18 billion in several accounts now in assets him together with his mom sisters and brothers for sure have 18 billion and more

    3. @732 — you must be shallow for thinking the entire Guzman clan has anything less…

    4. Shallow??? english second language? Chapo couldnt even pay cholos workers and you want us to believe the Guzmans got 18 billion. Your delusional get a education before its to late for you.

    5. 10:36 if you actually heard the audio than you would hear Chapo say they got the money and they will get pay ever 2 weeks but Cholo said he needed the money now because his worker’s family member was sick and Chapo said well then he will give it to him now

    6. 10:59 if you read between the lines chapo said im broke! 701 is a mith 🤣

    7. Guzmanes own alot of legit business and a lot of hotels restaurants casinos resorts and countless other properties in Sinaloa Jalisco Baja Durango Sonora but ok Mr finical expert they are broke 11:18 😂

    8. The overhead for running a cartel is a lot of money even capos go broke after they pay off government and or loose loads thats why they turn on each other so even though they do have a multimillion dollar business, tables can turn real fast specially when there is an internal dispute in the cartel and a price on their head, I bet security is expen$$ive rn. Sure they got money but not like people think

    9. 11:58 crazy how the 701 billioner couldnt pay his workers, even though he owns "half of mexico" lo que los mitoteros dicen

    10. All you guys commenting that drug dealers are broke never once sold drugs or met a real drug dealer . The last thing they are is broke. Now imagine an international drug dealer who does wholesale who sale by the tons / supplies entire cities / regions / countries yeah , I’m sure broke is no where near their vocabulary . Also Chapo having 1 billion dollars ? I’m sure he reached that every 6 months .

    11. 2:16 didnt CDS put Peña Nieto and other presidents in office. Imagine how broke you have to be to do that 😂. Ever heared of freezing assets lol . Even the might Escobar had to burn his money just to keep warm while he was hiding out. This guys have shit load of money another thing is sometimes they can't move it without being tracked down.

    12. 738 just told us hes actually 13 years old.

    13. To top this all off nobody has mentioned that the chapo family has 10 times more money in corn fields from Sonora to Durango along the sides of the quota highway and from mariguanato to Navolato all those corn hectáreas are chapiza owned maybe under other lames name like panus family they somehow either stole or killed for that land and bought the rest if all adds up to billions

    14. The only people who are broke are the ones who will have to work 9-5 until 60 catching up with bills and hoping for work to never stop lower and middle class.. Drug lords mostly live the fast life gain quick bucks but live shorter life span . At the end of the day we are all F$$kd

    15. @8:05 Right , was that meant to be a response ,a rebuttal ?The reason why you resulted to insults is because your small mind couldn’t come up with a counter argument. Let me explain further , if the drug trade is valued at 13 billion a year and when Chapo was out and running the Sinaloa Cartel , he controlled a huge portion of it but let’s play it safe and go low let’s say they only controlled 30% of the drug trade ( with the president in their pocket and génaro Garcia Luna we can be sure it was way higher than that ) So what is 30 % of 13 billion ? It’s 3.9 billion a year . Now let’s say he was splitting that with Mayo that’s almost 2 billion a piece in one year . It’s starting to look like @8:05 pm is actually the 13 year old here , because if you use your head and did simple math you would be a little smarter .

    16. 11:50 yet you are here fighting over a "billioner" cartel who has to kidnap people for ransom 😂

    17. Oh ok , yeah I’m sure both 1:06 and 6:45 are geniuses . Sorry , but stating facts isn’t fighting, if you don’t like facts there’s nothing you can do about it ; you can try to insult ,but it points more to your level of intellect and or better yet ignorance .

    18. Chapo may be many things but unfortunately broke isn’t one of them

    19. 9:45 ok maybe not broke but stingy he was, for sure, en pocas palabras no se comia un platano para no tirar la cascara 😂

    20. I hope Chapo is enjoying all of his money.

    21. Of course he is Deteoit. He's stocked up on commissary, enjoying the hell out of every honeybun he eats in his cell. 🤣

  25. I didn’t know migrant crossing was still a business with so many walking right into USA. If you go true Texas the governor will give you a pass to go to another state. Is just that easy, but I’m sure the U.S. will soon accuse them of terrorist smuggling. The Fentanyl issue it’s a funny story because Mexico is not the only door to Fentanyl smuggling. It lands on airports ships and via Canada but I’m sure they will blame Mexico for it.

