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Friday, January 19, 2024

US Citizen Kidnapped in Sinaloa Rescued by Local Authorities

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Miroslava Lazcano Torres was found alive, but authorties did not comment on her health status
Miroslava Lazcano Torres, a woman abducted in Culiacán, Sinaloa, was successfully liberated by municipal police officers this week. It has been reported that she is a US citizen.

According to accounts, Miroslava lives in the US state of Arizona, and was in Culiacan to spend the winter holiday break with her relatives.

On January 6, she was kidnapped by individuals driving a Nissan Tsuru in the Emilio Zapata neighborhood and had been held captive since then. The police located her in a safe house in Villa Satelite on January 18, responding to calls from neighbors who reported hearing distressing screams.

Upon entering the premises, law enforcement discovered Miroslava handcuffed and with her head covered. Authorities have not provided details regarding potential arrests in connection with the incident.

Keeping a kidnapping victim in captivity for more than a week might suggest that the kidnappers were negotiating a ransom with Miroslava's family. Otherwise, there is a likelihood that they would have killed her if their intentions were different. 


  1. They dont say travel warning to Mexico for nothing, people dont listen. They should of whacked her just for being stupid.

    1. Youre a fkn dumb fuck. People even get kidnapped in the US.

    2. @ 5:34 You sound like an ignorant POS!

    3. 7:17p your the dumb fuck. You seriously are that fucking stupid to compare the kidnapping stats in Mexico to USA?! I’m assuming you wore a worthless mask, stood in line for your multiple shots of pig vomit, and believe the fraud crime boss actually got 81 million votes! WOW! Drop the fucking pride and face reality you shit for brains!

    4. Parece sumbody ready for a candy bar and a nap!

    5. 7:17: hardly ever do people in US get kidnapped. U know why? Guaranteed to get caught and it’s 30 to life in prison. Only in 3rd world countries do they kidnap

    6. 7:17pm nah youre the dumb one stupid SOB. Hilarious you telling me that i wore a mask yet youre the one saying to stay home and listen to travel warnings you fkn pussy lmao fkn dumb fuck. Did your stupid ass not read she went to mexico to see relatives??? What if she has old parents she has not seen in a long time? Or sick loved ones??? POS scumbag like the above comment stay in your fkn basement. F you and you sound like a racist fuck.

      PS a borderland beat please post this comment i know im talking a lot of shit but these stupid fucks w no common sense deserve it. This dumbfucks post is way worse than what im saying. These pieces of shit ALWAYS putring women down cus they never get laid get on my fln nerves. Its like they hate women cus they never had a mother who loved them. I bet 7:17pm had never had a mother that breast fed his ass probably POS baby formula.

    7. 8:48 is 100% correct. I have a ton of family in Culiacán. They ask when we’re going to visit again. I ask them when they’re moving, because I’m not going back. Sinaloa is level 4, DO NOT TRAVEL, because of crime and kidnapping. Going there is just plain stupid.

    8. 11:00 yea i wouldnt go, i wouldnt trust your family in Culiacan, have you seen all those stories of those sinaloas selling their family members for a fix? If you have a little bit of money dont go, theyll probably planning how to steal it from you

    9. @8:48 airhead moron.
      "Find (steal) me 11780 votes - Trump
      It was this toddler flower,who cannot handle a loss,who cheated.
      And tried to con people it was the Democrats cheating .
      It worked on the bonehead airhead Republicans.

    10. @8:48
      "Find (steal) me 11780 votes" --Trump. It was this toddler flower who cheated.
      He cannot handle a loss and tried to fool people it was the Democrats cheating. It worked on the airhead bonehead Republicans like you.

    11. Levantan gente en todas las ciudades que son frontera con mexico go down there and fuck around you will find out real quick

    12. "bonehead airhead republicans" hahaha 8:48 is a fkn airhead conservative lmfao

      These republicans are dumb AF. They say how the democrats cheated. How when a republican president was in power?

