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Friday, January 5, 2024

Navy Surpasses Annual Record For Drug Seizures During The Current Administration In 2023

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from SEMAR PRESS


Secretaría de Marina : December 30, 2023 : National

Secretary of the Navy

Mexico City, December 30, 2023. The Ministry of the Navy reports that during the year 2023 it achieved a historic record of drug seizures compared to previous years of the current administration, as a result of naval operations undertaken at sea, in the air and on land, within the national territory in support of security and combating drug trafficking.

In the maritime environment during 2023, naval personnel with the support of ships and aircraft of the Mexican Navy managed to secure 48.147 tons of cocaine at sea and through port and airport operations, which represents 85.3 % of the total secured about 56.41 tons accounting for the last four years, from 2019 to 2022; mostly said narcotic was transported aboard 155 smaller vessels, among them, three semi-submersible types.

It is important to mention that 251 kilograms of cocaine correspond to seizures made by naval personnel working in the area of Port Security and Strategy to strengthen Customs and Ports; as well as 8 kilograms of cocaine, correspond to seizures made by naval personnel working in the framework of the Comprehensive Airport Security Strategy, and in coordination with the Customs of the International Airport of Mexico City (AICM).

Regarding the land environment, this year naval personnel with the support of aircraft of the Mexican Navy, managed to secure 604.183 tons of chemical precursors, a figure that represents 16.26 times more than the 37.148 tons recorded in the last four years, also 367.239 tons of methamphetamine were secured, which represents 9.61 times more than the 38.176 tons secured from 2019 to 2022. These drugs were mostly located in 189 clandestine laboratories for the production of synthetic drugs in the states of Durango and Sinaloa, as well as during various land, port and airport operations in national territory.

It should be noted that 274.85 kilograms of methamphetamine were seized by naval personnel working within the framework of the Comprehensive Airport Security Strategy and in coordination with AICM Customs, and 15.42 tons of methamphetamine were seized by naval personnel working within the scope of Port Security and the Strategy for Strengthening Customs and Ports. 

It should be noted that, additionally, this year, a total of 101.82 tons of miscellaneous cargo contaminated with cocaine and 55 tons of miscellaneous cargo contaminated with methamphetamine were seized in different ports of the country, managing to inhibit its commercialization and transfer to its final destinations.

Regarding marijuana seizures, naval personnel obtained a total of 55,915 tons, a figure that represents 1.4 times more than the 39,675 tons seized during the previous four years. Of these seizures, 20 kilograms of marijuana were carried out by naval personnel working within the framework of the Comprehensive Airport Security Strategy, and in coordination with AICM Customs; and 1.13 tons of marijuana, correspond to seizures made by naval personnel who work in the field of Port Security and Strategy to strengthen Customs and Ports.

Likewise, regarding the location of marijuana plantations, naval personnel managed to secure and destroy in different states of the country a total of 10 million 463 thousand 449 plants, located in 159 plantations; which represents 4.12 times more than the number of plants and 2.2 times more than the number of plantations, about the 2 million 537 thousand 691 plants in 72 plantations destroyed in the previous four years.

It is worth mentioning that, as a result of the operations mentioned above, the arrest of 2,375 violators of the law in flagrante delicto and/or possession of illicit material was achieved; a total of 335,241 liters of fuel were also seized, the legal origin of which was not proven. by the alleged offenders, making them available to the competent authorities to integrate the corresponding investigation files.

In this way, the Secretary of the Navy through the Mexican Navy works in a coordinated manner with agencies of the three levels of government, in favor of security and Mexican families, always carrying out its operations in strict respect for Human Rights and by the National Peace and Security Plan 2018-2024 of the Government of Mexico.

Navy of Mexico

In the sea, in the air, on land



  1. Yeah yeah yeah. Let's focus on the negatives tho. 200k homicides that AMLO is directly responsible because they were all innocent victims and never involved in a life of crime. His security strategy sucks even after building 600 military stations, adding 90k GN personnel, having the most drug seizures, allowing sedena to take charge of all land, sea and air ports of entry and after capturing and extraditing the most top capos than the past 3 administrations combined. Everyone would've been captured regardless of who was president but those 200k homicides would've only happened under AMLO. Anyone else it would've been less even if he built and did everything I mentioned. 🤦🏽🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. ELMO Chayotero. It's nice to see that you are copying and pasting a new spiel for your hero ELMO. You conveniently forget that the U.S. has been training Mexico in counternarcotics operations for more than 30 years and that the U.S. has involved SEMAR in counternarcotics operations for more than 20 years. These seizures rise and fall depending on the amounts being smuggled and interdicted. SEMAR has had a good year. So has the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, not because Biden is president, but because these counternarcotics operations have been going on for decades. The more than 200,000 murders and disappearances are the result of a failed security strategy. There would be murders and disappearances under any president, however, the scale of murders and disappearances under ELMO is astronomical. So is the general feelings of insecurity in Mexico. Poll after poll has shown that Mexicans continue to feel less and less secure in the streets and their own homes over the last five years. I wonder who is in charge of Mexico's failed security strategy over the last five years that is responsible for this mess.

    2. @10:20 Well put.

