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Sunday, January 28, 2024

New Alliance Announced In Sonora, Major Criminal Heads Have United According To Sonora Informativo Facebook Page

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from SONORA INFORMATIVO 


A new alliance has been formed among major criminal trafficking organizations which include "Los Salazar"/"Los Cazadores"/"Los Paredes" according to 'Sonora Informativo' Facebook page. 

Sonora Informativo | Facebook is a highly credible online page with real-time news, classifieds, and information about Sonora and relevant information.

Sonora Informativo states the following, "In a new alliance as an Independent Cartel, the main state leaders of the organizations 'Los Salazar' from Navojoa and 'Los Paredes' from Agua Prieta have sent reinforcements to 'Los Cazadores' to take over the northwestern part of the state. 

The group of people with assault weapons that tried to rescue the son of 'El Chubeto' was identified as part of the alliance above, among them a criminal leader from Agua Prieta who was part of the close circle of Leonel Toscano Cuevas alias 'El Tigre' and Guadalupe Cano Soto 'El Guero Cano' and/or 'El Zapatos Sucios." 

The announcement of the new 'Independent Cartel' and its ramifications is yet truly unknown, but no doubt another bloodbath is upcoming. The question I asked myself is if the Los Chapos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel led by Ivan Archivaldo and Alfredo Guzman-Salazar are at war with Los Salazar? 



  1. Chapitos estan con los salazar el mayo los alineo con la captura de el raton si calman o los calmo asi de fácil se estan asiendo una limpia y luego se dejaran irr con todo contra los de Jalisco

    1. No, chapos kids are alone, the old man knew they are still sad about what he did to chapo, they waiting for him to die. The old will get rid of them slowly.

    2. Negativo ay pacto en culiacan viejo

  2. Cds has bee a mess after chapo got sent up north
    Nobody respects those chapitos

    1. Mencho rubbing his hands like Birdman right now

    2. Mencho ESTA muerto, en febrero , va ser 2 anos que esta en la tomba.

  3. Aint tintin main guy from agua prieta

    1. He works for Paredes

    2. Tin been dead....🐅 manda

    3. Markitos runs that plaza from the US

    4. "Tin been dead....🐅 manda"
      yeah a minute and a half been dead

    5. You mean Junior. His dad is in jail and he in Phoenix. They are real AHs. Now are they going to take sonoyta, caborca, SLRC? Dont even try roki thats MZ locked down

  4. If all three criminal groups unite against Chapiza, it will not be easy for them to control the area. Los Cazadores, Los Paredes and Los Salazar have enough men. The only problem is If the Mayo people go with Chapiza, there will be a big war with lot off blood's. Cartel unidos del Tigre. Aka "CUT" :(

    1. Giving up Flaco and stop moving against his plazas in Baja in exchange for Mayo helping clean up Sonora but then again wars bring a lot of attention and don’t know if it’s worth the trouble for the old man he might rather just sit it out

  5. This alliance was expected after Mayo and Chapitos made peace. They will then turn their attention against CJNG.

    1. 3:28 cds doesn't have their shit straight to focus just on cjng. Their internal beef takes much more attention

    2. Godammm CDS still hasn't been able to contain the 4 letters what's taking them so long the hell

    3. Contain?… they’re kicking their asses in Chiapas and Zacatecas lol

    4. @ Connor alla por los rumbos de Arandas, Jalisco hace unas semanas atras andaban paniquiados los de la 4 pensando que se les iba a meter el CDS

    5. Somewhere in Jalisco there a mass doom located 20-30 cars full of CDS men that trued going for el Mencho when CJNG was formed. They ain’t scared of cds bro. Just like marros men weren’t scared of menchos ppl

    6. Cds is a thing of the past.
      Cjng is truly the new generation that has control of many plazas on Mexico.
      Cjng is the cds nightmare

  6. Les acaban de chingar otro cargamento grandísimo al mayo y los al quiles en tecate baja California El Flaquito les está pegando duro

    1. 6:05 ya El Aquiles les mato al Tommy y a un estatal ayer

  7. Ivan's a career fuck up

  8. This is huge news if true, Los Salazar have always been loyal to the Guzman’s. Why would they turn on them?.. over Cazador?, who’s been in jail for years already?…

    Something ain’t adding up. Massive war incoming in Sonora if so. Between these guys and probably Chapos/Mayos to regain Sonora

    1. because they feel Chapitos betrayed a Salazar boss and turned him over to the Goverment, which appears to be the case with other bosses like el Nini.