  26. Seeking help to negotiate with USA ,not happening.

  27. Anyone know where I can buy some Chapiza swag like a cool tshirt or toy rat?

  28. 9:07 one of chapos daughter run a clothing line of his

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Mayo should have made Ivan give up his car collection

    1. Yeah ok, and he should have also sent 1,000 btc to my wallet too

  30. I don’t know if I buy the whole “war” true to begin with… I mean, if they were really butting heads, wouldn’t we have seen a whole lot of action in Sinaloa alone between both groups?

    Mini Leaks says that at least half the CDS fall under menores, so they would be a huge split… and a huge war.

    Yes, am well aware of what went on with Ruso and Nini, but we still can’t say that signifies a real war between the higher ups.

    Not a cheer leader here in any way.. just also one point out one last thought; is Mayo not guilty as well of giving up “middle-weights” and what not?

  31. LMAO @ Mayo asking Chapitos to stop with the fentanyl trafficking when he sends hundreds of kilos a month to US. A few days ago they stopped a transport of 550000 pills of fentanyl in Nogales, 99% belonging to El Mayo...

  32. Wonder what cartel the new president will go after in September?

    1. MAYO has all the presidents in his pockets, literally and figuratively!!

    2. Yep. And they all have ties leading back to guess who..... king john and the plantagenet family. You know, the only thing you're going to get that will survive the "thunderbird" aka DRACO, would be the Phoenix, who can and will again rise from the ashes if burnt.
      Here's the deal. Someone needs to start telling the real mother effing truth, esp regarding the cartels links to the gdamn illuminati. Tell the truth about joaquin guzman lopez being murdered, and then tell the truth about why and where raton was actually extradicted from..... ncw wa state and NOT Mexico meaning the person in custody in Mexico wasn't really the actual ovidio and Mexico helped in deceiving the world of this

      Also chapitos keep talking about the "wh*ore" in all their songs , when if it wasn't for her - they'd all be already captured , dead, or unable to avenge their brothers murder. She lost everything , and still you send hit after hit at her, trying to embarass her further, give her the bicho or virus. You have no idea , but if he'll prevails and she falls, the cartel s will no longer profit ever again because he'll on earth shall become a reality

  33. Why do Sinaloas snitch so much?

    1. Why do Sinaloas bitch so much?

    2. 10:37 🤷🏼‍♂️ thats the way they are raised, snitch and bitch

    3. Why are you worried about Sinaloa so much ?

    4. 2:55 no worried, but when its so ovious why not ask?

    5. 2:55 why you worried thinking that I'm worried? That gets me worried?
      But don't worry. Be happy 😊

    6. It’s ok to ask just make sure you ask with your brain and not your a-hole

  34. La CHAPICKSA…….🤣🍕

  35. Fent pill prices basically doubled in last month on the streets so...maybe some truth?

  36. Do not fool yourselves. Mayo Zambada was always in control of the Pacific Cartel. He will always be the top boss.


    1. Allways? So when he dies he will be incharge still?

  37. The chapicksa 🍕 is responsible for most of the youngsters addicted to the BLUE PILLS…… In ARIZONA State. The states border is mostlY ran by🍕🍕🍕which now there’s one less slice🍕 since he’s busted in the gabacho now days along with papi, the pepperoni…..

  38. Se me hace que se les va a derritir el queso ala 🍕🤣

  39. I’m the native of Tijuana,I’ve posted in the past you hear 👂 everything but this I never heard this before I’m not saying it’s a lie but we’re I’m confused is why did mayo formed the alliance between el alquiles and russos to removed the cell’s of los Chapitos and still after centuries try to remove El CAF if los Chapitos had a non-aggression pact why will they still kidnapping and killing off los al quiles group and russos you could say it was el ninis people but no it was other groups of los chapitos with el flaquito we’re stealing shipments of mayos people just recently there still attacking them , that was makes it confusing

    1. I agree , sometimes these post try to plant a narrative. CDS has had major hits in the past year. Both sides of the cartel. There are a lot of powerful families that are alined with both and have taken hits too. In TJ it’s everyone for themselves.


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