    3. Axle Foley on the case again smh. Number 1 comadre

    4. 1020 LOL. I like how you down play everything mentioned and give all the credit to your gringo masters. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😗💩🍑AMLO canceled their visas and told them to get their planes the fuck out of their hangers. Remember when the DEA tried to take credit for Ovidios capture and AMLO made the U.S retract their statement? I'm sure you don't, because when it comes to AMLO you wear your blinders nice and tight and that selective memory kicks in.

  2. Shouts out to the Marina!

    A big thanks for all that you do.

    1. SEMAR and SEDENA put their lives on the line everyday for the safety and security of the citizens of Mexico. So do untold thousands of honest police. The National Guard was established as a political tool and they were forced to chase after hard working and honest immigrants rather than criminals and loiter around businesses and do nothing. Recently, some National Guard units have had the opportunity to get into the fight. They have proven as honest, courageous and capable as the best of SEDENA and SEMAR. We all need to appreciate the courage and dedication of each and every one of these public servants trying to bring peace and tranquility back to Mexico.

    2. 1030 says the guy who called the Guardia "about as useless as a uterus on a nun" and stopped traveling to mexico cause he was scared. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 well atleast you're starting to realize the Guardia is not as bad as you think they are.

    3. 9:02:
      For those of us who travel to Mexico all we have seen is the Guardia Nacional standing around doing nothing. I haven't seen GN in the convoys with SEMAR or SEDENA. Then Trump became president and ELMO had them chasing after women and children trying to reach the U.S. I have never said that GN was "bad" or incompetent. We never knew their abilities because they were never given the opportunity to show their competence because ELMO had them chasing after women and children and not cartels. I never stopped traveling to Mexico, only certain areas of Mexico that are cartel contested territory. I'm not a fool to put myself in harms way.

    4. 323 EH! EH! EH! EH! EH! SKRRRRT! Back it up right there Detroit. LOL, did you just say you never said the Guardia Nacional was bad or incompetent? Is that your selective memory kicking back in? Lemme refresh your memory.

      DetroitDecember 6, 2023 at 7:22 PM

      "...his National Guard that he put under military control that are worthless as a uterus on a nun...."

      You said the above but now you wanna act like you never bad mouthed the GN.🙄 okay. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      As far as you claiming the GN "standing around doing nothing" is probably a good thing, otherwise you'd be finding yourself in the middle of a gun fight between the GN and some armed "civilians". Now as far as my experience goes, every time I've traveled to Mexico I see the GN everywhere. In the airports, patrolling the streets, checkpoints, border crossings, and yes, even just standing there, acting as a DETERRENT for criminals. Unlike you, I'm grateful for their presence, because when I see them it makes me feel safer. Much safer than coming across a Federal back in the day. And thats a fact. Plain and simple.

    5. 323 LOL, did you just say you never said the Guardia Nacional was bad or incompetent? Is that your selective memory kicking back in? Lemme refresh your memory.

      DetroitDecember 6, 2023 at 7:22 PM

      "...his National Guard that he put under military control that are worthless as a uterus on a nun...."

      You said the above but now you wanna act like you never bad mouthed the GN.🙄 okay. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      As far as you claiming the GN "standing around doing nothing" is probably a good thing, otherwise you'd be finding yourself in the middle of a gun fight between the GN and some armed "civilians". Now as far as my experience goes, every time I've traveled to Mexico I see the GN everywhere. In the airports, patrolling the streets, checkpoints, border crossings, and yes, even just standing there, acting as a DETERRENT for criminals.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Esooo! Arriba las Fuerzas Armadas.

  4. Ablando de cuando dinero perdio la economia en México 😔 por el decomiso

  5. So from this it looks like the majority of drugs getting into the US are coming by sea. So the obvious solution.. build more walls?

    1. If Trump is elected he will build a wall from the Texas coast to Cuba. That will stop all of the smuggling by sea.

    2. Nowhere does it say where the final destinations were for any of the loads… what makes you believe they *all* were destined for the US?

    3. Many Americans like and want the drugs but they don't want the disease and crime that come with the people crossing so yes walls work perfectly.

    4. 9:36 Crime and disease of foreigners? It's their own people and citizens that have the diseases and commit the crimes.
      Seen a USA citizen return fresh uncooked chicken to Costco for his refund🤣

    5. 12:37 when Mr. T was president only a portion of the funds were approved to build the walls. Mr. T tried to get Mexico to get the rest of the walls built by Mexico, but ALMO just laughed nothing was done on the Mexican side.
      Futhermore if he was to be elected { not a chance}, there were to be no funds to cover the walls, since Billions have been pumped to Ukraine, Isreal and Imagration .everyone down South wants the American dream.

  6. Couldn’t this also imply that more drugs in general are being trafficked?

    1. Bingo !!!!!!! Your won. That’s exactly what those numbers represent. Imagine what all they busted. The DEA and other use their bust to estimate how much is actually coming in. So they say they can bust 10% imagine how much actually came in if that formula is correct.

    2. @1215 — Oh absolutely, my friend.. it’s also an old trick in the book of trafficking to give up smaller loads, so that the big ones get thru unscathed..

  7. Arriba las fuerzas armadas Mexicanas

  8. nice work. in bolivia they just seized 8t of cocain on a truck. it was said biggest single seizure of cocain in the country.


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