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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection: Kidnapped Migrants Are From Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras and Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Federal Government informed this morning, during President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's morning conference, that among the 31 migrants kidnapped in Tamaulipas  there are people of various nationalities, including Mexicans, and the search for their whereabouts has intensified since their abduction became known last Saturday.

"There was various information in the meeting of the Security Cabinet. The abduction of 31 migrants occurred on the Matamoros highway on December 30. It was on the Monterrey-Matamoros route where they were detained by armed men with balaclavas, past the toll booth, forcing 31 passengers to get out and board 5 vehicles", informed the federal Secretary of Security, Rosa Icela Rodriguez.

"Several nationalities have been identified as the following: Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Hondurans, Colombians and Mexicans. The State Prosecutor's Office is leading the investigation with the support of the Government: the Ministry of National Defense, the National Guard, the Navy and the Ministry of Security", she added.

In addition, the official informed that "the operation to find them quickly" is underway. "Several actions have been carried out: telephone tracking, to locate the people who participated and find those responsible; the analysis of the videos of the bus and the routes of where they were transported; we are tracking different neighborhoods with canines. We hope to quickly find the location of the victims", he said.

The National Migration Institute is also participating in the operation, he added. "This type of event used to happen with 2 or 3 migrants, but this number is atypical, it is not a frequent occurrence. We are confident that the search operation will have results, we expect the results sooner rather than later. We are continuing with the operations. The President's instruction is: 'Expedite this because it’s urgent'", closed Secretary Rodriguez.

"We have just spoken with the Governor, Américo Villarreal, he gives us great confidence that in Tamaulipas there is a Government with integrity, efficiency, and responsibility. They are doing their job and doing it well. I hope we will soon have results (...) Yes, progress is being made," said President López Obrador.

Zeta Tijuana  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Go hug them you idiot see if they let them go.... chapo snitched

  2. Thank you for the article Sol. Expediting the They disappeared Saturday, December 30th and it's now Wednesday June 3rd.

    We have just spoken with the Governor, Américo Villarreal, he gives us great confidence that in Tamaulipas there is a Government with integrity, efficiency, and responsibility. They are doing their job and doing it well. I hope we will soon have results (...) Yes, progress is being made," said President López Obrador.

    Honesty, integrity, results. You can't make this stuff up or can you?

    1. Surprise, surprise! According to a VT post they've been found safe.

  3. Can Mexico find them before it's too late, this can become an International issue and other countries are watching, I always say the first 24 hours of investigation are the most important, otherwise the criminals are long gone.

  4. Trusting the gob from tamps… damn Amlo, thats a pretty slippery road. You will regret this.

  5. How much effort, if any, do the governments of kidnapped foreigners put forth to free them?

  6. We can all see how well ELMO's security strategy is working. Someone needs to give ELMO a hug and make him feel better.

    1. What have you done for Mexico besides bash and criticize?

    2. 5:35:
      I'm not the one being paid to develop a security strategy for Mexico, ELMO is.

    3. Under AMLO the corrupt Polica federal was disbanded and absorbed by the Guardia Nacional. The 30k personnel were absorbed by the Guardia and an additional 90k GN personnel were hired. By the end of his term there should be close to 600 military stations throughout the country to house the 120k Guardia Nacional personnel.
      Under AMLO SeDeNa took charge of all land, air and sea ports of entry and not just moved the aduanas headquarters to Nuevo Laredo but is building a new state of the art facility to match the U.S border crossing technology.
      Captures under AMLO include, El Nini, RCQ, his nephew "El R", Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, El Vaquero, Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa...

      It may not be up to your standards or amount to the work you have done but it's definitely a step in the right direction. You think Mexico was better off as EPN left it? Was Mexico better off with 600 less military stations throughout the country?

    4. 8:54:
      ELMO Chayotero, there are 35,000 homicides per year under ELMO because he put the corrupt federal police into the NG. No matter how you cut it, violence has risen under ELMO's watch. Not to mention you miss the point of my comment that Mexican security is not my responsibility but ELMO's. ELMO has been a complete disaster for Mexico and you need to accept this fact.

    5. Your opinion is NOT FACT. Now, back on topic, you say his strategy has failed. So you think Mexico was better off with zero military facilities instead of the 600 that have been completed by the current government? There has been more top cartel members arrested and extraditions under AMLO than the last three administrations combined. Was that a failure? I've asked you in the past what the demographics of the 35k homicides a year were but you've never answered my question. Of those 35k how many were criminals? How many were innocent bystanders? How many where government personnel? How many were law enforcement? Of those law enforcement How many where honest and how many were crooked cops? Lets be realistic. You say 35k like every single one was an innocent victim because it promotes your anti mexico agenda. I'm starting to believe you're the mole here, coming to push your misinformation.

    6. 5:35 This is the site to comment, when an article comes up regarding the president. And I tell you since Elmo has done a terrible job and letting cartels run rampant, you're gonna hear more comments about Elmo.

    7. @1255 bruh… apparently you have difficulty separating political theater from reality. The GN is as corrupt as the former Fedérale. The issue here is one of sweeping systematic insecurity. Not one thing you mention has improved security. Every security institution here is corrupted and collude. The army and navy are corrupted and collude. The governor of TAMPS is absolutely corrupted or do you really believe the recently kidnapped migrants were really “rescued.” Trust me, calls were made between the criminals in the government and the criminals outside of the government. Are you even aware of the almost absolute impunity for violence and kidnapping here? In TAMPS, kidnapping is almost 100% a crime of impunity. 93% or more of violent crimes are never even prosecuted. The average Mexican citizen has no trust for the SP, GN and are generally fearful of the army. THAT is the on the ground reality here (not sure where you live but it can’t be here). The every day reality and shocking insecurity are what matters - not the political theater of renaming criminal government organizations and building them more bases. Lastly, if you think they are pursuing criminals in an effort to stop organized crime here, as opposed to criminals they have chosen for other reasons, I have a bridge to sell you. But before you make an offer on my bridge, I’d suggest you careful consider and educate yourself about how the economy here is affected by illegal activities and particularly how prevelant money laundering through common businesses is here. AMLO’s record is indefensible, yet here you are. AMLO’s party is a criminal party from the past, who, like the GN, just changed the name. If McDonalds was known for filling its burgers with feces, would you continue to eat there just because they changed the name?

  7. The location from where they were taken is almost unbelievable. Almost. We travel this stretch of autopista frequently. There was a strong police presence there 2- 3 years ago. Not any longer. Elmo must have deemed it safe and secure.

  8. Too bad AMLO does not act this fast with Mexican citizens and journalists who are kidnapped by cartels! Biden must have called and threatened AMLO to get Biden's new voters to Eagle Pass asap or no more free hookers from Hunter!!

  9. Tickle me Elmo is talking?

    1. 4:43:
      Be careful where ELMO tickles you. You both could be put on the sex offender registry for life.


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