    2. No way this alliance will hold up against Chapos and their government allies. The authorities already got Cazador's son.

    3. The salazars use to have a key landing spot in the mountains next to chihuahua, la diputada use to show up buying everyone's mmj at 50$ a kilo and sometimes she would never return with their pay. Now imagine 10$ a kilo and getting robbed lmfao 😂 They most likely took the mountain from them

  9. I always knew it would be Sonorenses vs Sinaloenses at some point. You can have intruders run the play in your backyard for so long until at some point it's enough.

    1. We have always allowed them to operate here as long as they had a purpose when 20 killed r5 they lost all mutual respect

    2. El R5 tenía mucha gente a su lado de Sonora o de Sinaloa ???

    3. 9:21 sonoras will always be the chinolas lambe huevos.
      I know both and they always bow down to sinaloas,
      Most cases sonora people even claim they are from sinaloa until you meet their family 😆

    4. Macho prieto killed el R5

    5. What el 11 Macho Prieto killed R5 Gente Nueva?
      We need more info

    6. 2mil took put R5

    7. El 20 killed R5 & Mandy. He was dealt with pretty quickly after that. Never did hear why he went against them.

    8. I remember there was a video of his death and the driver survived for so long since 20 and 20's bodyguard died instantly

    9. @1152 TIENE mas bien dicho y de los dos lados tmbn en durango y chihuahua

    10. El Charly runs Puerto Peñasco. Olson family is Arizona connection.


  10. When was the last time Sonora was not under the control of CDS???

    1. Hasnt been for more than 30 yrs paredes have operated semi Independent with strong alliances to cds which are allowed with permission its a slippery slope check the details the paredes have been around a long time and at one point had all sonora under control definitely the calmest most secure sector of the border for decades

    2. Historically they always had a lot of big independents mostly in marijuana in the 70s and 80s but Rafa and Miguel Caro Quintero were very strong in Sonora but they too were Sinaloans. When chapo came up he always took good care of Sonora and it was a safe place because a lot of big things happened there. Sonora was always loyal to Chapo but it seems like his kids have fractured that relationship. When CAF and Juarez were the main players, Sonora is what kept CDS in the game.

  11. Paredes are a very strong independent cartel, but they do not like what is happening in Sonora with Chapitos running down things in the western part of the state, which in turns brings a lot of heat on the entire state and Paredes have always been old school and like MZ, they have power and people.

    1. Paredes invested alot in madera

  12. Does anyone know the allegiance of Los Tejones in Sonora?


    1. They are flighting for Sonyota against Pelons. They are against 🍕

    2. 1:10 here is a video of Los Tejones shaving off the hair of a captured Salazar memeber. Video says Tejones is Chapiza but I have read online people claiming otherwise like you


  13. Isn't memo about to support Los Pelones? Isn't memo MZ?

    1. 12:03 memo has always been with Los chapos

    2. Nope always been Chapo

  14. El Señor M100 will resolve all issues. Guano ,Chapitos ,MZ are Zoom meeting right now with Sicario #006 to free el Señir de Aguas Prietas

    1. Mayo had an accident years ago and the REAL creator of cjng, not mencho- had some of his bone and bone marrow grafted into mayos thigh . It was the perfect Trojan horse. The enemy is literally in the old guards body. And now home and city. Senor RIP, who has many family members married into law and justice, d.o.d. and intelligence positions protect him from being identified or indicted. This is real world War of the galaxies shit. Narcissus needs to be shit down and have the dept of energy revoke his j or q7 clearance that supercedes even bidets secur9ty clearance level.

  15. The chapitos were very strong with the fetty money but now people are seeing chinks in their armor with the capture of ovidio, giving up nini, bowing down to mayo, etc. Sonora would be an epic loss as it’s always been such an integral piece for cds and especially the Guzmans. This could literally be the beginning of the end of their reign.

