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Monday, January 29, 2024

Meet The 'Gringo Hunters,' The Mexican Task Force That Catches US Fugitives

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Impact x Nightline" gets an inside look at the Mexican police unit that has been catching American fugitives for over 20 years.

ABC News


  1. Cool. Every dog has its day.

  2. They all got trained by Dog the Bounty the Hunter!!!

    1. Didn't Dog get locked up in Mexico?

    2. Dog sat in jail for 2 weeks, then skipped out on bail..
      Some judge dropped the charges in 2007..

  3. I bet you that Sol is part of this squadron. They gather at his rancho to coordinate the arrests. Saludos.

    1. I think Sol is low key loaded with money.

    2. I own a 1 acre ranch guys. I'm definitely not rich. 😆

    3. Owning real estate already makes you rich by most standards sir!

    4. "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god"
      .. Luke 18:25

    5. Sol smokes Cuban Cigars, drives a Mercedes with limo tint windows, that leaves you thinking 🤔, who can be driving that car.

    6. Sol meant 1000 acres

    7. He's not rich he's wealthy .

  4. Primero arreglemos los delitos que se cometen en Mexico, y luego les limpian la popo alos gringos de los crimes en usa

    1. Si estás hablando de este cholo de Capristano, por asesinato en primer grado le van a dar mínimo de 25 años hasta vida. Si tiene un "strike" le duplican la sentencia. Cholo comprobado de una pandilla le aumentan más años de prisión.
      En México no debía delitos, por eso se fugó para allá.

  5. Wouldn't that be a good reality show- hide n seek for $$$

  6. They’ll take a bribe just like the rest will. Americans have been running to Mexico for decades when the heat gets too hot up north.

  7. Gringo hunters only in Baja California, fugitives gotta run to mainland méxico and have less chances of being caught and extradited! A fugitive gets caught in Baja California, same day delivered to California port of entry! A fugitive gets caught in mainland méxico, gots to go thru the process, could even request amparo and appeal extradition! He’ll probably sit in méxico city prison for a while before finally being extradited to usa!

    1. As a US citizen you are subject to US law, not Mexico. Therefore, you can’t exploit their processes. You have no stabbing/protection to do so, unless maybe if you’re a dual citizen. You are going to be expedited expeditiously. Now, living here, I do believe you’d have to be dumb to get caught. But you’d have to forfeit any banking/money trail. You’d have to find a way to earn a living and of course you can buy documents here. You could live quietly in a major city or one of the great many ejidos. But you need money, and you better be careful of your electronic trail or connections back home. Those are the things that trip people up and give authorities a thread to pull on.

    2. Remember that the US has to pay the cost for extradition. They also have to spend the money sending people down to find you, bribe the Mex cops to go out and do the arrest, and then pay to fly you back. And depending on the situation Mexico can absolutely offer asylum and refuse to extradite someone. It isn't at all common but they are an independent nation and don't HAVE to do anything. Also, you said a US citizen is subject to US law but that's not always the case. If Mexico doesn't criminalize the offense (or if they feel the sentence is too harsh) they won't comply.

  8. Their fugitive-apprehension info and paychecks all come american government! Most of these fugitives contact someone they know in america out of money needs or loneliness, and Feds know this and through wire taps, phone records, snitches or $$$ transfer records they are an easy snare! A fugitive needs toi sever all contact or he or she will eventually be cuffed!

  9. It was nice of him to help the police by not trying to change his appearance.

    1. What's up Detroit? IDK if you're a 🏈 fan of the Lions but WTF was Dan Campbell thinking? He outsmarted himself by going for the 1st down not once but twice when he needed to get points. He became a mental midget at the worst possible time.😤

  10. This guy David Moreno is a dummy. You never hide out in boarder cities or with relatives. You need to go to central Mexico and find a small town. Have your name changed by buying fake ID, get a regular job and lay low. Cut all communications with everyone you know including relatives in the U.S and Mexico. Quite using social media. That's it. I had a felony and I did this until the statue of limitations ran out which was 5 years. No problemo.

    1. Must have not been much of a case for the DA to allow the statue of limitations to run out on your crimes...

    2. 🤦🏻‍♂️ there isn’t a statue of limitations if you’re a fugitive from justice. If you “have a felony” it means you’ve been charged and fleeing doesn’t give you a statute of limitations defense. If you weren’t charged, then you don’t “have a felony.”

  11. LOL, BFD, how hard would that be?


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