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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Transgender Activist Killed in Mexico City; Order Believed to Have Originated from Inside Prison

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Samantha Gomes Fonseca, a transgender activist and politician, was killed over the weekend in Mexico City. Investigators believe the attack may have been ordered by La Union Tepito, a gang in Mexico City (photo credit: Telediario)
A recent surge in transgender killings has been witnessed in Mexico during the initial weeks of 2024. Within this timeframe, at least three transgender individuals have lost their lives.

One such incident took place on Sunday when Samantha Gomes Fonseca, a 37-year-old transgender activist and politician, was fatally shot multiple times while inside her car in southern Mexico City.

Samantha originally intended to join a march alongside fellow activists, aiming to promote greater acceptance of transgender individuals in society. After she was murdered, however, the focus of the march evolved into passionate call for justice and the need for more robust legislation addressing hate crimes.

Three days prior to her killing, Miriam Noemi Ríos, a transgender woman and municipal official, was murdered in Jacona, Michoacán.

In Mexico, incidents of violence against gay and transgender communities are unfortunately common. The country, characterized by a "macho" culture and a deeply religious population, often sees these marginalized groups targeted.

Samantha's murder
Officials in Mexico City confirmed over the weekend that Samantha was murdered shortly after visiting Reclusorio Sur, a penitentiary in southern Mexico City, and it appears that the perpetrator was familiar with the route she would take.

"[Samantha] was reportedly visiting her romantic partner in Reclusorio Sur," he mentioned.

After Samantha left the prison, she boarded a Didi transport. At a specific location during the journey, an individual, seemingly aware of her route, shot at her near a bus stop in Xochimilco muncipality. This strongly suggests that the murder was meticulously planned well in advance.

Investigators from the Attorney General's Office of Mexico City (FGJ) believe that Samantha's murder was probably orchestrated by an inmate within Reclusorio Sur. Allegedly, there were "problems" Samantha had with one of the prisoners who belongs to La Unión Tepito, one of Mexico City's main gangs. 

As evident in the video above, the assailant was positioned at a bus stop, anticipating Samantha's rideshare vehicle to approach.

Above is another video angle of the murder. There is a speed bump at this location, compelling vehicles to reduce speed. The perpetrator concealed the weapon within a bag and swiftly fled the scene after committing the murder.

Transgender activist Kenya Cuevas stated that Samantha had reported receiving threats, but her concerns went unheard, and no protective measures were implemented for her.

The FGJ has indicated that they are also investigating the murder "under the femicide protocol," a legal framework that categorizes the intentional killing of a woman based on her gender. Nevertheless, they are not ruling out the possibility that she might have been targeted due to her political aspirations or activities within the prison. Samantha was known to conduct workshops and events for transgender inmates in the prison where she was held.

Since Sunday, her murder has made national headlines in Mexico, sparking reactions across the political elite in Mexico City.


  1. Can someone cover up the current war between cds and cjng? Cjng left a decapitated head in tuxtla Gutierrez after that cds responded with leaving 4 decapitated heads

    1. Send an email over to BB and it would help if you also do some of the writing. 🤓

    2. 138 u must be new here .. suggest u research borderland beat archives old stories

  2. When they wanna get you, they’ll get you. The fact this was planned even though Sam ordered a Didi ride on her phone is crazy.

  3. "can't we all just get along?"
    .. Rodney King

    1. Cartel modified it to "cant we all just get a gun?"

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. No we cant cause its in our DNA

  4. An alleged CDS sicario describing how Nini got rich


  5. Profesional hit well timed execution

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I hope they/them/we shall rest in peace.

  8. What the hell is in the water that makes GDL men gay and CDMX men trans ?

    1. "What the hell is in the water GDL men gay and CDMX men trans"
      Its in the propaganda of the world,its now wrong to be a masculine male.They call masculinity toxic in this fucked up world.

    2. How tho that propaganda doesn’t make me wanna join that stuff it disgusts/annoys me even more

    3. The line between GDL, CDMX and Morelia is a result of Mexicans having a weird obsession with some bad traits of American culture. Source: Tinder/Bumble bios

  9. I highly doubt that she was killed for being a transformer. Her partner is in jail and she held regular workshops there. Maybe i am a jerk but she brought contraband into the jail and her partner was a criminal. She made bad choices and paid for.

    1. Transformer 😆 😆 that made me laugh. Also reminded me of Lizzo lmao. Feel kinda bad tho hopefully those type of people ended up being happy with themselves

  10. First of all, what in the fuck does activist mean? Very loosely applied in many instances, it saying here cause I don’t know, but it is. I know this liberal speech restricted site most likely won’t publish this. Why? That’s what lying liberals do. Either label you a hateful monster of some sort, or scream over you, or restrict your speech. The odds are this individual was involved in nefarious activities. The odds are this individual was not killed for identifying a certain way. Just as long as the person isn’t fucking with my kids or family i salute them. The giant elephant in the room is the fact that girls and women are kidnapped raped trafficked killed at a disgusting rate in Mexico. It’s accepted and is the norm besides a few meaningless marches and protests. Until one faces those facts save the bullshit about an “activist” pretend girl!

    1. You are way to emotional, doesnt help the cause. Stay strong but cool down.

  11. That cabron wasnt fuckin round

  12. "under the femicide protocol,"
    Political correctness,you tend to think there is some kind of world agenda

  13. Fuck me what a looker

  14. Why do chilangos have a weird obsession with trying to be American? Specifically ones from degenerate U.S. cities such as San Francisco, Portland, Atlanta etc


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