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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Los Viagras Cartel Forcing Michoacan Locals to Pay for Bootleg Wi-Fi

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Illegal Wi-Fi signal repeater antennas were located in the supervised properties. Intelligence areas report that these antennas were operated by the group “Los Viagras,” who forced the locals to pay high rates to access the networks.

Three search warrants were executed in Apatzingán and Buenavista, in the Tierra Caliente region. 

Dubbed “narco-antennas” by local media, the cartel’s system involved internet antennas set up in various towns built with stolen equipment.

Los Viagras charged approximately 5,000 people elevated prices between 400 and 500 pesos ($25 to $30) a month, meaning the group could rake in around $150,000 a month. The average price per month for legitimate WiFi internet service is less, at around $20 per month.

People were terrorized “to contract the internet services at excessive costs, under the claim that they would be killed if they did not,” prosecutors said.

Law enforcement seized the equipment late last week and shared photos of the makeshift antennas and piles of equipment and routers with the labels of the Mexican internet company Telmex, owned by powerful Mexican businessman Carlos Slim.

They also prevented the entry of tech companies that maintain internet stations and intimidated the companies' workers and the citizens who hired their services. In one of the places searched, a person guarding the property was arrested.


  1. Trash ass internet.. I was so pissed off the 2 weeks I was there. Wack ass internet man… where’s mencho at? Let that brother takeover already and give the people some high speed internet

    1. Are you the same person that lives one block from Obrador Palace?
      Then you were there for two weeks lol you're so believable.😭😹

    2. Let man enjoy some good Wi-Fi bro

    3. mencho can suck all our dicks

    4. 10:26 mijo como posibie si esta muerto.

  2. A como cagan el palo esa bola de meirdas.

  3. No mames the government better shut that shit down real fast. Desperate piece of shits. I always said viagras worse then cjng

  4. Los Viagras have always been known for being ghetto af. 😆

    1. Do they even traffic drugs Sol? It seems to me that calling them a cartel is generous in my opinion. They're more like a rag tag ass gang of junkie fuck ups fighting for scraps. I hope you're new year is going well

  5. Those guys are more into local extortion rackets ….. drug trafficking is not their thing.

    1. those are extortionist/terrorist not cartel they live off of the town people! coward shit

  6. While gordo fat ass moves around his ranches with his little group of friends who are scared if they go home to their family they will be killed lmfao only here in Michoacan

  7. Bola de taco H’s

  8. Do you guys have Taco Bell over their?

    1. Taco Bell popular in over 30 different countries, they tried a couple times, in '92 and '07 to enter the beaner market but fickle customers were left less than impressed with the gringo-ish bill of fare..

    2. Lizard boy..I am saddened the famous Taco Bell doggie died, they got him to say 'yo quirro Taco Bell.".

  9. Where do people go to use internet if a lot of them don’t have it in their houses?

  10. This is low . All this rate, next week, they’ll be extorting thirsty kindergarten kids, when they want a drink of water, from the water fountain, in their elementary school 🤦😒 What’s next ? Extorting money from 14 year old girls babysitting . ? Extorting dying cancer patients for their pain meds ?🤦😒 Viagras need to be renamed the “BUM Cartel “.

  11. I bet Viagras wish they invented Wi-fi so they would feel like they are actually helping people with a service. sad they should just go begg like bums they would probly make way more jajaja

  12. Get the getting while the gettings good

  13. Gordo fat ass would tax him mama if he could ! Piece of 💩

  14. El cuate de tirimacuaro Michoacán es el dio la orden

  15. Elon, they can really use some Starlink down south…


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