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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Luisa Alcalde: All 31 Migrants Kidnapped In Tamaulipas Are Safe And Sound

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Authorities in Tamaulipas found alive and safe the 31 migrants of various nationalities who had been kidnapped last Saturday on a highway from Reynosa to Matamoros.

The federal Secretary of the Interior, María Luisa Alcalde, informed on social networks that Governor Américo Villarreal "has just informed us that the 31 migrants kidnapped in Tamaulipas were rescued safe and sound. Thanks to the State authorities, the National Guard and the Armed Forces".

The Presidential Spokesperson, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, indicated that the rescued migrants "are in the hands of the authorities and are undergoing the corresponding medical examination". "Thanks to the coordinated effort of the government of Tamaulipas, the state Prosecutor's Office, Sedena, National Guard and the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, it was possible to rescue the 31 migrants who were kidnapped on December 30 in 2023," he added.

Luisa María Alcalde Luján

Zeta Tijuana  Jesús Ramírez Cuevas


  1. They felt the heat that's why those cowards didn't kill them

    1. That's one of the most important things everyone needs to remember about these clown cartels. Their ranks are filled with cowards from top to bottom.

    2. So very true , i wish the article had more detail how it went down sir !

    3. @Sol: Yeah 31 kidnapping victims “rescued” but no arrests? Maybe Escorpiones will surrender some more of their sicarios to appease Americo Villarreal.

    4. Idk, takes courage to go to war.

    5. @2:41 oh yeah it also takes courage to mess with civilians don't it

    6. 2:38 i thought this was primitos metros who did this kidnapping

  2. Se les hiso de 🐥 a los 🦞, a no culos? 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Supposedly Escorpion 56 let them go and Kena 19 wasn't to happy about it

    Segun el Escorpion 56 los dejo ir . Contrario ala orden que habia dado Kena 19

  4. Secretary of the Interior lookin pretty hot.

    1. She also has that full lush hair.

  5. Is Escorpión 56 El Ciego? Or Miguelito 56 with an updated clave? Has to be someone with rank at least equal to La Kena 19.

    1. Not equal to 19 but he’s probably the one assigned to look over the area where it took place and didn’t like the heat so let them go with the quickness before the government came knocking

    2. 5:59 if you listen to the audio posted it basically describes that . Seems like 19 was pretty mad they got released and is asking why do they have guns that if they where scared. If 56 ends up dead soon he wasn't that important.

    3. 6:21 Easy for 19 to talk who’s probably out of state the ones that were going to had deal with the consequences were 56 and his people

    4. 7;37 not really bro in some topones you can hear Kena leading the topon from his monstro shouting out oders through the radio . He like war . Also really helps out to have the backing of the state police

    5. 8:55 la sigue cagando, pronto lo pescan.

    6. Kena is not fighting he is watching from far behind.

    7. Qué bonito es lo bonito y lo que tengo me lo he de merecer
      Mucho hemos trabajado para tener lo que hoy en día me ven
      Aunque hubo tropezones, me levantaba y nunca me rajé
      No soy de los que pierden y andan llorando

      Me aguanto, mis huevos son tantos
      Y aquí andamos patrullando
      Aunque esté cerca la lumbre no me afecta, soy el diablo
      Como La Kena apodado
      Si quieren averiguarlo, por acá por Tamaulipas me ven paseando

      19 por los radios pa' todo el clicón
      Blindadas y empotradas de banda es el tostón

      Y puros corridos bélicos, compa Tony Aguirre
      Así mero, mi compa Luis R
      Y nos vamos a Tamaulipas, viejo

      Los caídos en batallas son soldados, no se van a olvidar
      Y porto con orgullo la descendencia de mi 'apá y mi 'amá
      Valores, me enseñaron cómo ser gente y a tratar igual
      Al rico, al pobre por igual los tratamos

      Estamos acá bien parados
      La frontera que cuidamos, no cualquiera se nos mete
      Sabe que nosotros controlamos
      Los lobos tienen mi mano
      Por si se ofrece, peleamos
      Escorpiones y alacranes, apoyo damos

      19 por los radios pa' todo el clicón
      Blindadas y empotradas de banda es el tostón

  6. It's easy to give orders when you're ass is not on the line

  7. Escorpiónes just keep messing up. These operativa/attack groups can't or won't be economically sustained with drug profits. Lacras mugrosos.

