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Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Familia Michoacána Threatens A Mayor And Los Julios

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

A recent video released online by the deadly Familia Michoacána alleges that Pedro Rodriguez Villegas, mayor of Atizapán, isn’t keeping his end of an illicit agreement. 

Within their video communique of just over 30 seconds threats are sent out against the mayor, Los Julios, and an unknown male. 

According to an article by Radio Formula Mx the mob known as Los Julios are a criminal group dedicated to drug trafficking, extortion, land theft and homicide. Locals claim on social media that they’ve been around for over a decade now hassling citizens.

Based off of what all was mentioned in this film the Familia Michoacána is contesting an area just northwest of Mexico City. 

Previous articles released by Borderland Beat across time also show them to be positioned here and here and here in the State of Mexico, just west of the nation’s capital. 

Whereas gunmen from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel seem to be competing for Mexico City’s eastern side. The last time we heard from these fucking goons back in October 2023. 

Most of their purge was underway heading eastward, the largest city in Mexico was sinking away in their rearview mirror’s.

Video translation is as follows:

This goes out to everyone in Atizipán and its surroundings. This plaza has an owner you sons of bitches. Therefore, the Julio’s gang, Trompas, and those faggot Michoacános from the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood. I’m coming after all of you guys. And as for that queer municipal president, Pedro Rodriguez Villegas, you need to keep your word you son of a bitch. This will be the last message that you receive. You faggots, we are the fucking absolute Familia Michoacána. 

Hitmen scream: We are the fucking absolute Familia Michoacána you faggots!

Municipal President Pedro Rodriguez Villegas

Emiliano Zapata neighborhood 
Ciudad Lopez Mateo is a city in State of Mexico, Mexico, and the municipal seat of the municipality called Atizapán de Zaragoza

Ciudad López Mateos 
State of Mexico

Carlos Jimenez  Radio Fórmula Mx  Borderland Beat 1  Borderland Beat 2  Borderland Beat 3 Borderland Beat 4  Cuidad López Mateo


  1. At Mexico futbol games do the crowds still yell puto!?

  2. Mexican people probably has short span of life.

    1. Lmao forreals it’s like hey man you will get you head chopped of if you do something stupid “Mexican takes the risks anyways because he forgot” lmao

    2. I thing mexicans are getting older than americans. Just say no to fent mi hijo..

  3. threatni g unarmed people is coward moves. these guys are COWARDS

  4. The Menchos will fly in with capes and kill all the LFMs

  5. They go thru alot so I can get high. Respect

  6. Mini Lic got a YouTube channel
    "Ocran Leaks" . It's so obvious its him although he is wearing a mask.

  7. Sounds like he has down syndrome.

  8. Interesting how not everyone is wearing uniforms. It might seem like nothing. But cartels with more money tend to put their guys in all military gear.
    I could be mistaken. Could be some other guys that are either bosses or don’t have to wear their military gear.

    🤔Rubio NYC

    1. Rubio I think they're just a pandilla that patched over to LFM. The cartel wouldn't give them any $queso till they see the pandilla is really an asset and can contribute to LFM.

  9. 150 good looking out. Didn’t know they follow those biker motorcycle club type rules even with the uniforms. But now I can definitely see it.

    Rubio NYC

    1. 308 that's how CJNG grew so fast.

    2. 507 you mean using the same type of recruiting method?

      Rubio NYC

  10. LFM territory be like: 50% Guerrero. 30% EdoMex. 15% Querétaro. 3% Morelos. 2% Michoacán (despite being named Familia Michoacána lol)

  11. When is the next Purge coming?
    I need my stomach Purged.

  12. Huy que miedo. Will see what happens. Most of the time is just talks.

  13. Did these guys even send anything to the united states or just extrot people where they live at


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