    I’ve always had this theory that after mayo passes, the powers that be will select someone new to work with and I doubt it’ll be within CDS as they have been a headache. Someone like Isidro who has been proven to be low key and highly intelligent could be a realistic option. These Sonoran cells would probably be smart to align with him and BLO. Imagine the Salazar, BLO/isidro and CAF/ flakito forming a new alliance

    CDS can’t last forever, the brats will fall and MZ will eventually pass away.

    1. MZ is enjoying his last day in peace . His son is in charge now .

    2. This sounds like a good movie script. Imagine BLO coming back stronger than before?

    3. Hahaha Ok boy genius 3:53 you know it all. Lmao this alliance has zero to do with Chapitos & Salazar 30 + year alliance. Chapitos are one of very few drug suppliers in the world let alone Mexico. They have deep political & military connections & coca plantations in Colombia. Fentanyl was only was aspect of the revenue stream. Salazar family is intertwined with Chapitos & always will be. They both serve each interests. Nini was sacrificed because he was stupid & heating up the city. Get it!

  16. Se viene un desvergue bueno ponganse pilas plebes y pura chapizaaa ijo su rechingadisisima madreee

  17. Salazar y chapos van de mano en mano los pelones se voltearon

  18. Una revolution buena va para sonora, lo malo que al ultimo los chinolas los ban a poner en linea Como siempre
    Esa raza no es de pelea, si fuera asi, Esa plaza nunca estubiera en control de los sinaloas

    1. Nadie en Sonora tenía proveedor desde Colombia. Sin contactos directos están a la merced del importador que si los ve muy fuertes busca el modo de congelarlos o darles para abajo.
      También políticamente el gobierno es el que vendía y vende las plazas a los que pueden pagar la cuota.

    2. 6.59 muy bien dicho

    3. People of Altar have been in the game for decades! From Pedro Aviles, Arellano Felix, Carrillo Fuentes, Beltran Leyva! Who've allowed them to work independently. Families who've moved cocaine from all over the world. Not to mention trafficked people for decades. Who the gringos of alto poder have formed really good relationships with. They have way more power than everyone thinks. They allowed el chapo to broker and break alliances with the caros and payans. Now they broke away from the chapitos and are waging war to throw them out of Sonora, let's say this is the end of el chapys people in Sonora.

  19. Loz Avengerz still out there

  20. This time Chapo can't snitch because ADX lol

    1. 7:54 damn can't believe you and over a million other people keep up with JGL like that 😅

    2. Well you kno what the say 828 Sapo Snitched!

  21. This war on drugs is really a plan for Mexicans to kill each other.
    Genocide created by the gringos

    1. But, but, but, but the other day you said 🤔, it was a plan by the Chinese to kill the Americans.

  22. The chapitos are in wa state. Cjng assisted by high security level clearance officials and small hometown leaders helped murder joaquin guzman lopez, the brother to Jesus, ivan and ovidio.

    Ovidio was kidnapped in a ghost town in. Wa state after coming to investigate his brothers murder, and when he was kidnapped in sep 2023 in Monse wa the small-time dealers involved thought they were going to cash in big time. The mx govt was allowed to save face and announce ovidios supposed extradition. On the 12 or 13 of Sept, because mx president KNEW the person in custody wasn't the real ovidio.
    There are so many people involved in this nonsense that it's getting out of hand but cjng already be celebrating thinking they've won, due to all the lies and govt and Hollywood ties but they are surely mistaken.
    What they didn't count on was the mother of everything and everyone , and the goddess of the Underworld protecting and broadcasting all of the cap-in and fake shit, as well as bad actors.
    There's a reason why those who swore an oath to protect God's bloodline - including the new blood alliance aka sinaloa and the salazars aka the "old guard" are trying to be destroyed. Whoever controls the flower and tree of life controls the cosmos. She could without a. Doubt red button us all at any time . Praying for TRUTH AND JUSTICE to prevail and rung true.

    1. That kidnapping is Washington is suspicious what makes you think it was ovedio

  23. So how are they going to get work now? I’m guessing they have their own connects for coca and labs for chiva?


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