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Monday, January 22, 2024

Sedena Detected Trafficking Of Weapons For Exclusive Use Of The U.S. Army Into Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Bárcena, during today's conference. 

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Bárcena, informed that in the last meeting of the Security Cabinet in Washington, the Secretary of Defense warned that trafficking of weapons for exclusive use of the US Army to Mexico has been detected.

In the morning conference held in Querétaro, the official explained that in view of the complaint, it was agreed to carry out an investigation on the matter.

"There is one very important thing, and that is that the Ministry of Defense alerted the United States: about weapons that are entering Mexico that are for the exclusive use of the U.S. Army, and it is very urgent that an investigation be carried out in this regard," she said.

This denunciation is part of the 10 agreements reached with US authorities in the meeting that had as a priority to address migration from Latin America to Mexico's northern border.

The agreements consist of confirming migration figures in a joint panel with weekly updates; holding a trilateral meeting that includes Guatemala as soon as possible; collaborating bilaterally and regionally to combat human trafficking networks; following up on the actions of the Texas government, while Mexico will strengthen its consular network in that state.

In addition, in view of the announcement by the United States to sanction companies in South America for transporting migrants, Mexico announced meetings with companies in the country.

"They want us to do the same, the Ministry of the Interior is going to summon these companies, the truckers, the airlines, but we asked them not to act unilaterally," he added.

He reiterated that a joint visit will be made to the Darien Strait together with Panamanian and Colombian authorities to discuss all human trafficking.

"The last one was that we are going to take care and issue careful and preferably agreed public statements," he remarked.

Mexican and U.S. authorities will hold periodic meetings to address bilateral issues and the next one is expected to take place in February.

At the conclusion of the conference, the Secretary of Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, avoided delving into the issue of arms trafficking by the U.S. military.



  1. Why didn’t we ever hear more about the AR 15s CJNG is manufactured in Mexico. US get blamed for “all” the guns seized. But I read a report where the bulk of military style weapons comes from the Central American countries mainly. All old Cold War armaments were talking about.

    1. I was watching a report done by Milenio (one of the biggest news channels in Mexico and is often used as a source on Borderlandbeat), and in their report they mentioned that the Mexican government with the help of the ATF were able to trace 27,095 guns back to the U.S. between January and November of 2023. And in 2022 they were able to trace 27,495 guns back to the U.S. The bulk of the cartels weaponry might be from Central America, but they sure as hell are still getting a shit ton of weapons from the U.S. Here’s the report if anyone is curious ( it’s in Spanish obviously ) :

    2. Cause they are just a drop in an ocean. The time you need to build 10 is much longer than buying 10 and drive them across the border.

    3. Entran las armas por las fronteras.
      Vas de compras y entre la publicidad impresa de las tiendas que te dan en el puente ahí vienen de lugares q venden armas o tiendas que manejan cosas para días de campo también anuncian armas. Ah y en la sierra te pagan cada bala con dólares.

    4. Lol you think america is so innocent man stfu, even trump said the u.s isn't innocent so stop acting like it is.

  2. Wonder if they are referring to the gatling mini guns purchased by CJNG.

  3. The cartel don T really manufacture nothing they just put together parts and do a little machining!!!!

  4. AMLO is trying to shift focus from 30,000 deaths accounted for last year 2023 - & the kidnapping & missing Persons are not accounted for.

  5. Cartel de Chiapas is accusing the Chiapas state police to be in Guero Pulseras (CDS) payroll

    Larry Hernandez with El Necho alleged leader of Los Tlacos in Guerrero

    Staying in Guerrero a transit police got the "Tabla" by the local cartel


  6. US will sell any weapons to any one including criminals within United States. Do you think US cares about who is/are getting killed by their weapons? They not care MONEY!!!! It’s all about sales of high powered guns that is in billions!!!

    1. Fast and the furious? Hell they sell and giveaway weapons, look at Afghanistan the taliban got all the weapons, hummers, helicopters they ever wished for, they start wars everywhere on earth and come up with a solution….Blow it up… USA is the World’s terrorist

    2. Get out of the USA if you don’t like it pal 🇺🇸

    3. @5:20 Hell yea brother 👴🏻

    4. Thats okay they are contributing to the killing of their own students in high schools and middle schools with their own gun laws 🤷 .At the end every action has a consequence .

    5. 1:18 Your exaggerating the situation a little too much, to buy a gun , you go through paperwork and a criminal background check, before you can buy a gun. And to the other joker, no guns are given away, they are purchased.

