Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Jalisco Cartel Exposes Faces Of Rivals

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Ricardo Adrián Ruiz Moreno, known as "El Cañas", is a member of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, a leader operating in Celaya, Villagrán, Cortázar and Juventino Rosas, who together with Lozano Lara, nicknamed "El Dalugas", are accused by this criminal organization of being henchmen for José Antonio Yépez, "El Marro", and generators of violence in the state, for whom the CJNG is offering a reward of 100,000 pesos for each of them.

Video translation is as follows:

You were warned that if the citizens don’t have peace, neither will you. Therefore, you will be exposed. This is Ricardo Adrian Ruiz Moreno aka El Caño, El Flaco, or El Azucar. He is one of the operational leaders of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel who operates in the municipalities of Celaya, Villagrán, Cortázar, and Juventino Rosas. He is also the son of Ricardo Ruiz Rodríguez and María Guadalupe Moreno Rodríguez. 

Brother of Mariana Ruiz Moreno aka La Nany, Santiago Ruiz Moreno aka El Ronchas, and Dylan Ruiz Moreno. His wife is María Ximena Velázquez Uribe aka La Xime. And his daughters are Ida Rosario and Dulce María Ruiz Velásquez. His father-in-law, Mario Velasquez Aguilar, has a transportation and tourist company that he uses to launder money for this cartel. The citizens of Guanajuato have had enough of you and soon enough you will all be taken down. 

Celaya, Guanajuato

Villagrán, Guanajuato

Cortázar, Guanajuato 

Juventino Rosas, Guanajuato

Tamaulipas Chat


  1. What a bunch of lames, dry snitching on their rivals. Real honor in that.

    1. Honor? Amongst criminals? Cmon bro. There’s literally a saying that says “No honor among thieves” That shit is forreal. You really expect way too much from the bottom of the barrel of society.

    2. @10:02 Facts 💯 He’s not at the point in his life to see that life for what it really is . Eventually everyone sees they’ve been fed bullshit , whether when the cuffs gets slapped on, or they bleeding out , from a bullet of a someone they thought was a friend .

    3. what are you 12? lmao...honor amongst cartel shitbags lmfao...honor among criminals...sip the kooliaid harder and keep listening to Pooh Sheisty lmao

    4. 09: 49 Sí, deberían tomarse de las manos y bailar debajo de un arcoiris como hermanos jaja

  2. Las Jaliscas burned businesses under protection de Los mareos y las golfas in Cortazar.

  3. Wait, how do we know that CJNG was the one who made this video? I don’t see anything that indicates this video was made by CJNG. Also, I find it really weird that at the end of the video when they say “soon enough you will fall”, they show a picture of an inmate in a prison cell. Why not show a picture of a dead CSRL sicario? Is CJNG not going to kill them? Is CJNG going to lock them up inside a jail cell and give them a fair trail so they have a chance to prove their innocence?

    1. Check out the brain on this person 🤣

      CJNG mentions a reward in the top paragraph. Hello.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Ive got my sources. I could give a fuck what you clowns think.

    5. I think some people in the comment session. Have a fetish of having Sol curse them out or belittle them.

      That orgasm must be intense lol.

      Rubio NYC

    6. Hey Red panties Rubio welcome back homie, how's life in New York. Happy New year dude.

    7. @10:10 AM your comment immediately made me think of that line in Pulp Fiction … “ Look the big brain on Brett “😄

  4. Wait, CJNG is putting bounties on their rivals now? CJNG having a difficult time handling CSRL, huh?

    1. Sol. I also don't see where CJNG is mentioned.

    2. CSRL brought more people from Tamaulipas. They trying to clean the plazas south of Guanajuato but we know them sicarios are like roaches they come from sh*y holes and don’t die easy and what’s worst they duplicate due to preexisting filth. Just saying it going to get worst.

  5. Remember when CJNG was making videos in GTO killing Marros time passes by supposedly Marros.making a comeback and now CJNG publishes a dry snitching video lol . Can't even finish off some fuel thieves

    1. Marros son just got captured
      El chapo snithed guy

    2. 11:13 exactly the Santa Rosa de Lima bosses are locked up . CJNG has so called elites and the GTO local government in their back pocket and still can't finish off a gang 😭😭

    3. Well, not too long ago I saw some comment where supposedly Marrow talks about how he takes care of his guys when they’re locked up, he gives him money if they get killed he gives his condolences to the person family. So maybe that’s why she has people that are so loyal. My comment could be incredibly naïve. But if it’s true, I definitely don’t see the four letter cartel, taking care of anyone that works for them.

      Rubio NYC

    4. It’s because most Marros are from local communities they know each other and yes marro did handle things when his people got kill. And helped a lot of local people under him but when the war started everyone from local police to those SEMAR employees in his list just drained his money. And he got dck out at the end. And vise verse, lol.

    5. But what's funny is that locals from gto that I've known personally talked down on marros, they've known for messing with innocent people. But I would agree that marro takes care of their own people more then cjng. Cjng a big corporation like Walmart. They would see you only as a number and replace you in a instant.

  6. No rules in the game of war, cds were the first to do this and it's very effective.
    It's called "calentando la plaza" exposure eventually gets them captured or killed

    1. You give cds too much credit, mfers been doing this way before cds was even an idea

    2. 12:10 not in Mexico but it did start in Colombian. Cds copied the Colombians

  7. Fuck a skinny bitch, Desde 2020 no le pueden llegar🤣

  8. El dalugas fue arrestado y soltado hace 3 años, igual las jaliscas daban dinero por el

  9. ni con los "elites" pueden desde el 2020


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