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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Final Moments Of A CDS Gunman

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A group of armed men humiliate and torture a semi unconscious gunman from the Cartel de Sinaloa. How exactly his capture came about is unknown at this time. 

The voices of his captors are numerous in number. Each man sounds just as excited as the next person.

There’s a high probability that the fixed blade knife with serrated edges in the hands of a right handed assassin will be used to fully decapitate their victim. 

In the intervening period of time the tool is repeatedly employed to slap him back into consciousness. And also to stab him across his right arm several times. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Hey fool. This is what happens for being a dumbass. Take a look at this, take a look at this. Go ahead and cut him up, cut him the fuck up. 

Sicario #2: You thought you had such big balls you Sinaloa fuck. 

Sicario #3: You had such big balls coming here. But you fucked yourself on this one. 

Sicario #4: He fucked himself.  

Sicario #2: Go ahead and fucking kill him. Cut him the fuck up. 

Sicario #1 We’re in position here. We’ve come along to purge this area and to claim victory you fool. Cut him up. Kill his ass. Hand me the knife, hand me the knife, hand me the knife. Hold him for me while I cut him up. 

El Blog de Los Guachos


  1. The guy was barely reacting. Was he on drugs or something?

    1. O yea im sure the captors were like, hey buddy we are gonna decapitate you but we are gonna give you some of our drugs ok? So you dont feel pain 🫣

    2. Probably. But it’s more likely that he took a huge blow (or blows) to the head, and he’s basically unconscious. The redness and cuts to the face say so.

    3. Nah he was just almost dead

    4. He obviously took hard blows to the head and maybe was even shot where camera doesn't show and lost a lot of blood

    5. I’m noticing more and more that these guys are being STOIC during their demise… By now everyone knows what’s coming when captured, so rather than give their captors any further delight, they choose to remain quiet and stoic..

    6. He's pleading the fifth amendment and refusing to talk without his lawyer present

    7. 7:15

      He is in Mexico, not in the USA.

    8. Obviously this guy is barely even conscience, under very high stress situations, such a beating or torture, the body's ability to regulate and breakdown critical chemicals like glucosamine, proteins and such can be severely compromised; in turn, often inducing a shock reaction throughout virtually every system in our bodies. Cognitive awareness being one of the most notable side effects of such things, many have described such an experience as a gradually fading disconnect from reality. Judging by some of the unfortunate victims of these videos, such a description seems fairly accurate.

    9. 10:30 PM
      Bro it always amazed me when people say 'is he on drugs' Yeah CJNG just gave him some sedatives while they cut him up?Considerate of them

    10. 7:15 tel that to orange Jesus trump. Take the 5th all the time.

    11. 9:23 it's a sarcastic joke 😼

  2. All that these videos do is show how weak and utterly stupid this cartel is….go ahead and make fools of yourselves acting like you are in a circle jerk getting off on each other.

    1. CDS definitely not weak lol

    2. CDS on the decline for sure 9:01 since the capture of Chapo they been on a steady decline. I can see a resurgence of Sinaloa if the Chapitos get push out/killed but until that happens they will remain on the decline.

    3. 10:52 DEA just said that they are even stronger than when Chapo was out

    4. 10:52 CDS Mayos crew grew like no other. Not sure how you think CDS is in the decline. Maybe you ment Chapos crew

    5. 1219 of course they are going to say that. Do you expect say the opposite so their budgets are cut? Bureaucracy bronie. War on drugs will never end.

    6. How is cds stronger? They are divided all the way to culiacan

    7. 339 cds is stronger because thats the message the fangirls are trying to send. As there trash empire crumbles they will grab on to and say anything.

  3. Let’s hope and pray
    These types of releases
    Don’t inspire other
    Miss guided souls

  4. They're pinche animals they will strate to hell

  5. Whenever I get to a point I can watch this stuff without the thought that this is a human being I bug out of BB until any of my sense of humanity returns

    1. Don't see the video, let Sol give a written discription. My hair stands up, and even when I comb it, your mind is not used to seeing death.
      Recently a site shows hallway video in Columbia. Ex-husband 40s, goes to ex residence and stabs the wife 12 times, blood draining out the last seconds of her life.i can't erase my mind of what I saw.

    2. TopMANZ
      Be a man dont be a wimp.

  6. What is wrong with you guys!? He's a Mexican. He's your brother! You act like the animals that the CIA wanted you guys to be! They did it in Columbia first. Now you guys are killing your brothers. PRAY FOR MEXICO AND USA!

  7. Bunch of coked out, loked out demons..... or most likely tweaked out because they can't afford Coka

  8. Most of the time scicarios and mid level bosses get caught up by the “Law” or contrarios because they’re on a bender all drugged up. They get confident then Bam they’re gone!

  9. No mames ese vato era un simple trailero. Puro adicto anda de pistolero.

  10. If you believe him it's up to each one of us but here is a video of a dude name dropping CDS figures and artists like nothing


  11. Pendejos in full display showing what an uneducated bunch of babosos act like.

  12. plays Queens -
    Another One Bites Dust in Spanish

  13. This guys swear they’re big and bad. Wish I could see them doing some roofing in Phoenix summer heat, or laying some pipe in -40 degrees. Any one can pull the trigger and act barbarian, not everyone can be disciplined and civilized.

    1. 7:36 yea, it's easy to do bad. It's hard to do good

    2. I Wish I can win the lottery.

      I Wish Mr. T would just leave politics alone and get a life.

      I Wish the Cartels would disappear.

  14. 736. That is very very true. You can see a lot of lack of education and discipline in their behavior. Just like in that other video. I think some of the things they were doing seemed like someone that doesn’t know what they are doing. I know the old saying “practice makes perfect”. But there are those who in reality that’s not their true character “ to cut parts, or behave like cannibals”

    Rubio NYC

    1. Today I got a small cut on my pinky, I put on Peroxide and it stopped the bleeding.

  15. :( que triste y horrendo final. Pero no como ayudar a los aplaudidores y los que andan de mañosos


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