  7. According to Associated Press “The Mexican army said in June that it had seized 221 fully automatic machine guns, 56 grenade launchers and a dozen rocket launchers from drug cartels since late 2018.”

  8. Hay un documental de Michael More que lo saco después de la matason en Columbine.

  9. Humm bug.....🤔
    After many years that went by, with no check points set up, to see what is coming in to Mexico, and all of the sudden Sedona sets up a temporary check point and they confiscate weapons and blame USA🤣😭, what a joke, no mention of arresting the straw buyers that brought the weapons in to Mexico.
    I smell a propaganda stunt.

    1. The Mexican government with the help of the ATF were able to trace 27,095 guns back to the U.S. between January and November of 2023. And in 2022 they were able to trace 27,495 guns back to the U.S.

    2. Where did you read that SEDENA never had any checkpoints set up? Where did you read that they set up a temporary checkpoint and that’s how they confiscated the weapons? You seriously think this is the first time someone has been caught trying to bring U.S. guns into Mexico. The Mexican government has been talking for years about how U.S. guns are coming into Mexico and are ending up in the cartels, but no one from the U.S. listens. The U.S. is always quick to put the blame on someone else. This isn’t anything new.

  10. Train box cars full of guns have been stolen in the US for years.....many in the Chicago area.....most of those guns end up in Mexico.

  11. I was watching a report done by Milenio (one of the biggest news channels in Mexico and is often used as a source on Borderlandbeat), and in their report they mentioned that the Mexican government with the help of the ATF were able to trace 27,095 guns back to the U.S. between January and November of 2023. And in 2022 they were able to trace 27,495 guns back to the U.S. Here’s the report if anyone is curious ( it’s in Spanish obviously ) :

  12. The Mexican government with the help of the ATF were able to trace 27,095 guns back to the U.S. between January and November of 2023. And in 2022 they were able to trace 27,495 guns back to the U.S.

    1. 2:01/2:02/2:04 Does the MILENIO report state if the firearms were traced because the guns still had the serial numbers on them? If so what percentage were legally purchased by the original buyer who is identifiable and prosecutable by either government?

    2. 2:30 - The Milenio report mentions an online system developed by the ATF called “eTrace”. According to the ATF’s official website, “eTrace is used to trace crime guns from their original manufacturer or importer, through the wholesale/retail distribution chain, to the frst person who bought them. Firearms are traced by local, state, federal, and international law enforcement agencies”. According to the Milenio report, the ATF in cooperation with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) opened a total of 655 cases related to arms trafficking in 2023. In total, the U.S. has made 463 arrests and were able to seized a total of 8,500 guns (apart from the 27,000 guns seized in Mexico) as well as thousands of ammunition that were all on their way to Mexico. The ATF and Mexico’s FGR currently have 15 cases active.

    3. 4:46 Good information. 8500 firearms seized and 463 arrests is a little over 18 firearms per individual. I assume the people arrested would be prosecuted by the federal government.
      Felony conviction resulting in the loss of the right to own firearms and if a LPR very high probability of losing their status and being removed to their country of citizenship.
      MILENIO should further investigate/question SEDENA in which states of México the firearms were seized or recovered.

    4. A us court just sided with Mexico against a USA fire arms company

  13. A whole bunch of blaming guns and not a whole lot of blaming the murderous criminals. Sounds an awful like liberals who blame guns in inner city USA

    1. 5:02 I agree 👍 .
      The gun did not kill an innocent person.
      It is the person that used the gun and pulled the trigger that killed the innocent person.
      Blaming the US for guns coming into Mexico is hogwash, criminals bring them over, thanks, to Mexico not having a good checking at the border at what comes into Mexico.
      😆 Lol Obrador went after the US gun manufacturers and lost big time. Go after the Fkn criminals that are using the guns, dumb ass 3rd world mentality.

    2. 6:25 - Using your logic, the same argument could be made for drugs coming over the border. Why is Mexico and its government being blamed for drugs and undocumented immigrants coming into America when it’s thanks to America for not having a good checking at the border at what comes from Mexico that this sort of stuff happens. If guns coming into Mexico is solely a Mexican problem, than drugs and undocumented immigrants coming into America is solely an American problem.

    3. @7:32
      Anyway you slice it, Guns and ammo will continue to come into Mexico, blaming the USA manufactures of guns won't work.

  14. No one sees outbound lanes checking every car exiting the US into MEX. SEDENA is tired of it because the cartels are actually killing Mexican Soldiers. I get that MX has a demand, but my
    Point is that there isn’t a strategy at the port of entries’ southbound lanes as tough as the inbound.


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