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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Mexico City: CJNG Leaves Human Head With Narco Message Outside Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Authorities found the head of a man inside a cooler abandoned in the vicinity of the Reclusorio Norte.

The head of a man was abandoned in the vicinity of Mexico City's Reclusorio Norte, inside a cooler.

The discovery was made this Tuesday morning at the back of the prison.

A white cooler was found on the sidewalk inside a red cloth bag, along with a poster with a threatening message.

The threat signed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) was addressed to alleged kidnappers and drug traffickers imprisoned in the Northern Prison.

Inside the cooler, a man's head was found covered in ice.

So far the victim has not been identified.

The area was guarded by police from the Secretariat of Public Safety (SSC) of the capital city, awaiting forensic experts to begin the relevant investigation.

Narco message reads as follows:

We’re not extortionists like you’ve clearly demonstrated to everyone from your prison facilities. You damn dogs, we’ve come to take you out. And the following are next: Chivo, Tomate, Juan, Tuna, Brandon, Karim, Gary from the Unión de Tepito, the Familia Michoacana operatives in the Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, and Southern neighborhoods. 

We’re taking all of you guys the fuck out. The same goes for every scumbag extortionist, kidnappers, dope dealers who work for Tavo, Masero, and Los Changos from the San Pedro Martin, Volcanes, San Andrés, Hornos, La Hidalgo, Ajusco, Topilejo, Luis Cabrera, and Santo Domingo neighborhoods. As well as its surroundings. We know about your alliances and orders from the Northern Prison. 

Masero, Yayo, Wili, Pollo, and Alexis from Unión Tepito. Keep bothering the working people of Mexico City. We are in legion with local residents and merchants. From the chewing gum salesman to the biggest businesses around.

Sincerely, CJNG M2 and Jaguar 

You fucking bitches, we are the absolute Sierra mob.

Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte (Men’s Preventive Detention Center - Northern Facility)
Mexico City, CDMX

Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte (Men’s Preventive Detention Center - Northern Facility)
Mexico City, CDMX

López Dóriga  Carlos Jiménez  Street View


  1. But but but I thought CJNG, does not do bad things.vI thought they come to town, to punish banditos.
    Don't tell me they are sadistic and love to cut heads off?

    1. You must also believe CARTEL DE SINALOA are just white helmet humanitarians huh 😂😂😂 bruh after years of keeping up with drug cartels people are still this naive???

    2. I thought Union tepito was allied with Cjng at one point. I remember reading some articles about it.

  2. The real M2 is dead. Miguel Angel Fernández, pinche comandantazo. Se le extraña un chingo!


  3. Putting the head on ice was a nice touch..
    These malandros finally showing a little bit of class..

    1. I 🤔 think it would have been better to, put an M-80 firecracker on the head.

    2. In my opinion something soft or harmless small item will balance it out

  4. I thought CJNG and Union de Tepito where working together. They broke off? Why? What happened? Anybody got info on this?

  5. Love when jaliscas get mad at someone for doing what they do as well

  6. M2 is alive....this is proof

  7. Is cds still in DF or they get kicked out? Maybe they don't want another fight so they're hiding.

    1. Well, we all know who ain't hanging out at the cheese factory anymore sticking out like a puto 😆


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