Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Tijuana, Baja California: Police Couple Handle Their Fucking Business During Armed Attack

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A police couple, a municipal and state police officer, were shot at in front of a house on Cañón Johnson Street in Tijuana at noon on Saturday, January 6.

According to information obtained by ZETA, the couple, the municipal policeman and the woman from the State Investigations Agency, were ambushed while they were in a gray Toyota Tacoma truck on Cañón Jonhson Street.

In a video circulating on social networks, the couple is parked at a house when a gray Jeep Cherokee, pulled up to them and unknown subjects begins firing away. 

Dozens of shell casings were scattered at the crime scene.

Following the attack, the agents repelled the aggression in which one of the assassins was killed, who was abandoned along with the vehicle meters ahead of the crime scene.

The deceased, whose identity is unknown, was wearing blue jeans and a plaid hooded sweatshirt. A long gun was found next to his body. The assailants vehicle had several bullet holes.

The injured agent was taken in his private vehicle to the ISSSTECALI Hospital.

Cañón Jonhson Street
Tijuana, Baja California 


  1. Pistoleros vs pistoleros..nice

    1. That's a bad bitch! Playgirl waited them goons out for a bit like it wasn't shit. And calmly handled her fucking business. Thats what I'm talking about. Hell fuck yeah!

    2. 👍👍👍


    3. And then the "bad bitch" and her man get cut up into pieces after Hee Ha Hee Ha Hee Ha.

    4. Yup happy ending

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. She must have walked calmly to find the dude was left behind and told him "look at me" one last time. 🥰🥰

    7. Straight Buzz kill 4:26 lame

    8. 12:24 yea, he's a stupid and annoying buzzkill

    9. Oh wow, I love her!!

    10. Hell why did the chicken no balls Municipal Police man, go run and hide, at Tia Coca, aluminum roof home?

    11. 1:52 Cause he was out of bullets. Duh!!

    12. Wow, that chick is bad ass… and she is obviously a much better shot than the attackers… No switch those were all semi auto’s… Pretty bad ass to take on an AR or an AK with a 9 mm and come out on top

  2. I thought Tijuana (Mexican) police both City and State werent allowed to bring their service weapons home? Can someone enlighten me.

    1. Are you living in the Fred Flinstones age.
      You know they have to have weapons , to protect themselves off duty too, what you want the criminals to easily kill them.

    2. Hehehe Fred flinston joke made my year.

    3. First stated a Toyota pick up truck then the other sentence mention jeep Cherokee, which one is it? Lol

    4. You do understand these articles are written in Spanish first then translated. It’s not a Harry Potter book kids.

    5. Cant you see in the video dumb ass

    6. @4.40. I think they might have been talking about TJ corruption. Or maybe recoiling from Sols satire. At least I hope to fuck it's satire...
      "This Playgirl Bitch be handlin her bidness like a bitch ass bitch!"
      (Rubio NYC- "Shout out to you Sol. I would rape her so hard. I mean I would really rape her. Hard. Eating my breakfast now.")

  3. 3:34 according to local TJ media this hit was done by MZ gunmen and they where targeting police on CAF payroll. Probably knew it was matter of time before they went for them so they where probably prepared.

  4. Wow wow wow.... this shit is electric. First that truck was armored. Dude unloaded with a switch on em.

    Training and tactics got them to tomorrow.

    Plus how cool is her head. Wow.

    1. that didnt sound like a switch to me. switches literally unload the magazine in a trigger pull.

  5. Dead men don't wear plaid..

  6. GREAT JOB POLICE. Keep up the good work.

    1. Ya, the two that were attacked. Where were the on duty pigs. Just as in the US, the chicken shits were hiding and eating donuts.

    2. They were expecting the hit because theyre fucking rats

    3. Crooked police.

    4. Have you met a tj cop before? Theyre just as bad if not worse in some cases..

    5. They're probably still getting whacked off from that 500 kilo load that was stolen. So, yes, chances are very likely that this couple is somewhat involved in the underworld. Too root for a cop in MX is rooting for lower than than the cartel scum.

  7. The lady didn't even freeze, she cool.

    1. Yes, but the laissez-faire attitude and failure to notice that a vehicle pulled up in a very suspicious way and blocked him in. It took her 5 to 10 seconds to notice that when she should’ve been more aware of her surroundings and potential threats… Now once the bullet started flying, she displayed a cool head, but she’s lucky the truck was armored, or she would be dead

  8. Estan duros los vergazos

  9. The truck was armored? Or did they just miss

    sounded like a pistol to me

    both this and the Flaquito were done sloppy, probably more than one reason, but they rushed this too. Timing and guys got impulsive to hit them. Plus, probably knowing they are armed and ready too, not just civilians.

  10. Corrupted cops get hit too, this time they had the upper hand. That’s not a good hit, which ended up in their demise. Homeboy cop (driver) popped of nine rounds or so from inside the windshield, home girl just kept them at bay. I’m sure that they will get dealt with later on,

  11. And one of the assailants discarded like trash, laying on the street.

  12. Mexican municipal police officers are not allowed to take thier guns home. I know this because my baby moma is a cop in jalisco. The reason cops prefer Plata over plomo is because when they are off duty they can be killed off very easily.

    1. Have any interesting stories that wouldn't risk her safety?

    2. That happened in Tijuana dummy maybe their department allows them to take their weapons home and as for plata it depends on you like your girlfriend.

    3. Good job TJ P.D.looks like they are not all stupid. Just the bad guys Not wearing Vests maybe their boss is tight with money

  13. Man that woman handled that like a pro. Took cover and then blasted right back.

  14. Los pepos y los mañocipales en TJ son malandros con charola.

  15. It seems like she doesn’t even notice the first 10-12 shots after that she ducks and retrieves her gun

    1. 9:28 maybe she’s too high on something.

  16. la pinche camioneta ni cherokee es, no mamen.!

    1. Para que veas que Zeta Tijuana a veces la caga con su reportaje. También fallaron con otros datos y nadie se a dado cuenta todavía.

  17. they shot up the palenque in Petatlan, a bunch of people got killed.

  18. Nice to see the good guys/women win one. I've always said if the citizens of Mexico were allowed to arm themself a lot of this type of killing would stop.

    1. 5:31 Ricco
      Various times in the past, a few towns people, have brought up arms to defend their town (Autodefensas), only to have the local Cartel cry to the governor, "you're on our payroll, do something about it". Governor gets the Army to disarm the townspeople.
      The only weapon they are allowed to have is a 38 revolver, and you have to go to one gun shop in Mexico City.
      Who will win a gun fight a 38 or the criminal that has an AK -47.

    2. 1:31 you can't win when the government is siding with the criminals

  19. Criminals vs criminals
    The criminals with badges won this time
    (Everyone knows Tijuana cops are the grimiest cops in Mexico)

  20. I'll take Her and Linda Hamilton on my team any day.

  21. The assassin's where in a Kia Sorento not a Jeep Cherokee. Good ole fashion shootout.

  22. Now that's what I call Police and State Police confronting the ambush.
    That lady maybe State Police, she kept her aim and hit some as the car was fleeing.
    Maybe they will ask Sol for the video and Benicio Del Toro will use it in Sicario 4.

  23. Seems like a rarity these days, but so nice to hear

  24. She handled business but as a cop she should have better situational awareness she kinda froze luckily she didn’t take a shot or the pussy didn’t get off the truck and thats why he got blasted for not doing the Jale right lol

  25. Where was lizard boy, when these cops needed back up?🤣😂


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