  8. It's a beautiful day when 30 plus people get kidnapped in Mexico and get to talk about it.

    1. And how many of them got killed, torture 🤔. Don't tell me everyone make it out alive?

    2. The article does not mention if any of the kidnapping suspects were arrested, it said the authorities rescued them, therefore there had to be a shootout and arrests, unless the victims themselves kidnapped themselves.

    3. Why a shootout? Migrants were keept in a house, doors locked, guards left and later called their compas within the police to inform them were to find them. No need for shootout, no arrest, heat is off, migrants are free, tamp gob is happy, press id happy, amlo is happy and so you should.

    4. Not a single criminal kidnapper arrested, yea so they can do it again. Alot of police agencies involved and not a single criminal captured.

  9. Los escorpiones son los viagras de tamaulipas😂 pinche cartel quebrado, ni jalar saven, pero robar

  10. Me tienen sin cuidado.
    Los que me importan son los connacionales.

    1. Entonces pa que chingados los deja entrar al país AMLO?

    2. Pos que piensas wey que AMLO es omnipotente o que vergas 😆

    3. 10:22 Pos a como lo alaban sus seguidores mantenidos dijera uno que si. Según es humanista el viejo pedorro. Que ponga vergas a la tropa.
      Quien sabe que vaya hacer EEUU con tanta gente pidiendo asilo político. Nomás que no empiezen como los de la "Isla Bonita" que Fidel esto y Fidel aquello pero no querían regresar a su país los Chicos.

    4. 9:30 as es la verdad primero los de aquí. Siempre miran al otro{extranjero}menos al Mexicano

    5. 10:18 Marcelo Ebrard, siguiendo órdenes del presidente López Obrador, firmó el pacto mundial migratorio de la ONU, el 10 de diciembre de 2018 que tuvo lugar en Marrakech, Marruecos.

    6. 10:18 Luego de la firma de este pacto, la migración global pasa a manos de la ONU, que no es otra cosa más que un hacinamiento de políticos de izquierda y progresistas globalistas, que junto a George Soros, buscan exterminar cualquier remanente de estado constitucional y causar caos colando a culturas totalmente dispares en un mismo lugar y de este modo eliminar cualquier identificación con alguna nacionalidad.

      Este Pacto Global para la Migración no significa otra cosa que la entrada de inmigrantes provenientes de Centroamérica, África, Asia y cualquier otro país, en que alguna persona quiera emigrar a México, con todos los males y problemas que eso vaya a ocasionar.

    7. 10:18 las élites globalistas nos quieren dominar y generarán una crisis económica a nivel mundial. Podemos decir que atrás de todo esto está George Soros y sus patrones los Rothschild que son los que dominan en la ONU, que se ha convertido en un instrumento del Nuevo Orden Mundial.

  11. Why hasn't my comment been posted where I say ...that the immigrants should be returned to their country of borderland beat bias

    1. They don’t publish lots of comments apparently. I’ve had several unpublished and I wasn’t violating any rules. They definitely have a bias. Doubt this comment will be published. lol

    2. Culos! A mi tambien me an bloqueado mensajes y no ando como niña chillando, aguanten bara puños

    3. 1:01
      Mijo if you make offensive comments, cuss a lot, then of course it won't get published.

  12. The cartel had to let them go because of all the heat, but the cartel knows as soon as the migrants cross into the USA they are given a 5000 $ visa gift card. Thats why abducting and trafficking these people is such a big business.

  13. Someone or a few working at the bus stations transporting all these migrants are likely the rats tipping off cartels about when there are migrants being transported. They always know exactly which busses to hit.

  14. Very poor. They couldnt pay shit so why not let them free?


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