      Same when you ask them who killed epstein and they say the clintons did it lmfao how when wouldnt it make sense it was hit cheeto trump? I mean he was in charge of the CIA and they have the special activities division with professional assassins, they could literally do anything. So it makes more sense trump did it. But these bonehead airheads dont have the ability to use their brains much.

    13. Many americans are kidnapped by cartels and crossed into Mexico in the trunk of a vehicle or a semi trailer, but you never hear about it. However, these are folks who are connected to cartel business. Kidnapping for $$$ there is a few, like bank managers family but the most kidnapping in america is by sexual deviants which there is many or spouses scooping their kids.

    14. Kidnapping for ransom is actually pretty rare in the US

    15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    16. @5.34. It says she is "reportedly" a US citizen, it doesn't say she is a tourist who blithely ignored travel warnings. You know how many US citizens have family in Culiacan? The people who read this site to firm up their fear and loathing is depressing.

  2. Will the kidnappers battered corpses end up on the streets of culiacan or is this ok?

    1. @5.45. Not a good question. You make it sound like it's one or the other.
      It was the municipal police who "saved" her. They "saved" me once too. They were the same fuckers who took me and I had to eat it.

  3. CJNG must have snuck into Culiacan and kidnapped this poor girl. All you CDS nut huggers say that this never happens in Sinaloa. Fuck all cartels.

    1. The kidnappers going to end up dead soon

    2. 6:42 maybe and that a BIG MAYBE cause they were caught other wise the bosses would give them a high five for not getting caught, CDS is the same shit as CJNG fool

    3. 7;27 fighting of cartels? Who is the fool lol

    4. 8:54 did i not get my point across? Ok i know my first language is not English but where in my sentence did i mention any "fighting of cartels" ?

    5. 9:13
      perfect English would be 'that's', or 'that is', instead of 'that', which you wrote..
      'Otherwise' is one word..
      If it wasn't for this, there's absolutely nothing that would indicate that you were writing in a second language, i've been a native English speaker for almost three quarters of a century, so i definitely know my shit on this subject, you have nothing to apologize for in that regard, you strung a bunch of words together in a harmonious flow, using correct colloquial american syntax y ya, you nailed it..
      Many second language morons (myself definitely included), are lucky to torturously integrate 4 or 5 words into a disjointed, stiff sounding sentence..
      The bummer about trying master a foreign language is that the more you learn, the more you realize you're just scratching the surface..
      It ain't like shooting fish in a barrel..

    6. 6:18 im just lazy and dont use the apostrefies, cause thats an extra step on my phone

  4. with that last name I wouldn't travel to Mexico, let alone Culiacan...

  5. She doesn’t get kidnapped, she chooses to go party with the narcos for a couple days.

    1. Wrong. I know Miro. She didn't go to a party and she didn't owe money to anyone. Her last name is a popular last name that several criminals also have.

  6. Mañana amanecen por ahí esos secuestradores

  7. When I see Arizona and Culiacan I automatically assume there is some type of drug trafficking connection. Those 2 are just a bad mix. Now with that being said, it could've been a held for ransom or more than likely an unsettled debt. I'll take my chances and go with the latter.

    1. That was actually what happen they were trying to collect a debt

    2. 803, que te digo.

    3. No unsettled debt. It looks to be a mistake in identity with her last name Lazcano. I know Miro personally.

  8. Callo la Hermana del ruso en mexicali

    1. Salio ya en los noticieros?

    2. She’s involved ? Or just because elections ?

  9. No puedo creer que a estas alturas de la vida todavia aiga pendejos que defienden al CDS, o a cual quier otro cartel! Todos son la misma basure subhumana

  10. Remember that chapos tend to kidnap someone related to their main target. Asi de corrientes son

    1. She had the same last name as a notorious criminal but not related.

    2. She isn't related to anyone but has a popular last name.

  11. Yo Moro you know that you’re the second machine here. Number one goes to Sol. But I see you popping articles left and right. Good ones too.

    Be easy

    Rubio NYC

    1. Mocosos in here, Sol is the machine.
      Stay outta trouble, Meth is king.
      Where is that kid that says CJNG is king?

      Rubio NYC

    2. Orale Chemito Rubio
      Viva Puerto Rico chico.

  12. Not every kidnapped person is innocent. Sometimes it’s direct, sometimes indirect, but a debt is paid for with someone else’s blood, and in this case someone paid up local cops to get her, if not the ransom would’ve gone through.

  13. Que tantoo pedo pues hahaha.. algun familiar a de haber debido un billete a LA people y pagaron su deuda boom liberada

  14. Humberto Lazcano Lazcano, Z 3. The Los Zeta of Los Zetas. el numoro uno. The supreme original Zeta. Lazca was the man. I wonder if she is family. My guess is yes or they thought she was. He was way before Z 40.

    1. All good but Lazca was technically 3, not 1. 1 was Arturo Gumzan D.

    2. 12:50 read the comment again. Guy is saying lazcano was zeta 3 just like youre saying BUT hes number 1 as the GOAT of the zetas, the best one of them all. Get it now?

    3. 10:00 Lazcano is NOT a rare last name in México.
      Juan "The Hispanic Causing Panic" Lazcano from Ciudad Juárez was a top contender in the lightweight division in the 2000s. Brutal fighter always in top condition . Check out his title challenge fights.
      Are we to assume he was also a relative of Z3?

    4. She is not related to a crime family or criminal and there was no debt being to be paid. Lazcano is a popular last name. I know her personally. She is not a natural red head.

  15. El Ruso detained in mexicali, are the rumors true???

    1. the sister was captured that's the latest news

  16. So fellas excuse the off topic comment/question. I booked a flight that will connect in Mexico City and then proceed to Puerto Escondido (My destination) Oaxaca. The flight included a layover in Mexico City then it flies into Puerto.I am flying mid June hoping for waves as June-October is big swell season. My question is this. I have taken UBER or other drivers from Mexico City and it seems on average to take about 6-6:30hrs and costs roughly $399. So taking a car vs an airplane is stupid no? I do like looking at scenery but with the cartels popping off everywhere it seems the most practical and prudent to take the plane. Any thoughts?

    1. Yes you might as well wear a T-shirt with Red circle Target in the back and the front. The Uber driver can be a Cartel member in disguise, instead he will take you to a safe house, to do wicked things.

    2. Take the plane bro....

    3. Take the plane to Hualtuco and then hopefully the hotel you’re staying at will pick you up. Have fun and be safe. The wave is punishing!!

  17. Is she a real redhead?🤔

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. 3:59
    First full moon in March is the start of the swell, by summer it's insane..
    Once you've paddled out at zicatela or the point, you'll NEVER have to prove your courage again..
    Hurricane Paolin in '96 changed the contour of the ocean bottom, it was once the perfect wave.. Back in the day, we flew in De Havilland Twin Otters and ancient DC 3's from the old dirt runway in Puerto to Oaxaca, talk about scary!
    Think they built the modern day jet airport around 1982..
    You'd be out of your mind to pay those big bucks to Uber, a first class bus costs a fraction of that..
    Mountain roads wind through Zapotec serape- weaving villages, majestic pine forests of San Jose del Pacifico, tremendous cultural experience, i took that route one time on a second class bus, and a fellow passenger was transporting a 3 foot long iguana, on a leash connected to a ring in his nose..
    Check out the turtle sanctuary in Mazunte..
    You're gonna have fun!

  19. Que habrá hecho ?

  20. 46 años para q ande en eso Miroslava

  21. Must have connections to be found alive...

  22. But but but Americans don’t get kidnapped in Mexico 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️.

  23. In other news, there are reports that La Kena has been captured. Apparently the powers that be are tired of their war.

    1. If you scroll down in BB you will see the post about Kena's arrest, there are actually two post about Kena, you are a little late buddy

  24. She is half sister of el 22 from guasave


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